adyeths / u2o

USFM to OSIS bible format converter.
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Some words are sticked together #122

Closed LAfricain closed 9 months ago

LAfricain commented 9 months ago

Hello, I have this text in the usfm file:

\s2 Les Anciens
\v 17 \w Les|strong="G3588"\w* \w anciens|strong="G4245"\w* \add qui\add* \w gouvernent|strong="G4291"\w* \w bien|strong="G2573"\w* \w sont dignes|strong="G0515"\w* d’être \w doublement|strong="G1362"\w* \w rémunérés|strong="G5092"\w*, \w principalement|strong="G3122"\w* \w ceux qui|strong="G3588"\w* \w travaillent|strong="G2872"\w* \w à la|strong="G1722"\w* \w prédication|strong="G3056"\w* \w et à|strong="G2532"\w* \w l’enseignement|strong="G1319"\w*.

add is the problem, it is sticked with the word before and after it. I don't have this problem in Marc with the add tag. The osis file it looks like this:

<title type="x-s2">Les Anciens</title>
      <p><verse sID="1Tim.5.17" osisID="1Tim.5.17" n="17"/><w lemma="strong:G3588">Les</w> <w lemma="strong:G4245">anciens</w><transChange type="added">qui</transChange><w lemma="strong:G4291">gouvernent</w> <w lemma="strong:G2573">bien</w> <w lemma="strong:G0515">sont dignes</w> d’être <w lemma="strong:G1362">doublement</w> <w lemma="strong:G5092">rémunérés</w>, <w lemma="strong:G3122">principalement</w> <w lemma="strong:G3588">ceux qui</w> <w lemma="strong:G2872">travaillent</w> <w lemma="strong:G1722">à la</w> <w lemma="strong:G3056">prédication</w> <w lemma="strong:G2532">et à</w> <w lemma="strong:G1319">l’enseignement</w>. <verse eID="1Tim.5.17"/>
adyeths commented 9 months ago

Should be fixed now.

LAfricain commented 9 months ago

Thank you! Works fine