aed3 / PS4-esp32

Use a ps4 controller with an esp32
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If library is in use, OTA fails most of the time #12

Open Markusenz opened 3 years ago

Markusenz commented 3 years ago

I encounter a problem with OTA as soon as I have the library in use. Even when no ps4 controller is connected, but ps4.begin(..) is in the setup routine, OTA fails most of the time and I have to reboot the ESP32 several times and try again. After several attempts OTA works. When removing library use, OTA works every attempt. Is there any known problem with OTA or a parameter I can tune to make it more stable?

Another issue is that as soon as a controller is connected by Bluetooth, the ESP32 behaves laggy and ping times raise from 50 to 500 or more milliseconds, sometimes network times out. Even if I do not call any ps4 functions in the code to check the buttons.

aed3 commented 3 years ago

Hi! I'm unfamiliar with what OTA is, could you explain it? Right now I'm working on some major changes to the library to fix up some of the problems people have mentioned and it will work faster once I'm done, which might solve your second issue.

av4625 commented 2 years ago

OTA is Over The Air updating.

I'm not sure how well using WiFi and this Bluetooth PS4 controller library will work together. I think WiFi and Bluetooth use the same antenna on the ESP32?