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For the AEC Hackathon 2013
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2013-11-16 ~ Updates #12

Open theo-armour opened 10 years ago

theo-armour commented 10 years ago

Have a look at

Hot Spot #3 has been added and the app re-titled touchBuilding

From Change Log

Open app and click 'find address' is the fast way to get a quick result up for testing Of course, you can change borough and address to anything you wish.

Faces are being drawn as segmented planes under the building representation. This is just so you can see the geometry. At the same time the mesh details are sent to console.log. Click on triangle in console to view mesh details, then on 'geometry to get to vertices.

A future revision will position the meshes appropriately.

A future revision will add the roof polygon.

A future revision will place or replay the position of the light according to sun position at or between designated hours.

A future revision will display adjacent buildings.


Normals. I had a quick look at the meshes and did not see a normal being generated by default. Can somebody have a look and confirm this lack?

In any case, normals are needed for what? Faces or vertices? I should be able to find out how to generate these fairly easily.

What Else? Apart from normals and positioning the meshes appropriately, what else is needed in order to produce the insolation calcs?