aemkei / jsfuck

Write any JavaScript with 6 Characters: []()!+
Do What The F*ck You Want To Public License
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Added the capital L #96

Closed IlijazM closed 3 years ago

IlijazM commented 4 years ago

This construction should return the capital L. Although I wasn't able to implement it in your code, so it returns an error somehow, maybe you can have a look at this and perhaps implement it properly.

frobinsonj commented 4 years ago

Could never think of a way to get L, I like this :)

(""+Object["entries"](Function("return Error")()))[10] will work.

(false+Object["entries"](Function("return Error")()))[10] would also get "T". I believe this will be an improvement on our existing. You should include that in this PR :P

IlijazM commented 4 years ago

Ok, now everything should work. Have fun with it and keep expanding your awesome projects ;)

hazzik commented 4 years ago

This, unfortunately, does not work in Firefox and PhantomJS

aemkei commented 3 years ago

As FF is not supported, I'll close this.