ae3e / ae3e-plotly-panel

Plotly panel for Grafana
Apache License 2.0
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windrose example #11

Open DOSprojects opened 3 years ago

DOSprojects commented 3 years ago


Is it possible to publish the windrose example from the graph?

I am not an expert and trying to figure it out without success. Already figured out a way to decode the timestamps (not needed in this example), but I included it for demo. An I already succeeded in creating a simple line graph with influxdb data, but no windrose. Also, with some trouble - I am no expert, found out to create a windrose with random data. using latest Grafana version and latest Plugin version (as proposed in another issue)

I am using this Influxdb2.0 query, but the data does only returns 2 series (time and winddirection), not the third series (windspeed)

from(bucket: "bucket01") |> range(start: v.timeRangeStart, stop: v.timeRangeStop) |> filter(fn: (r) => r["_measurement"] == "pws") |> filter(fn: (r) => r["_field"] == "winddirection" or r["_field"] == "windspeed")

And this script

console.log(data) // original data var d_time = data.series[0].fields[0].values._chunks[0].data.values; console.log(d_time); var d_dir = data.series[0].fields[1].values._chunks[0].data.values; console.log(d_dir); var nd_dir = d_dir.length; console.log(nd_dir); //var d_spd = data.series[0].fields[2].values._chunks[0].data.values; var d_dir = Array.from(Array(nd_dir)).map(x=>Math.random()359); var d_spd = Array.from(Array(nd_dir)).map(x=>Math.random()105); console.log(d_spd); var nd_spd = d_spd.length; console.log(nd_spd); // def result arrays // recalc timestamps / var r_time = []; var nd_time = t1.length/2; for (var i=0; i<nd_time; i++) { r_time.push((d_time[i2]+d_time[i2+1]6553665536)/1000000); } / let cthetanames = '["N","NO","O","ZO","Z","ZW","W","NW"]'; var ncthetas = 8; //let ccolors = ['"#49ff00"', '"#54ff10"', '"#8dff20"', '"#b9ff2d"', '"#feff41"', '"#fedb37"', '"#feb32b"', '"#fe9322"', '"#fe6116"', '"#ff2609"', '"#ff0000"']; //var nccolors = ccolors.length; let cnames = ['"100<"', '"90<"', '"80<"', '"70<"', '"60<"', '"50<"', '"40<"', '"30<"', '"20<"', '"10<"', '"0<"']; var cspds = [10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60, 70, 80, 90, 100, 500]; var ncspds = cspds.length; var cdirs = [22.5, 67.5, 112.5, 157.5, 202.5, 247.5, 292.5, 337.5, 361]; var ncdirs = cdirs.length; // create bins from data var bins = []; // array [speed][dir] for (var i=0; i<ncspds; i++){ bins.push([]); for (var j=0; j<ncdirs; j++){ bins[i].push(0); } } //***** Loop through data and add correct bin for (var i=0; i<nd_dir; i++){ var dir = d_dir[i]; var spd = d_spd[i]; loops: for (var j=0; j<ncspds; j++){ if (spd<cspds[j]){ for (var k=0; k<ncdirs; k++){ if (dir<cdirs[k]){ bins[j][k]++; break loops; } }
} }
} for (var i=0; i<cspds; i++){ // merge first and last dir (0-22.5° and 337.5-0°) bins[i][0] = bins[i][0] + bins[i][ncdirs-1]; bins[i].pop(); } console.log(bins); var series = "["; for (i=0; i<ncspds; i++) { series = series + '{"r" : [' + bins[i] + '], "theta" : ' + cthetanames + ', "name" : ' + cnames[i] + ', "type": "barpolar"},'; // series = series + '{"r" : [' + bins[i] + '], "theta" : ' + cthetanames + ', "name" : ' + cnames[i] + ', "marker" : {"color" : ' + ccolors[i] + '}, "type": "barpolar"},'; } series = series.slice(0, -1) series = series + "]"; console.log(series); var seriesjson = JSON.parse(series); console.log(seriesjson); return {data : seriesjson};

Thanks Lieven Dossche

ae3e commented 3 years ago

Unfortunatly I'm not familiar with Influx but:

  1. Are you able to chart your timeseries (wind direction and wind speed) on a regular Grafana chart with the influx query written above
  2. Should Influx return one serie with 3 fields (data.series[0].fields[0] to data.series[0].fields[3]) or 2 series (data.series[1] and data.series[2]) with 2 fields (timestamp+value)? What does the console.log(data) at the top of your script return ?
  3. The script to process data looks good to me

Hope it helps...

