ae3e / ae3e-plotly-panel

Plotly panel for Grafana
Apache License 2.0
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Map, Violin or BoxPlot Example #22

Closed mbarradas closed 3 years ago

mbarradas commented 3 years ago

Hey is there a way in which you could share some data grouping examples? Some plots need raw data and create traces on the fly.I would like have some guidance on how to achieve it through the panel, so far I have not been able to achieve the results I would like to get. Thanks! and Great work

ae3e commented 3 years ago

Not sure I understand. Are you able to create your desired chart only with Plotly (in a code playground) with sample data? If it's only related to Plotly, you should check Plotly documentation first. Otherwise, please give an example with some code.

mbarradas commented 3 years ago

Hi sorry for now writing back in the previous weeks I had an accident and was not able to type on a computer for a couple of weeks.

I'm trying to do Violin charts as described on

I would like to group the data by a column and display a violin for each of the distinct values of that column.

It seems to me that the grouping is done with these lines on the examples I'm following

`Plotly.d3.csv("", function(err, rows){

function unpack(rows, key) { return { return row[key]; }); }

var data = [{ type: 'violin', x: unpack(rows, 'day'), y: unpack(rows, 'total_bill'), points: 'none', box: { visible: true },`

I now that the unpack function is doing the job but I don´t seem to be capable of adapting it to the data array that the panel exposes.

I'm not fluent on JavaScript and appreciate any help that you could provide.

ae3e commented 3 years ago

This issue is not related to ae3e-plolty-plugin but here is an example using the Grafana (Radnom Walk) data source and


    "type": "violin",
    "points": "none",
    "box": {
      "visible": true
    "boxpoints": false,
    "line": {
      "color": "black"
    "fillcolor": "#8dd3c7",
    "opacity": 0.6,
    "meanline": {
      "visible": true
    "x0": "Total Bill"


  "font": {
    "color": "darkgrey"
  "paper_bgcolor": "rgba(0,0,0,0)",
  "plot_bgcolor": "rgba(0,0,0,0)",
  "margin": {
    "t": 30,
    "b": 20


var trace = {
  y: Array.from(data.series[0].fields[1].values.toArray())
return {data:[trace],layout:{title:'My Chart'}};

Result image

Hope it helps