aendle / custom_components

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Documentation help #19

Open azlux opened 3 years ago

azlux commented 3 years ago

Hi, I'm setting thermostat at my house. I was using the simple HA thermostat and observe there are some improvements can be done during heating period. And I found your project after digging a little bit. Maybe you can give a better name to this fork, (custom_components did not attract me when I was search for a project like this one. I was expecting something like "smart thermostat" or "better regulation thermostat".

I've read you project, but I've never heard of PID and PWM. I want to propose you to create a better Readme to help new people finding their way here. I saw some answers parts only, but I still have many questions :

I know python coding if you need help, and with the answer you will give me, I can make a PR to add them on the Readme.

Thank for your work. Azlux