DOSprojects commented 3 years ago


Thx for the response.

the console.log(data) gives me the opportunity to check the contents of the data variable in the browser developpers console window.

For what I see is that a query should return 1 series. This series contains 1 field with timestamps and then for every field in a query one extra field. But if I define in my query 1, 2 or more fields, in data in only find 2 fields: 1 with the timestamps and one with the first field in the query. Also strange is that the time field contains double the number of elements as the data field. In fact I need to recreate the timestamps array myself combining 2 elements i and i+1 to 1 value with the formula ([ix]+[ix+1]*6553665536)/1000000. It seems an Influxdb v2 issue, but it is strange that the built-in panels do the timestamps correctly and also can display more then one series?!?

Nevertheless, I am experimenting, as with the script above, with more interesting plotly graph types and very enthusiastic. Very useful plugin and a huge extension of the standard panels.

tried to include some samples:

plotly0 plotly1 plotly2

Kind Regards Lieven

cgfoed commented 3 years ago

THIS ISSUE WAS PURE GOLD for me! I would never have figured out why my InfluxDB2 would not plot whatsoever.

@ae3e : It would be great if you could put the following Code / Information in your Readme concerning InfluxDB 2 query results.

They are provided in the "wrong" array format and have to be converted. Thanks to @LDossche for providing the correct path to the data!

var x_data_64 = data.series[0].fields[1].values._chunks[0].data.values;
var y_data_64 = data.series[1].fields[1].values._chunks[0].data.values;
var x_data = Array.from(x_data_64);
var y_data = Array.from(y_data_64);
var trace = {x: x_data, y: y_data };             
cgfoed commented 3 years ago

@LDossche I discovered a bug in Grafana, which maybe causes your problem. Grafana seems to ignore all other columns it receives from an influx query IF there is a column present wich is named "_value". Try adding a simple rename to your query end and see if this helps - it did for me: |> rename(columns: {_value: "_value_new"})

DOSprojects commented 3 years ago

@cgfoed Thanks for sharing. The rename trick works for me, partially. For a timeframe <=12h, series looks like this: series: Array(2)

  • 0: -- fields: Array(6) --- 0: {name: "_start", type: "time", values: t, config: {…}, labels: undefined, …} --- 1: {name: "_stop", type: "time", values: t, config: {…}, labels: undefined, …} --- 2: {name: "_time", type: "time", values: t, config: {…}, labels: undefined, …} --- 3: {name: "_value_new", type: "number", values: t, config: {…}, labels: undefined, …} --- 4: {name: "_field", type: "string", values: t, config: {…}, labels: undefined, …} --- 5: {name: "_measurement", type: "string", values: t, config: {…}, labels: undefined, …} --- ...
  • 1: -- fields: Array(6) --- 0: {name: "_start", type: "time", values: t, config: {…}, labels: undefined, …} --- 1: {name: "_stop", type: "time", values: t, config: {…}, labels: undefined, …} --- 2: {name: "_time", type: "time", values: t, config: {…}, labels: undefined, …} --- 3: {name: "_value_new", type: "number", values: t, config: {…}, labels: undefined, …} --- 4: {name: "_field", type: "string", values: t, config: {…}, labels: undefined, …} --- 5: {name: "_measurement", type: "string", values: t, config: {…}, labels: undefined, …} --- ...
  • _proto
  • ... And I get the correct series: var winddirections = data.series[0].fields[3].values._chunks[0].data.values; var windspeeds = data.series[1].fields[3].values._chunks[0].data.values; Can be optimized with |> drop(columns: ["_measurement", "_start", "_stop"]), which returns fewer fields.

