aendle / custom_components

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Not loading 0.96.0 #10

Closed jasperbom closed 3 years ago

jasperbom commented 5 years ago

Works on 0.93.2 but when installing on a 0.96.0 it says: Platform not found: climate.smart_thermostat

crackston commented 4 years ago

Also not working here. I changed my config from climate: -platform: smart_thermostatto just smart_thermostat: and it at least accepts the configuration. However, I still get the notification The following components and platforms could not be set up; check your config.

The log file says "no setup function defined." Looking into what the new requirements are...

crackston commented 4 years ago

It looks like 0.96 has a lot of breaking changes to the climate component. I'm a novice in python and programming so I don't think I'll be able to handle this one:

set_away_mode and set_hold_mode have been merged into set_preset_mode. So instead of turn_away_mode_on(), we will now call set_preset_mode("away"). Climate Cleanup