I seem to be having a bit of a task getting stuff to reload using boot
i have installed the saapas project on a vagrant running ubuntu 64
the following is the build.boot
; Test path can be included here as source-files are not included in JAR
; Just be careful to not AOT them
:source-paths #{"src/cljs" "src/less" "src/scss" "test/clj" "test/cljs"}
:resource-paths #{"src/clj" "src/cljc"}
:dependencies '[[org.clojure/clojure "1.9.0-alpha10"]
[org.clojure/clojurescript "1.9.89"]
[boot/core "2.6.0" :scope "test"]
[adzerk/boot-cljs "1.7.228-1" :scope "test"]
[adzerk/boot-cljs-repl "0.3.3" :scope "test"]
[crisptrutski/boot-cljs-test "0.2.2-SNAPSHOT" :scope "test"]
[com.cemerick/piggieback "0.2.1" :scope "test"]
[weasel "0.7.0" :scope "test"]
[org.clojure/tools.nrepl "0.2.12" :scope "test"]
[adzerk/boot-reload "0.4.11" :scope "test"]
[metosin/boot-alt-test "0.1.0" :scope "test"]
[deraen/boot-less "0.5.0" :scope "test"]
;; For boot-less
[org.slf4j/slf4j-nop "1.7.21" :scope "test"]
[deraen/boot-sass "0.2.1" :scope "test"]
[deraen/boot-ctn "0.1.0" :scope "test"]
; Backend
[http-kit "2.2.0"]
[org.clojure/tools.namespace "0.2.11"]
[reloaded.repl "0.2.2"]
[com.stuartsierra/component "0.3.1"]
[metosin/ring-http-response "0.8.0"]
[ring "1.5.0"]
[compojure "1.5.1"]
[hiccup "1.0.5"]
; Frontend
[reagent "0.6.0-rc"]
[binaryage/devtools "0.7.2"]
[org.webjars/bootstrap "3.3.6"]
[org.webjars.bower/bootstrap "4.0.0-alpha" :exclusions [org.webjars.bower/jquery]]])
'[adzerk.boot-cljs :refer [cljs]]
'[adzerk.boot-cljs-repl :refer [cljs-repl start-repl repl-env]]
'[adzerk.boot-reload :refer [reload]]
'[metosin.boot-alt-test :refer [alt-test]]
'[deraen.boot-less :refer [less]]
'[deraen.boot-sass :refer [sass]]
'[deraen.boot-ctn :refer [init-ctn!]]
'[crisptrutski.boot-cljs-test :refer [test-cljs prep-cljs-tests run-cljs-tests]]
'[backend.boot :refer [start-app]]
'[reloaded.repl :refer [go reset start stop system]])
; Watch boot temp dirs
pom {:project 'saapas
:version "0.1.0-SNAPSHOT"
:description "Application template for Cljs/Om with live reloading, using Boot."
:license {"The MIT License (MIT)" "http://opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php"}}
aot {:namespace #{'backend.main}}
jar {:main 'backend.main}
cljs {:source-map true}
less {:source-map true}
repl {:host "" :port 9000 :bind ""}
cljs-repl {:ip "" :port 9000 :nrepl-opts {:host "" :port 9000 }}
reload {
;; :open-file "vim --servername --remote-silent +norm%sG%s| %s"
:ids #{"js/main"}
:port 9001
; :ws-host ""
; :ip ""
; :asset-host "localhost:3000"
; :asset-path "target"
; :cljs-asset-path "src/cljs"
start-app {:port 3000 }
(deftask dev
"Start the dev env..."
[s speak bool "Notify when build is done"
p port PORT int "Port for web server"
a use-sass bool "Use Scss instead of less"
t test-cljs bool "Compile and run cljs tests"]
(if use-sass
; This starts a repl server with piggieback middleware
(cljs-repl :ids #{"js/main"})
(cljs :ids #{"js/main"})
(if speak (boot.task.built-in/speak) identity)))
(deftask run-tests
[a autotest bool "If no exception should be thrown when tests fail"]
(alt-test :fail (not autotest))
;; FIXME: This is not a good place to define which namespaces to test
(test-cljs :namespaces #{"frontend.core-test"})))
(deftask autotest []
(run-tests :autotest true)))
(deftask package
"Build the package"
(less :compression true)
(cljs :optimizations :advanced)
when i run boot dev i get the following log output
Starting reload server on ws://localhost:9001
Writing adzerk/boot_reload/init2401.cljs to connect to ws://localhost:9001...
Writing boot_cljs_repl.cljs...
Starting web server on http://localhost:3000
Starting file watcher (CTRL-C to quit)...
Compiling {less}... 2 changed files.
Adding :require adzerk.boot-reload.init2401 to main.cljs.edn...
nREPL server started on port 9000 on host - nrepl://
Adding :require adzerk.boot-cljs-repl to main.cljs.edn...
Compiling ClojureScript...
? js/main.js
Elapsed time: 45.321 sec
when i open up the browser I get
Reload websocket connected.
However if I were to edit a cljs or cli file in the source or resource path. nothing happens.
Does boot-reload work in vagrant ubuntu environments?
I seem to be having a bit of a task getting stuff to reload using boot
i have installed the saapas project on a vagrant running ubuntu 64
the following is the build.boot
when i run
boot dev
i get the following log outputwhen i open up the browser I get
However if I were to edit a cljs or cli file in the source or resource path. nothing happens.
Does boot-reload work in vagrant ubuntu environments?