aegean-odyssey / mpmd_marlin_1.1.x

a fork of Marlin firmware (bugfix-1.1.x) for the Monoprice MP Mini Delta 3d printer
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Skipping custom gcode commands #33

Closed BackwardEcho closed 3 years ago

BackwardEcho commented 4 years ago


I saw there were placeholder "load / unload filament" files in the setup_gcode folder and it prompted me to make my own. It seemed to have worked at first: It would do things slowly as I didn't dial in the feed rate or not move enough of the filament. But it still worked. Now it doesn't even move the extruder before it 'finishes'.

Here is what I put: "FILAMENT_LOAD" G21 M109 S200 G28 G1 Z10 F2500 M83 G92 E0 G1 E450 F2000 G1 E80 F250 G1 E-3 F250 G28 M118 {TQ\:100}{SYS\:STARTED}# M118 {E\:Filament Loaded!}#

"FILAMENT_UNLOAD" G21 M109 S200 G28 G1 Z10 F2500 M83 G92 E0 G1 E-560 F2000 G28 M118 {TQ\:100}{SYS\:STARTED}# M118 {E\:Filament Unloaded!}#

I liked how the M118s flashed text on the screen so I kept it in.

aegean-odyssey commented 4 years ago

Your commands look like they should work. I'm not sure exactly what's going on, but here's some info:

If you come up with a solution, please report back. I'll try to reproduce the behavior here. Thanks for implementing the commands -- they look like the right idea.

BackwardEcho commented 4 years ago

I think it might have been the M118s that were messing it up. While the M400 seemed to have worked on the "loading" file, it didn't fix the "unloading" one. For the heck of it I removed the M118s to see what would happen, and even though I didn't try both of them back to back numerous times (only load, unload, load) it seems to have worked.

Here is what I have: Load M109 S200 ; preheat to pla temps G28 ;home G1 Z10 F2500 ; move hotend downward to straighten the bowden tube as much as possible M83 G92 E0 G1 E400 F2000 ; feed most of the way G1 E80 F250 ; feed slowly so filament doesn't get stuck (ideally), purge some filament G1 E-3 F250 ; retract so oozing stops M400 G28

Unload M109 S200 G28 G1 Z10 F2500 M83 G92 E0 G1 E-80 3000 ; yoink the molten plastic out so it hopefully doesn't string itself in bowden G1 E-450 F2000 M400 G28

; comments aren't in my file, I just placed them here so you can read my thoughts on what I put and why

If you're able to add a "Finished ...!" screen to the end, feel free. I think it's cool that it's possible.

aegean-odyssey commented 4 years ago

Btw, the # character at the end of the line causes Marlin to wait until the entire command buffer is empty before reading and processing more input. The M400 code causes Marlin to wait until "moves" have finished. I think in your case, both are needed; M400 #.

The M118s do kind of "force" an end, so if they get read and processed before the actual motions are complete, it can look like the program is "done" when it really isn't.

BackwardEcho commented 4 years ago

That seemed to have worked. I re-added the end messages. Here are the files as copy/pasting is getting a tad annoying when trying to show both. For the unloading file, I'm not sure if going slower or faster at the start is better to prevent stringing filament back up the bowden. I might try slower at some later time or even a lower temp, but for now it's fine.


aegean-odyssey commented 4 years ago

Good. Please report back on your "fine-tuning" of the commands. If you don't mind, I'll work them into a future release.

BackwardEcho commented 4 years ago

Hey... Is there a way to request user input via gcode? Such as for "do this, wait for button press, then do this other thing".

I ask because I'm interested in a "Filament Reload", combining both the Load/Unload files into one. I get that there is a way to make the printer wait a specific amount of time before continuing, which might be the better option if such a feature was desired (outside of the load/unload files).

aegean-odyssey commented 4 years ago

Take a look at the M0, M1 codes. These should pause a program and wait for user input. The printer's user interface is extremely limited so I was forced to use the LED push button as the means for the user to signal "continue". Sending M108 from a serial host will also signal "continue". When the printing is waiting, the LED flashes (green, I believe).

If you're looking at a process to "change the filament", take a look at the M600 code. It is specifically designed for the purpose. At least one user has had success with it.

BackwardEcho commented 4 years ago

While I appreciate the info about M600, I do not think I have any idea how to go about a filament change during a print. I was thinking of just combining the load / unload files into one so someone doesn't have to go through the menu a few more times just to change filament before a print.

aegean-odyssey commented 4 years ago

Got it. Btw, some G/M code specifics for the printer can be found at G/M code support.

aegean-odyssey commented 3 years ago

Looks like the main issue is resolved here, so I'll close it out. If this is not the case, please do not hesitate to re-open the issue.