aed3 / PS4-esp32

Use a ps4 controller with an esp32
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DS4 not pairing #2

Closed dogerdev closed 4 years ago

dogerdev commented 4 years ago

Hello! Such a problem, I have a LOLIN32 Lite board, I downloaded the sketch and configured the Mac address on dualshock 4, but it does not want to connect. What could be the matter?

tallot13 commented 4 years ago

+1, only blinking led (esp32 devkitcv4)


my mistake, programs show wrong mac address, after pair with mac, i can see write mac address bluetooth, with him paired fine

dmagyar commented 4 years ago

Strange, it pairs nicely with my android tablet and even if I clone the tablets' BT Mac with the ESP32 it never connects just "blinks". I tried SixAxisPairTool to set a MAC (success) but it still is not pairing with the ESP32... Any pointers?

tallot13 commented 4 years ago

after reset pair, not paired again.. connect on 1 second and reset(end blinking), if esp32 switch of long time blinking

tallot13 commented 4 years ago

i dont know how :) but it help me

pip install esptool --chip esp32 erase_flash

after reset, upload again and works

rickwinter2 commented 4 years ago

tallot13 how would i do this please. total noob at esp32. would this be in command prompt or another software? always willing to learn something new. thanks in advance. I have had the ps4 controller connect everytime then it just stopped working.

dmagyar commented 4 years ago

I tried the flash_erase as well as different type of ESP32s. No dice. I can read/set teh MAC with SixAxisTool, I've set it to the example 03:03:03:03:03:03 compile the example - nothing. The middle led blinks on the controller when I turn it on. Is there a special key combination on the controller to force it to pair? This is driving me nuts :(

DerfJagged commented 4 years ago

It should just connect, but hold the Share and Home buttons until it flashes differently. That's sync mode.

dmagyar commented 4 years ago

Now the led blinks faster but still no connection to my ESP32. It became visible for my android tablet if I turn on its' Bluetooth. This is my sketch (pretty much sample) compiled with latest platformio...

#include <Arduino.h>
#include <PS4Controller.h>

void setup()

void loop()
                // Below has all accessible outputs from the controller
    if(PS4.isConnected()) {
                        if ( )
                                        Serial.println("Up Button");
                        if ( )
                                        Serial.println("Down Button");
                        if ( )
                                        Serial.println("Left Button");
                        if ( )
                                        Serial.println("Right Button");

                        if ( )
                                        Serial.println("Up Right");
                        if ( )
                                        Serial.println("Up Left");
                        if ( )
                                        Serial.println("Down Left");
                        if ( )
                                        Serial.println("Down Right");

                        if ( )
                                        Serial.println("Triangle Button");
                        if ( )
                                        Serial.println("Circle Button");
                        if ( )
                                        Serial.println("Cross Button");
                        if ( )
                                        Serial.println("Square Button");

                        if ( )
                                        Serial.println("l1 Button");
                        if ( )
                                        Serial.println("r1 Button");

                        if ( )
                                        Serial.println("l3 Button");
                        if ( )
                                        Serial.println("r3 Button");

                        if ( )
                                        Serial.println("Share Button");
                        if ( )
                                        Serial.println("Options Button");

                        if ( )
                                        Serial.println("PS Button");
                        if ( )
                                        Serial.println("Touch Pad Button");

                        if ( ) {
                                        Serial.print("l2 button at ");
                                        Serial.println(, DEC);
                        if ( ) {
                                        Serial.print("r2 button at ");
                                        Serial.println(, DEC);

                        if ( PS4.event.analog_move.stick.lx ) {
                                        Serial.print("Left Stick x at ");
                                        Serial.println(, DEC);
                        if ( ) {
                                        Serial.print("Left Stick y at ");
                                        Serial.println(, DEC);
                        if ( PS4.event.analog_move.stick.rx ) {
                                        Serial.print("Right Stick x at ");
                                        Serial.println(, DEC);
                        if ( PS4.event.analog_move.stick.ry ) {
                                        Serial.print("Right Stick y at ");
                                        Serial.println(, DEC);

     if (
        Serial.println("The controller is charging");
     if (
        Serial.println("The controller has headphones attached");
     if (
        Serial.println("The controller has a mic attached");

