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Free and Open Source PaaS-platform for seamless management of virtual machines, managed Kubernetes, and Databases-as-a-Service
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Integration with Proxmox (paas-proxmox bundle) #69

Open kvaps opened 2 months ago

kvaps commented 2 months ago

phase1: adapting the management cluster to work on Proxmox VMs

we need to add the following components:

phase1.5: how to achieve L2 connectivity with Proxmox?

phase2: adapting tenant clusters to work on Proxmox VMs:

themoriarti commented 2 months ago

I plan to implement LINSTORE directly into Proxmox itself, but integrating LINSTORE and proxmox disk management into the cozystack using the cluster API and possibly the create operator, this still needs to be discussed and most likely it will be a separate task.

kvaps commented 2 months ago

I see two options how can you utilize Proxmox with cozystack.

Option one, where you create management cozystack cluster inside the proxmox VMs:

Screenshot 2024-04-12 at 11 54 09

This is more safe, as it allows to isolate cozystack from the hardware nodes, but it still runs databases and tenant Kubernetes clusters for multiple users in the same virtual machines of management cluster.

There is an another option, where proxmox nodes become used the same way as Kubernetes nodes, and we just replace KubeVirt virtualization by Proxmox virtualization:

Screenshot 2024-04-12 at 11 54 20

This setup looks more interesting. As it is more native to cozystack approach, but also allows you to simplify management of hypervisor by providing the oportunity for installing LINSTOR and extra things on it.

Personaly I like the second option more.

Another question is how to provide stable Kubernetes on Proxmox nodes. I was doing the following steps:


mkdir -p /etc/kubernetes/pki
talosctl -n "$VIP" cat /etc/kubernetes/kubeconfig-kubelet > /etc/kubernetes/kubelet.conf
talosctl -n "$VIP" cat /etc/kubernetes/bootstrap-kubeconfig > /etc/kubernetes/bootstrap-kubelet.conf
talosctl -n "$VIP" cat /etc/kubernetes/pki/ca.crt > /etc/kubernetes/pki/ca.crt

sed -i "/server:/ s|:.*|: https://${VIP}:6443|g" \
  /etc/kubernetes/kubelet.conf \

clusterDomain=$(talosctl -n "$VIP" get kubeletconfig -o jsonpath="{.spec.clusterDomain}")
clusterDNS=$(talosctl -n "$VIP" get kubeletconfig -o jsonpath="{.spec.clusterDNS}")
cat > /var/lib/kubelet/config.yaml <<EOT
kind: KubeletConfiguration
    enabled: false
    enabled: true
    clientCAFile: /etc/kubernetes/pki/ca.crt
  mode: Webhook
clusterDomain: "$clusterDomain"
clusterDNS: $clusterDNS
runtimeRequestTimeout: "0s"
cgroupDriver: systemd

systemctl restart kubelet

I was using this setup for a long time it works quite well. Another option is using k3s or something like that.

themoriarti commented 2 months ago

@kvaps You presented a pretty good idea, but I would like to give customers the opportunity to determine what type of isolation will be for Database as a service and other services that are in a cluster mode or have two replica instances. That is, so that they can deploy them in LXC or KVM.

Tenant k8s workers will be in VM only.

For now the minimum installation will be on 2 servers, but ideally on three.

cozystack-proxmox drawio(1)

kvaps commented 2 months ago

So you want to make Cozystack manage LXC containers and run DBs inside of them?

I guess this would be really challengeable, as you will need to replace operators with the custom logic.

themoriarti commented 2 months ago

Integrating process for proxmox

themoriarti commented 2 months ago

So you want to make Cozystack manage LXC containers and run DBs inside of them?

@kvaps To give the user the opportunity to choose either LXC or VM, if the implementation will be difficult, then it will not be done until it is done, but it is worth including such an opportunity in the architecture.

remipcomaite commented 2 months ago

If it can help:

A Proxmox CCM Project

A Proxmox CSI Project:

themoriarti commented 2 months ago

If it can help:

A Proxmox CCM Project

A Proxmox CSI Project:

Thx, we know about these projects, the integration for them is already ready.

remipcomaite commented 2 months ago

@themoriarti Can I help you with the integration of Proxmox into Cozystack? And if yes, how?

themoriarti commented 2 months ago

@themoriarti Can I help you with the integration of Proxmox into Cozystack? And if yes, how?

Sure, we are always open to cooperation, in this thread there is an high architectural design , there is a check list for the integration process and , you can take any of the parts and start preparation, branch is tied to this submission. If some kind of discussion is needed, then there is either a Slack or Telegram channel, or we can create a separate channel for integration, for example, in Telegram. Open to any suggestions and help.

remipcomaite commented 2 months ago

Regarding high architectural design, I would like to make the suggestions below:

I can work on integrating OVN into Proxmox. In my opinion, we should be able to manage this with a hookscript that will make a call to the Kube-OVN API to retrieve the iface-id of the VM and apply it to the tap/veth interface. This would keep the Tenants isolated using Kube-OVN. We could even create layer 3 Load-Balancers in Kube-OVN. MetalLB would therefore only be used to provide a pool of IPs. I can also try working on Cozystack's CAPI. Could you tell me the files containing the code that needs to be adapted?

themoriarti commented 2 months ago

@remipcomaite Cozystack telegram chat you can discuss the details there, or come to the meeting on Thursday

1) We don't need kube-ovn, we have enough proxmox capabilities, i.e. SDN + Cilium inside the cluster;

2) Storage depends on the size of the data you need, if it is large, then perhaps Ceph will be suitable, but from practice I will say that for stable distributed+replicated storage you need at least 12 servers, but if we have 3-6 servers, LINSTOR is a more optimal solution, so we first implement LINSTORE , and I also already have automation setup Ceph on proxmox level and integrate into the cozystack (k8s);

3) VLAN or VXLAN based on proxmox level (SDN);

4) Cluster API - - You can try to start implementation.

5) I haven't looked at LB yet, integration with metalLB or haproxy is suitable for us, I even prefer haproxy. Do you have a desire to do this?