adzerk-oss / boot-cljs-repl

Boot task providing a REPL for ClojureScript development.
Eclipse Public License 1.0
72 stars 28 forks source link

Start-repl hangs #39

Closed arichiardi closed 8 years ago

arichiardi commented 8 years ago

From yesterday, our project started to have problems with the Clojurescript repl.

I start it with boot dev, which contains:

(comp (serve)
          (build :type :dev)
          (reload :on-jsload 'cljs-repl-web.core/main))

Then I connect from another boot repl -c and trigger (start-repl) but the only output I receive is:

<< started Weasel server on ws:// >>
<< waiting for client to connect ... Connection is ws://localhost:46207
Writing boot_cljs_repl.cljs...

That's it. The app is displayed as usual in the browser so I cannot understand what I am doing wrong and if there is any obvious reason.

A question I guess is, how can I debug it?

arichiardi commented 8 years ago Chrome I don't see any trace of adzerk/boot_cljs_repl.cljs for instance...


arichiardi commented 8 years ago

My task was modifying the env within the task, which for some reason boot-cljs does not like.

I was changing basically :source-paths, adding one folder for development and :resources. I guess I cannot do it, can I ?

arichiardi commented 8 years ago

It is not that alone, it is also some other problem I am trying to investigate. But it's kind of late now so I will call it a day.

arichiardi commented 8 years ago

So I was calling set-env! in two different tasks, so twice, with the same values apparently, but boot-cljs-repl did not like. Closing this, sorry for the noise.