aeirola / slack-irc-client

Use Slack as your IRC client
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Things get URL-escaped when sent to IRC #15

Open mdelaossa opened 7 years ago

mdelaossa commented 7 years ago

Whenever you send characters that would usually get url-escaped (like <>'s), IRC receives them escaped. Example: sending <> <> <> gets translated to &lt;&gt; &lt;&gt; &lt;&gt; on the IRC side.

This also causes another bug: when a channel has a topic that contains characters that get URL-escaped, it gets escaped and the topic gets set with the escaped characters.

Example: have ops in a channel, set the title to <Nick> This is gonna get mangled. slack-irc-client will change the topic to &lt;Nick&gt; This is gonna get mangled

aeirola commented 7 years ago

Apparently the node-slack-sdk library doesn't do any special handling of the control sequences. Will need to add some special handling for these.

therolle commented 7 years ago

also whenever there is a URL in the topic, there is <> forcefully added around the topic. So http://url becomes <http://url>

And if you happen to do additional rejoins, the topic gets more and more mangled each time over.