aemkei / jsfuck

Write any JavaScript with 6 Characters: []()!+
Do What The F*ck You Want To Public License
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Infinity Question #37

Closed MadbHatter closed 9 years ago

MadbHatter commented 9 years ago

Why are you using: '+(+!+[]+(!+[]+[])[!+[]+!+[]+!+[]]+[+!+[]]+[+[]]+[+[]]+[+[]])' for infinity instead of '1/!1'? Won't both do the same?

Sorry, but for the question, but I'm more or less a javascript newbie.

ghost commented 9 years ago

I'm guessing because "1" isn't part of the 6 characters that make up the set used for jsFuck?

aemkei commented 9 years ago

It is more that / is not part of the character set.