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For the AEC Hackathon 2013
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2013-11-17 ~ Updates: Things are warming up! #14

Open theo-armour opened 10 years ago

theo-armour commented 10 years ago

Here's the Change Log

The app is still a resource hog. You should reload between searches. Sometimes it's best to close the tab and start fresh.

Caching can be an issue with GitHub Pages. Unless you see 'Touch Building 2013-11-17' as the title at the top of the page, you are on an old release.

We are not in a beauty contest. No attempt is being made so far to make things good looking or user friendly. Those elements may come into play in the fullness of time.

Sun position replay. Today's bit was just a hack to get something going. Future releases will try to make the sun play nice.

Generally: I am pleased with the way things are going. Seeing the nearby buildings is huge gain. And the sun position addition made for a double 'whammy' today.

I am trying to spend two or three hours per day on this work and progress is still coming along at a reasonable pace. It's all quite exciting and should hit in with other projects I am working on such as the cartography.

Coming Up

You can select the Month day and hour of the sun.

Maybe: tweening between sun positions - for smoother sun movement.

Learning about ArcGis data export