Closed BigslimVdub closed 5 years ago
The build log from seems successful. The other build log contains an error message
make[1]: execvp: /C/msys64/mingw64/bin/qmlcachegen.exe: Bad address
which I have never seen before. I have no idea how to fix it. You should be able to reproduce the same error with the Monero GUI, so please open a ticket in the Monero GUI bug tracker. Hopefully someone will be able to answer it.
Yes libeallet only builds daemon and rpc just like the issue on OS X. I will try to clone monero and get logs if it fails.
I see that msys does have QMLcachegen in the specified folder, but I noticed that qmlcache_loader.cpp is not generated.
g++ -c -fno-keep-inline-dllexport -fPIC -fstack-protector -U_FORTIFY_SOURCE -D_FORTIFY_SOURCE=1 -Wformat -Wformat-security -fstack-protector -fstack-protector-strong -O2 -std=gnu++11 -Wall -W -Wextra -fexceptions -mthreads -DUNICODE -D_UNICODE -DWIN32 -DQT_NO_DEBUG -DQT_QUICK_LIB -DQT_WIDGETS_LIB -DQT_GUI_LIB -DQT_QML_LIB -DQT_NETWORK_LIB -DQT_CORE_LIB -DQT_NEEDS_QMAIN -I../../aeon-gui -I. -I../monero/include -I../src/libwalletqt -I../src/QR-Code-generator -I../src -I../monero/src -I../../../../mingw64/include/QtQuick -I../../../../mingw64/include/QtWidgets -I../../../../mingw64/include/QtGui -I../../../../mingw64/include/QtQml -I../../../../mingw64/include/QtNetwork -I../../../../mingw64/include/QtCore -Irelease -I../../../../mingw64/include -I../../../../mingw64/share/qt5/mkspecs/win32-g++ -o release/pages_TxKey_qml.o release/pages_TxKey_qml.cpp
/C/msys64/mingw64/bin/qmlcachegen.exe --resource-file-mapping=C:/msys64/home/*/aeon-gui/qml.qrc=C:/msys64/home/*/aeon-gui/build/qml_qmlcache.qrc -o release/qmlcache_loader.cpp ../qml.qrc
I have combed through the maker files and am unable to find where this is generated from, but the file is indeed not where if is being called from in the release folder that is why it is getting the 127 error for bad address. QT had this issue from msys32 compiling of QT5.11 from a google search so unsure if it is related to QT compiling error from msys2 but I have re-installed qt through msys and it did not fix the issue.
Resolved in #20
GUI builds with latest msys64 packages including qt 5.12.0-1-any.
Don’t forget “cd build” and “make deploy” after building packages.
./ fail :
./ fail logs :
does not build GUI Windows 10