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NFR: Establish and Migrate New PA Repo #116

Open mollyaljenkins opened 3 months ago

mollyaljenkins commented 3 months ago


As a PartsAsist business owner I want to establish a new repository leveraging the Helix 5 migration and the existing structure of the PA website.

Acceptance Criteria

Adobe AC: @dkuntze:

Set up the new repository for the PA migration Remove static configs (helix-query.yaml, helix-sitemap.yaml and robots.txt)

Frontend AC: @alexiscoelho:

Copy labels to the new repo Do necessary doc changes Remove hard coded market code Remove and refactor hardcoded references to X Review generation of the Atom Feed Investigate and if possible remove all files under the folder files (afaik not possible atm) Test i18N configs Remove config-patches (.patch) Test deployment on main Review and fix the generation of the feed.xml for .us Implement generation of the feed.xml for multiple locations (the logic used in MackTrucks should work fine)

Move github action variables: @alexiscoelho:

Move all of the github action variables to a configuration per location CONNECTOR_DOMAIN (moved to the new repo vars) DOMAIN_URL (Not used) NEWS_ENDPOINT NEWS_FEED_INFO_ENDPOINT NEWS_LOCALE (Not used) NEWS_TARGET_DIRECTORY NEWS_TARGET_FEED UPSERT_ENDPOINT (Not used) WEBSITE_NAME (moved to the new repo vars)

Repo changes/configs AC: @alexiscoelho:

Give permissions to the team to the new repo

Content AC:

Out of Scope

mollyaljenkins commented 2 days ago

1 SP will roll over to Sprint 2 based on the dependancy from Darin