But with a timeframe of eg 7 days, series looks like this: series: Array(1)

  • 0: -- fields: Array(6) --- 0: {name: "_start", type: "time", values: t, config: {…}, labels: undefined, …} --- 1: {name: "_stop", type: "time", values: t, config: {…}, labels: undefined, …} --- 2: {name: "_time", type: "time", values: t, config: {…}, labels: undefined, …} --- 3: {name: "_value_new", type: "number", values: t, config: {…}, labels: undefined, …} --- 4: {name: "_field", type: "string", values: t, config: {…}, labels: undefined, …} --- 5: {name: "_measurement", type: "string", values: t, config: {…}, labels: undefined, …} --- ...
  • _proto
  • ...

So the second series isn't returned anymore. Perhaps some time out or too much data? I am absolutely not a javascript or grafana or whatever specialist :) So I am sure I don't use the tools as a pro does to investigate those issues.

But just taking one step back: A standard line graph panel with the same flux query gives me perfectly 2 line graphs (one winddirection, one windspeed) The Flux query should return for each panel the same data, not? So, here, why do we have to do all those tricks here? e.g. the timestamp calculation, field renaming, ... I tried to look at the code of the standard panels what is different or how it is done there, but that's way beyond my limits

cgfoed commented 3 years ago

I assume it has to do with the max. data points. Try increasing it drastically: image

IF this helps this would be my explanation: Max data points checks AFTER parsing the data. Parsing the data from an influx query is done by grafana and means a major reduction in data points as it removes everything from your query, that's considered garbage like "_start", "_stop", "_measurement" etc.

If you rename "_value" the grafana importer can't find a column to parse und passes ALL the data to your panel. Now every row in every column represents a data point, reaching the "max data points" limit much sooner.

for performance reasons I would recommend dropping all unneeded data yourself by: |> drop(columns: ["_stop", "_start"])

If you are interested, here is my issue:

DOSprojects commented 3 years ago

Indeed increasing the max datapoints solves the issue Thx Lieven

Kyle6699 commented 3 years ago


Thx for the response.

the console.log(data) gives me the opportunity to check the contents of the data variable in the browser developpers console window.

For what I see is that a query should return 1 series. This series contains 1 field with timestamps and then for every field in a query one extra field. But if I define in my query 1, 2 or more fields, in data in only find 2 fields: 1 with the timestamps and one with the first field in the query. Also strange is that the time field contains double the number of elements as the data field. In fact I need to recreate the timestamps array myself combining 2 elements i and i+1 to 1 value with the formula ([ix]+[ix+1]*6553665536)/1000000. It seems an Influxdb v2 issue, but it is strange that the built-in panels do the timestamps correctly and also can display more then one series?!?

Nevertheless, I am experimenting, as with the script above, with more interesting plotly graph types and very enthusiastic. Very useful plugin and a huge extension of the standard panels.

tried to include some samples:

plotly0 plotly1 plotly2

Kind Regards Lieven


How to generate the percentage and how to adjust the true north position(rotation)? Thank you so much!!!

DOSprojects commented 3 years ago


To reproduce this (sorry in Dutch): @.***D7169E.9A5C67F0]

You need: The query from influxdb v2.0: from(bucket: "abucket") |> range(start: v.timeRangeStart, stop: v.timeRangeStop) |> filter(fn: (r) => r["_measurement"] == "weather") |> filter(fn: (r) => (r["_field"] == "winddirection" or r["_field"] == "windspeed")) |> rename(columns: {_value: "v_v"}) |> drop(columns: ["_measurement", "_start", "_stop"])

