aeghn / prettyi3

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启动后输出大量的警告,不知是否是字体问题 #16

Closed AmberisMyShiba closed 3 years ago

AmberisMyShiba commented 3 years ago

warn: Dropping unmatched character 􀌈 (U+100308) in ' 􀌈 ' warn: Dropping unmatched character 􀓘 (U+1004d8) in ' 􀓘 ' warn: Dropping unmatched character 􀇬 (U+1001ec) in ' 􀇬' warn: Dropping unmatched character 􀊤 (U+1002a4) in ' 􀊤 40% '

aeghn commented 3 years ago

是的,考虑自己找一下 SF Pro 字体吧。


fz-wu commented 3 years ago

我也是,不过我装了SF PRO字体了 log也能显示也能找到字体,不过就是符号显示不出来。

fz-wu commented 3 years ago

notice: Parsing config file: /home/fa/.config/polybar/config warn: The config parameter 'settings.throttle-input-for' is deprecated, it will be removed in the future. Please remove it from your config error: Disabling module "right" (reason: module/right.content is empty or undefined) error: module/mpd: Connection refused error: Disabling module "netspeed" (reason: Invalid network interface "wlp2s0") notice: pulseaudio: using default sink alsa_output.pci-0000_00_1f.3.analog-stereo error: Disabling module "headphone" (reason: Missing section "module/headphone") error: module/mpd: Connection refused notice: Loaded font "sf pro display:style=regular:size=12" (name=SF Pro Display, offset=3, file=/usr/share/fonts/OTF/SF-Pro-Display-Regular.otf) warn: Ignoring restack of i3 window (not needed when override-redirect = false) warn: Dropping unmatched character 􀌈 (U+100308) in ' 􀌈 ' warn: Dropping unmatched character 􀓘 (U+1004d8) in ' 􀓘 ' warn: Dropping unmatched character 􀛨 (U+1006e8) in ' 􀛨' warn: Dropping unmatched character 􀆭 (U+1001ad) in '􀆭 100% ' warn: Dropping unmatched character 􀊤 (U+1002a4) in ' 􀊤 46% ' error: module/mpd: Connection refused error: module/mpd: Connection refused warn: Dropping unmatched character 􀌈 (U+100308) in ' 􀌈 ' warn: Dropping unmatched character 􀓘 (U+1004d8) in ' 􀓘 ' warn: Dropping unmatched character 􀛨 (U+1006e8) in ' 􀛨' warn: Dropping unmatched character 􀆭 (U+1001ad) in '􀆭 100% '

aeghn commented 3 years ago

@fz-wu 确定这个字体里面含有图标是吗?

有的版本里的 sf pro 字体是不含有图标的

aeghn commented 3 years ago
