adzap / timeliness

Fast date/time parsing for the control freak.
MIT License
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Timeliness 0.3.9 has invalid file permissions #30

Closed tanelsuurhans closed 5 years ago

tanelsuurhans commented 5 years ago

When installing the latest version of the gem, the main file included comes with invalid permissions, preventing anyone but the owner from reading/executing the file.

This breaks production deployments where the application is ran as a separate user from the deploy user (i.e shared groups).

​$ ls -la /Users/tanel/.rbenv/versions/2.4.2/lib/ruby/gems/2.4.0/gems/timeliness-0.3.9/lib
total 8
drwxr-xr-x   4 tanel.suurhans  staff   128B Feb  4 11:04 ./
drwxr-xr-x  11 tanel.suurhans  staff   352B Feb  5 12:13 ../
drwxr-xr-x  10 tanel.suurhans  staff   320B Feb  4 11:04 timeliness/
-rw-------   1 tanel.suurhans  staff   1.1K Feb  4 11:04 timeliness.rb
macfanatic commented 5 years ago

Broke production for us just now as well, without failing any changes on CI or local development. Not a great find for a patch minor release.

adzap commented 5 years ago

That sucks, sorry about. Don' know how that happened. Seems some of my old projects file permissions might be borked. Need to review them all.

I have pushed 0.3.10 and yanked 0.3.9. Let me know if that is all good.

rodovich commented 5 years ago

I encountered the problem with 0.3.9 and can confirm that it works under 0.3.10.

adzap commented 5 years ago


tanelsuurhans commented 5 years ago

Thank you for taking care of this so quickly. The new release solved the problem.