     Serial.print("Battey Percent : ");
     Serial.println(, DEC);

                 // This delay is to make the Serial Print more human readable
                 // Remove it when you're not trying to see the output

It prints Ready... and then nothing else. Do I have to enable bluetooth on the ESP32 first?

rickwinter2 commented 4 years ago

Got mine working again. Didnt need to flash it. What board are you using dmagyar?

dmagyar commented 4 years ago

I have many, from TT-GO (with a screen) to ESP32-DEV1 and many barebones. I'm suspecting that the issue is with the controller. It works happily with my Android tablet.

DerfJagged commented 4 years ago

Try starting sync mode on the controller and then press the reset button on your esp32

dmagyar commented 4 years ago

Thanks for helping me! Unfortunately this is no dice either. If just prints ready, the controller is in sync mode...


configsip: 0, SPIWP:0xee


mode:DIO, clock div:2





entry 0x400806ac

tallot13 commented 4 years ago

periodically i have in connect time - short blink, then long and off, connected and reset connect without connected in monitor, in this case helped reset for me

tallot13 commented 4 years ago

Try starting sync mode on the controller and then press the reset button on your esp32

not helped me

tallot13 commented 4 years ago

@rickwinter2 yes it command promt. install pip and run this commands

tallot13 commented 4 years ago

@rickwinter2 same fix

rickwinter2 commented 4 years ago

I dont know about anyone else but I get different reliability on this library depending on the board I'm using. Found a esp-wroom-32 dev module v3 is the most stable and connects every time. Yet a d1 mini pro and others just keep dropping connection.

keiramayfuckingbe commented 4 years ago

I have a similar problem. I have a silicon lab's board. It connected easily beforehand, now it won't even print the ready! at the start unless I press the RST and still won't connect.

I did try uninstalling/reinstalling the whole process maybe I put the libraries incorrectly or accidentally pressed reset when I shouldn't have. It will run normal Void loop serialprints fine just as a test? This noob is overloaded.

rickwinter2 commented 4 years ago

Lol got it working now. Bit of a trial but now have a process. Using esp32

Have to erase flash. Write then the mac address to controller Then rewrite to your board

rickwinter2 commented 4 years ago

I swap controllers between the ps4 and esp32 so have to do this everytime i go back to the esp32 Have you worked out the erase flash process?

ericm65536 commented 3 years ago

I had the same connection problems. Initially everything worked perfectly, no problems connecting. Then after a while, the controller would not connect anymore. But the suggestion from tallot13 using somehow fixed the problem

wasista commented 3 years ago

first: try to uses Ps3Controller.cpp and pair with PS3/PS4. after connected, reset ESP32 and... the second: Try to change definition of extern PS4Controller PS4; become PS4Controller Ps4; (lower case 's') in the end line of two files PS4Controller.cpp and PS4Controller.h and then edit your program with Ps4.begin("PS4 MAC Addr after set with SixPair"); (lower case 's') after ESP32 reset, and program running, press Home button only on PS4 controller. have nice pair, ok ^_^

the-red-eye-studio commented 2 years ago

i dont know how :) but it help me

pip install esptool --chip esp32 erase_flash

after reset, upload again and works

Thanks man! Worked like a charm, back to work on a ds4 controled football table XD

MarioMarkov commented 1 year ago

Do this :

pip install esptool
esptool --chip esp32 erase_flash

(here it will show you esp mac)

Serial port COM6
Chip is ESP32-D0WD-V3 (revision 3)
Features: WiFi, BT, Dual Core, 240MHz, VRef calibration in efuse, Coding Scheme None
Crystal is 40MHz
MAC: **esp_mac_address**
Uploading stub...

Restart PC Set master for Controller to be the mac adress of the esp (with SixAxisPairTool) In the code set in the PS4.begin("esp_mac_adress");