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hybrid idea #22

Open luzik opened 2 years ago

luzik commented 2 years ago

Based on honeywell TPI they are using PID only in ranges +/- 1.5deg of requested temp. We could use same strategy !

"A TPI room thermostat works by continuously measuring the room temperature and calculating a difference between measured and target temperature. When the difference is greater than 1.5 degrees C (known as outside proportional band) it fires the boiler continuously. When the room temperature gets within 1.5 degrees C of the set point you have chosen on your room thermostat, the TPI software in the thermostat comes into action."

Is it also possible that PID will "learn" in stage outside 1.5deg ?

Also found that SALUS and Siemens in their thermostats use enchanted TPI that have presets for both - underfloor heating and conventional radiators. They also do have nice schedule function. You can set temperature and time, and the system will start heating earlier to get requested temp at requested time.