aeberbach / A600KB

keyboard For Amiga 600
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Plate for Plate mounted switches #4

Open OleUrgast opened 2 years ago

OleUrgast commented 2 years ago

Hello, as I have a lot of 3-pin switches and align them on a PCB, I designed a plate for plate-mounting. Actually I sourced blue keys from a cheap Aukey keyboard from Aliexpress, where one key was defect. Also got he stabalizers that way (cherry-style plate mounted). As I do not have an original A600, I do not know about mounting. Still it might be usefull, as it not only helps to align the keys, but also add a lot of stiffness (even if you cut it to print it in two parts). I created most of the keys with a keycap generator. Space is 8.25u and stabilzer points are same as on 6.25u spacebars - so both spacebars work. I am still optimizing the keycaps (ISO enter in OEM-Profile seems hard to design) and will publish the set as soon it is ready. Maybe the plate is usefull for others, so I attatch the final beta A600kb .

steveed commented 7 months ago

@OleUrgast Are you still working on this plate? I works great but there are a few issues when installing it in the A600. It's a bit thick in places so it makes it bow a little. The other issue is that the full size space bars have the stabilizers at 8u. I think that is the measurement, same as the a1200 pcb. It prints great and makes the keyboard feel a lot better, just need to figure out the spacebar. I can deal with the slight bow.