Layout: { "font": { "color": "white", "size": 16 }, "paper_bgcolor": "#141619", "plot_bgcolor": "#141619", "margin": { "t": 30, "b": 30 }, "xaxis": { "type": "date", "autorange": true, "range": [ 946684800000, 978307200000 ] }, "legend": { "font": { "size": 16 } }, "polar": { "angularaxis": { "color": "lightgrey", "direction": "clockwise", "rotation": 90, "tickcolor": "white", "tickfont": { "color": "white", "size": 14 }, "ticklen": 10, "ticks": "outside", "type": "category" }, "bargap": 3, "barmode": "stack", "barnorm": "percent", "bgcolor": "black", "radialaxis": { "angle": 45, "autorange": true, "color": "lightgrey", "dtick": 10, "range": [ 0, 26.88531703701025 ], "tick0": 0, "tickangle": 90, "tickcolor": "white", "tickfont": { "color": "white", "size": 10 }, "ticklen": 10, "tickmode": "linear", "ticks": "outside", "ticksuffix": "%", "type": "linear" } }, "type": "scatter" }

Here the part: "polar": { "angularaxis": { "color": "lightgrey", "direction": "clockwise", "rotation": 90, Sets the direction of the windrose

And script is: // some vars var i, j, k, dir, spd; // get data console.log(data); if (data.state!="Done") { // retuns 2 times, once "Loading", once "Done" return JSON.parse('[{"type": "barpolar"}, {"type": "barpolar"}]'); } // original data // direction var dir_raw = data.series[0].fields[1].values._chunks[0].data.values; var n_dir_raw = dir_raw.length; console.log("dir"); console.log(dir_raw); console.log(n_dir_raw); // speed var spd_raw = data.series[1].fields[1].values._chunks[0].data.values; var n_spd_raw = spd_raw.length; console.log("speed"); console.log(spd_raw); console.log(n_spd_raw); // some strings, arrays var spdtrips = [2, 4, 6, 10, 15, 20, 40, 60, 80, 100]; var n_spdtrips = spdtrips.length; var dirtrips = [22.5, 67.5, 112.5, 157.5, 202.5, 247.5, 292.5, 337.5, 361]; var n_dirtrips = dirtrips.length; let dirnames = '["Noord", "NO", "Oost", "ZO", "Zuid", "ZW", "West", "NW"]'; let spdcolors = ['"#0033ff"', '"#29b6f6"', '"#00ff00"', '"#dce775"', '"#ffff00"', '"#ffb74d"', '"#ff8000"', '"#ff9999"', '"#ff0000"', '"#6a1b9a"']; let spdnames = ['"0<"', '"2<"', '"4<"', '"6<"', '"10<"', '"15<"', '"20<"', '"40<"', '"60<"', '"80<"', '"100<"']; // create bins from data var bins = []; // array [speed][dir] for (i = 0; i < n_spdtrips; i++){ bins.push([]); for (j = 0; j < n_dirtrips; j++){ bins[i].push(0); } } // Loop through data and add correct bin for (i = 0; i < n_dir_raw; i++) { dir = dir_raw[i]; spd = spd_raw[i]; loops: for (j = 0; j < n_spdtrips; j++) { if (spd < spdtrips[j]) { for (k = 0; k < n_dirtrips; k++) { if (dir < dirtrips[k]) { bins[j][k]++; break loops; } } } } } // merge first and last dir (0-22.5° and 337.5-0°) for (i = 0; i < n_spdtrips; i++) { bins[i][0] = bins[i][0] + bins[i][n_dirtrips-1]; bins[i].pop(); } // numbers to percent for (i = 0; i < n_spdtrips; i++) { for (j = 0; j < n_dirtrips - 1; j++) { bins[i][j] = bins[i][j] / n_dir_raw * 100; } } console.log("final"); console.log(n_dirtrips); console.log(bins); // format uitput var series = "["; for (i = 0; i < n_spdtrips; i++) { series = series + '{"r" : [' + bins[i] + '], "theta" : ' + dirnames + ', "name" : ' + spdnames[i] + ', "marker" : {"color" : ' + spdcolors[i] + '}, "type": "barpolar"}'; if (i < n_spdtrips-1) { series = series + ','; } else { series = series + ']'; } } var seriesjson = JSON.parse(series); console.log(seriesjson); return {data : seriesjson};

Near the end you see the part that converts numbers to percent (see comment)

Van: Yongkun Zhao @.> Verzonden: woensdag 10 maart 2021 17:32 Aan: ae3e/ae3e-plotly-panel @.> CC: LDossche @.>; Mention @.> Onderwerp: Re: [ae3e/ae3e-plotly-panel] windrose example (#11)


Thx for the response.

the console.log(data) gives me the opportunity to check the contents of the data variable in the browser developpers console window.

