aegean-odyssey / mpmd_marlin_1.1.x

a fork of Marlin firmware (bugfix-1.1.x) for the Monoprice MP Mini Delta 3d printer
GNU General Public License v3.0
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effector collison with starting g-code #69

Open skylersell opened 3 years ago

skylersell commented 3 years ago

When printing my printer goes to extrude the outside strip and hits one of the bed clips. Is there any other start g-code that can fix this. Thanks

aegean-odyssey commented 3 years ago

Your issue sounds like an issue in a similar vein to issues, #11 and #19. The nozzle should be able to clear the bed clips, but in some machines this not the case. The links above point to some remedies and as you suggest, it is possible to modify the start-up g-code.

The snippet below is taken from the start-up g-code. The three "54s" in the second and third lines sets a 54mm radius for the priming strip -- you can change these "54s" to another value to set a more suitable radius (e.g. 50).

; extrude a strip outside of the perimeter
G92 E0
G1 X-54 Y0 Z0.32 F2700
G3 X0 Y-54 I54 E20 F900
G92 E0