aenix-io / etcd-operator

New generation community-driven etcd-operator!
Apache License 2.0
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kubectl plugin #212

Closed kvaps closed 2 months ago

kvaps commented 3 months ago

It would be nice to develop plugin to simplify etcd maintenance using kubectl, eg.:

kubectl etcdctl -n default svc/etcd member list
kubectl etcdctl -n default etcdcluster/etcd member list
kubectl etcdctl -n default pod/etcd-0 snapshot backup.db

should take into spec of this pod,

  1. check if it has --client-cert-auth and --cert-file, --key-file specified:

    - --cert-file=/etc/etcd/pki/server/cert/tls.crt
    - --key-file=/etc/etcd/pki/server/cert/tls.key
  2. check volumeMounts contains paths of these files

    - mountPath: /etc/etcd/pki/client/ca
      name: client-trusted-ca-certificate
  1. Find the volume:
  - name: client-trusted-ca-certificate
      defaultMode: 420
      secretName: etcd-ca-tls
  1. Download tls.crt and tls.key from a secret

  2. Generate temporary client certificate out of CA

  3. Enable port-forward to this pod or service

  4. Create dynamic etcd client with correct endpoint and certificates

    etcdctl member list --endpoints=https://etcd-0.etcd-headless.tenant-leotolstoi.svc:2379 --cacert=/etc/etcd/tls/ca.crt  --cert=/etc/etcd/tls/tls.crt --key=/etc/etcd/tls/tls.key

Provide basic comands to maintain etcd:

Available Commands:
  alarm              Manage etcd alarms
  defrag             Defragment etcd database on the node
  forfeit-leadership Tell node to forfeit etcd cluster leadership
  leave              Tell nodes to leave etcd cluster
  members            Get the list of etcd cluster members
  remove-member      Remove the node from etcd cluster
  snapshot           Stream snapshot of the etcd node to the path.
  status             Get the status of etcd cluster member
kvaps commented 3 months ago

Some logic can be borrowed from talosctl (be aware MPL license is not compatible with Apache2)

Or we can sub-license whole plugin under MPL