For what I see is that a query should return 1 series. This series contains 1 field with timestamps and then for every field in a query one extra field. But if I define in my query 1, 2 or more fields, in data in only find 2 fields: 1 with the timestamps and one with the first field in the query. Also strange is that the time field contains double the number of elements as the data field. In fact I need to recreate the timestamps array myself combining 2 elements i and i+1 to 1 value with the formula ([ix]+[ix+1]*6553665536)/1000000. It seems an Influxdb v2 issue, but it is strange that the built-in panels do the timestamps correctly and also can display more then one series?!?

Nevertheless, I am experimenting, as with the script above, with more interesting plotly graph types and very enthusiastic. Very useful plugin and a huge extension of the standard panels.

tried to include some samples: [plotly0] [plotly1] [plotly2]

Kind Regards Lieven


How to generate the percentage and how to adjust the true north position(rotation)? Thank you so much!!!

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Simoneram commented 3 years ago

@cgfoed Thanks for sharing. The rename trick works for me, partially. For a timeframe <=12h, series looks like this: series: Array(2)

* 0:
  -- fields: Array(6)
  --- 0: {name: "_start", type: "time", values: t, config: {…}, labels: undefined, …}
  --- 1: {name: "_stop", type: "time", values: t, config: {…}, labels: undefined, …}
  --- 2: {name: "_time", type: "time", values: t, config: {…}, labels: undefined, …}
  --- 3: {name: "_value_new", type: "number", values: t, config: {…}, labels: undefined, …}
  --- 4: {name: "_field", type: "string", values: t, config: {…}, labels: undefined, …}
  --- 5: {name: "_measurement", type: "string", values: t, config: {…}, labels: undefined, …}
  --- ...

* 1:
  -- fields: Array(6)
  --- 0: {name: "_start", type: "time", values: t, config: {…}, labels: undefined, …}
  --- 1: {name: "_stop", type: "time", values: t, config: {…}, labels: undefined, …}
  --- 2: {name: "_time", type: "time", values: t, config: {…}, labels: undefined, …}
  --- 3: {name: "_value_new", type: "number", values: t, config: {…}, labels: undefined, …}
  --- 4: {name: "_field", type: "string", values: t, config: {…}, labels: undefined, …}
  --- 5: {name: "_measurement", type: "string", values: t, config: {…}, labels: undefined, …}
  --- ...

* _**proto**

* ...
  And I get the correct series:
  var winddirections = data.series[0].fields[3].values._chunks[0].data.values;
  var windspeeds = data.series[1].fields[3].values._chunks[0].data.values;
  Can be optimized with   |> drop(columns: ["_measurement", "_start", "_stop"]), which returns fewer fields.

But with a timeframe of eg 7 days, series looks like this: series: Array(1)

* 0:
  -- fields: Array(6)
  --- 0: {name: "_start", type: "time", values: t, config: {…}, labels: undefined, …}
  --- 1: {name: "_stop", type: "time", values: t, config: {…}, labels: undefined, …}
  --- 2: {name: "_time", type: "time", values: t, config: {…}, labels: undefined, …}
  --- 3: {name: "_value_new", type: "number", values: t, config: {…}, labels: undefined, …}
  --- 4: {name: "_field", type: "string", values: t, config: {…}, labels: undefined, …}
  --- 5: {name: "_measurement", type: "string", values: t, config: {…}, labels: undefined, …}
  --- ...

* _**proto**

* ...

So the second series isn't returned anymore. Perhaps some time out or too much data? I am absolutely not a javascript or grafana or whatever specialist :) So I am sure I don't use the tools as a pro does to investigate those issues.

But just taking one step back: A standard line graph panel with the same flux query gives me perfectly 2 line graphs (one winddirection, one windspeed) The Flux query should return for each panel the same data, not? So, here, why do we have to do all those tricks here? e.g. the timestamp calculation, field renaming, ... I tried to look at the code of the standard panels what is different or how it is done there, but that's way beyond my limits

Hi, I am having a similar issue and found a workaround. Depending on Grafana's time range data in the console is:

  • short ranges: data.series[0].fields[1].values.col._chunks[0].data.values
  • long ranges: data.series[0].fields[1].values._chunks[0].data.values

Depending on time range, the field "col" might be missing.

My workaround to this issue is the following (done directly in Plotly script):

if (typeof data.series[0].fields[1].values.col === 'undefined'){ var myVar = data.series[0].fields[1].values._chunks[0].data.values; } else{ var myVar = data.series[0].fields[1].values.col._chunks[0].data.values; };

It's probably a bit rough but thought it might help

oidamo commented 2 years ago

Thank you all for sharing your code! It was very very helpful for getting into the plotly panel since I could not find another documentation where the panel is used together with influx 2.0.

However, I could not figure out how to use the code to convert the data to the correct array format (data.series[0].fields[1].values._chunks[0].data.values etc). It alway braught me "TypeError: data.series[0].fields[1].values._chunks is undefined".

So I checked the console in Firefox and found that for example the "_time" field had the following path: data.series[0].fields[2].values.source.buffer, see screenshot. Applying this to all fields, the panel worked perfectly, no adjustment of the array structure or whatsoever was needed.


Furthermore I found out that the path only contains ".source" when you apply grafana transformations to the query. When there are no transformations, the path is data.series[0].fields[2].values.buffer.

Don't know if this is helpful for someone, but I wanted to share.

zubenubi commented 2 years ago

Hi @Ldossche, Im also trying to plot wind direction & wind speed in a grafana panel based on ae3e-plotly-panel.

At the moment I am unsure how to configure the panels 'data' 'layout' and 'configuration' fields. Would you mind sharing how yours looks from the dashboard editor?

DOSprojects commented 2 years ago


After Influxdb V2 updates I had to do some changes. My config for the moment:


Layout: { "font": { "color": "white", "size": 16 }, "legend": { "font": { "size": 16 } }, "margin": { "b": 30, "t": 30 }, "paper_bgcolor": "#141619", "plot_bgcolor": "#141619", "polar": { "angularaxis": { "color": "lightgrey", "direction": "clockwise", "rotation": 90, "tickcolor": "white", "tickfont": { "color": "white", "size": 14 }, "ticklen": 10, "ticks": "outside", "type": "category" }, "bargap": 3, "barmode": "stack", "barnorm": "percent", "bgcolor": "black", "radialaxis": { "angle": 45, "autorange": true, "color": "lightgrey", "dtick": 10, "range": [ 0, 32.86316676410352 ], "tick0": 0, "tickangle": 90, "tickcolor": "white", "tickfont": { "color": "white", "size": 10 }, "ticklen": 10, "tickmode": "linear", "ticks": "outside", "ticksuffix": "%", "type": "linear" } }, "type": "scatter", "xaxis": { "autorange": true, "range": [ 946684800000, 978307200000 ], "type": "date" } }

Configuration: { "displayModeBar": false }

Script: // some vars var i, j, k, dir, spd; // get data console.log(data); if (data.state!="Done") { // retuns 2 times, once "Loading", once "Done" return JSON.parse('[{"type": "barpolar"}, {"type": "barpolar"}]'); } // original data // direction var dir_raw = data.series[0].fields[1].values.buffer; var n_dir_raw = dir_raw.length; console.log("dir"); console.log(dir_raw); console.log(n_dir_raw); // speed var spd_raw = data.series[1].fields[1].values.buffer; var n_spd_raw = spd_raw.length; console.log("speed"); console.log(spd_raw); console.log(n_spd_raw); // some strings, arrays var spdtrips = [2, 4, 6, 10, 15, 20, 30, 40, 60, 80, 100]; var n_spdtrips = spdtrips.length; var dirtrips = [22.5, 67.5, 112.5, 157.5, 202.5, 247.5, 292.5, 337.5, 361]; var n_dirtrips = dirtrips.length; let dirnames = '["Noord", "NO", "Oost", "ZO", "Zuid", "ZW", "West", "NW"]'; let spdcolors = ['"#0033ff"', '"#29b6f6"', '"#00ff00"', '"#bfff00"', '"#dce775"', '"#ffff00"', '"#ffb74d"', '"#ff8000"', '"#ff9999"', '"#ff0000"', '"#6a1b9a"']; let spdnames = ['"0<"', '"2<"', '"4<"', '"6<"', '"10<"', '"15<"', '"20<"', '"30<"', '"40<"', '"60<"', '"80<"', '"100<"']; // create bins from data var bins = []; // array [speed][dir] for (i = 0; i < n_spdtrips; i++){ bins.push([]); for (j = 0; j < n_dirtrips; j++){ bins[i].push(0); } } // Loop through data and add correct bin for (i = 0; i < n_dir_raw; i++) { dir = dir_raw[i]; spd = spd_raw[i]; loops: for (j = 0; j < n_spdtrips; j++) { if (spd < spdtrips[j]) { for (k = 0; k < n_dirtrips; k++) { if (dir < dirtrips[k]) { bins[j][k]++; break loops; } } } } } // merge first and last dir (0-22.5° and 337.5-0°) for (i = 0; i < n_spdtrips; i++) { bins[i][0] = bins[i][0] + bins[i][n_dirtrips-1]; bins[i].pop(); } // numbers to percent for (i = 0; i < n_spdtrips; i++) { for (j = 0; j < n_dirtrips - 1; j++) { bins[i][j] = bins[i][j] / n_dir_raw * 100; } } console.log("final"); console.log(n_dirtrips); console.log(bins); // format uitput var series = "["; for (i = 0; i < n_spdtrips; i++) { series = series + '{"r" : [' + bins[i] + '], "theta" : ' + dirnames + ', "name" : ' + spdnames[i] + ', "marker" : {"color" : ' + spdcolors[i] + '}, "type": "barpolar"}'; if (i < n_spdtrips-1) { series = series + ','; } else { series = series + ']'; } } var seriesjson = JSON.parse(series); console.log(seriesjson); return {data : seriesjson};

Kind Regards Lieven

From: zubenubi @.> Sent: dinsdag 11 januari 2022 18:42 To: ae3e/ae3e-plotly-panel @.> Cc: LDossche @.>; Mention @.> Subject: Re: [ae3e/ae3e-plotly-panel] windrose example (#11)

Hi @LDossche, Im also trying to plot wind direction & wind speed in a grafana panel based on ae3e-plotly-panel.

At the moment I am unsure how to configure the panels 'data' 'layout' and 'configuration' fields. Would you mind sharing how yours looks from the dashboard editor?

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steviehs commented 1 year ago

@DOSprojects I am a little bit lost with your description of the queries: My queries against InfluxDB look like this: SELECT mean("wind.wind_speed.value") FROM "zsvwetter" WHERE $timeFilter GROUP BY time($__interval) fill(null) and SELECT mean("wind.wind_direction.value") FROM "zsvwetter" WHERE $timeFilter GROUP BY time($__interval) fill(null)

Both are aliased with speed and direction. But this gives no data to the script as quoted by you. At which point do I need to enter your query?

DOSprojects commented 1 year ago

Hi Stevie

My data comes from an infuxdb. Yours seems SQL to me.

So the start of the script sends some data to the log of your browser (open the developpers aids)

// get data

At least this should give you some data

steviehs commented 1 year ago

Ah, now I understand: you are using flux, while I am using InfluxQL... ok, then I have to understand how to use flux...

DOSprojects commented 1 year ago

I think you can use whatever source you want, as long as it returns you some data. I just have no idea if the format of the returned data is different. But indeed, if you want to copy my example, you need to use flux.

steviehs commented 1 year ago

Yeah, I got it working, thanks! Now I have a strange issue: I played around by zooming in the graph, but I do not find any way to zoom out again - it only shows me the one wind colour a time - or something like that... Is there a way to reset this and: how to stop making the windrose zoomable at all?

steviehs commented 1 year ago

ah.... config: { "displayModeBar": false, "staticPlot": true }