aeonix / aeon

AEON source code (post May 2018 rebase)
58 stars 43 forks source link

Can not build from source on OSX High Sierra using homebrew #15

Closed BigslimVdub closed 6 years ago

BigslimVdub commented 6 years ago
---------:aeon- admin$ brew install monero --build-from-source
Updating Homebrew...
==> Downloading
######################################################################## 100.0%
==> Pouring portable-ruby-2.3.3_2.leopard_64.bottle.tar.gz
==> Auto-updated Homebrew!
Updated 3 taps (homebrew/core, caskroom/cask, sammy007/cryptonight).
==> New Formulae
angle-grinder              goreleaser                 patchelf
annie                      gr-osmosdr                 petsc
apache-arrow-glib          graph-tool                 pgweb
aws-es-proxy               hapi-fhir-cli              phplint
bat                        hcloud                     shellharden
brew-php-switcher          howard-hinnant-date        soundpipe
cglm                       jrtplib                    ssh-permit-a38
click                      jsonrpc-glib               stm32flash
cquery                     kakoune                    template-glib
cuba                       keepkey-agent              tox
deark                      kubecfg                    trezor-agent
density                    libbitcoin-client          tunnel
deployer                   libbitcoin-protocol        unp64
eccodes                    libdazzle                  util-linux
fork-cleaner               libde265                   wireguard-go
fortio                     libplctag                  woff2
gcc@7                      mkl-dnn                    xidel
genact                     netdata                    yamllint
gitlab-gem                 nifi-registry
==> Updated Formulae
boost ✔                                  libmonome
cmake ✔                                  libmwaw
gcc ✔                                    libmypaint
libidn2 ✔                                libofx
libuv ✔                                  libphonenumber
qt ✔                                     libpq
wget ✔                                   libpqxx
abcm2ps                                  libqalculate
abcmidi                                  libraw
abnfgen                                  libre
abyss                                    librealsense
ace                                      librem
acme                                     libressl
acpica                                   librsvg
activemq                                 librtlsdr
adplug                                   libsass
afsctool                                 libsoup
agda                                     libsoxr
agedu                                    libspectre
aircrack-ng                              libspectrum
akamai                                   libstfl
algernon                                 libswiften
allegro                                  libtensorflow
amazon-ecs-cli                           libtiff
ammonite-repl                            libtorrent-rasterbar
amqp-cpp                                 libu2f-host
angular-cli                              libu2f-server
ansible                                  libvirt
ansible-cmdb                             libwps
apache-arrow                             libxc
apache-drill                             libxlsxwriter
apache-geode                             libxo
apibuilder-cli                           libzip
apktool                                  link-grammar
apm-server                               linkerd
aptly                                    links
arangodb                                 liquibase
archey                                   lldpd
archivemount                             lmod
aria2                                    log4cplus
armadillo                                logstash
armor                                    logtalk
arpack                                   lolcat
artifactory                              loudmouth
asciidoctor                              lua
asciinema                                lxc
asio                                     lynis
aspectj                                  lysp
at-spi2-atk                              lz4
at-spi2-core                             macvim
atari800                                 makeself
atdtool                                  mame
atk                                      mapnik
atlassian-cli                            mariadb
aubio                                    mariadb@10.0
audacious                                mariadb@10.1
auditbeat                                math-comp
autossh                                  maxwell
avimetaedit                              mbedtls
aws-sdk-cpp                              mcabber
aws-shell                                media-info
awscli                                   mediaconch
azure-cli                                mednafen
babeld                                   mercurial
babl                                     meson
bacula-fd                                metabase
baresip                                  metaproxy
bartycrouch                              metricbeat
basex                                    mg
bash-completion@2                        mgba
bazel                                    micropython
bcal                                     mighttpd2
bcftools                                 mikutter
bdw-gc                                   mill
bedops                                   minidlna
bento4                                   minisat
bettercap                                miniupnpc
bibtex2html                              mint
binaryen                                 mitmproxy
bind                                     mkvtoolnix
binwalk                                  mlt
bit                                      mm-common
bitcoin                                  mmseqs2
bitrise                                  moc
blockhash                                modd
bluepill                                 monero
blueutil                                 mongo-c-driver
bmake                                    mongo-orchestration
bochs                                    mongodb
boost-bcp                                mongodb@3.2
boost-build                              mpc
boost-mpi                                mpd
boost-python                             mpfi
boost-python3                            mpich
botan                                    mpv
bower                                    mpw
braid                                    mrboom
brotli                                   mruby
burp                                     msgpack
byacc                                    mupdf
byteman                                  mupdf-tools
bzt                                      mutt
c14-cli                                  mypy
caddy                                    mysql
caffe                                    mysql-sandbox
cake                                     mysql@5.5
calicoctl                                mysql@5.6
camlp5                                   n
cargo-completion                         nano
carrot2                                  nanomsg
cask                                     nanomsgxx
cayley                                   nanopb-generator
certbot                                  nativefier
cfitsio                                  nats-streaming-server
cfr-decompiler                           ncmpc
cfssl                                    ncmpcpp
cgal                                     nco
cgrep                                    ncview
chakra                                   ndpi
chamber                                  neko
chapel                                   neofetch
check_postgres                           neomutt
checkbashisms                            netcdf
checkstyle                               nethack
chronograf                               netpbm
cimg                                     newsboat
citus                                    nexus
cjdns                                    nfdump
ckan                                     nghttp2
clac                                     nginx
clamav                                   nifi
clang-format                             nnn
cliclick                                 node
clinfo                                   node-build
clojure                                  node@6
clojurescript                            node@8
closure-compiler                         nomad
cockatrice                               notmuch
cockroach                                nsd
cocoapods                                nss
coffeescript                             ntl
collectd                                 ntopng
commandbox                               nudoku
composer                                 nuget
conan                                    numpy
conjure-up                               nvm
consul                                   ocaml-findlib
container-diff                           ocrmypdf
convox                                   octave
coq                                      odpi
coreos-ct                                offlineimap
corsixth                                 oniguruma
couchdb                                  open-mpi
cp2k                                     open-scene-graph
cpanminus                                openblas
cppcms                                   opencv
cromwell                                 opencv@2
cryptopp                                 openexr
ctl                                      openfortivpn
curl                                     openimageio
cython                                   openrtsp
dar                                      opensc
darcs                                    openvdb
dartsim                                  openvpn
dash                                     optipng
datetime-fortran                         ortp
davmail                                  osm2pgrouting
dbhash                                   osm2pgsql
dbus                                     osquery
dbxml                                    osrm-backend
dcd                                      ott
dcos-cli                                 packer
ddgr                                     packetbeat
debianutils                              packmol
dehydrated                               paket
dependency-check                         pam-u2f
derby                                    pam_yubico
dhall-json                               pandoc
di                                       pandoc-citeproc
diamond                                  pandoc-crossref
diff-pdf                                 pango
diffoscope                               paps
direnv                                   parallel
discount                                 pari
dislocker                                passenger
django-completion                        pbrt
dlib                                     pc6001vx
dmd                                      pcb
dmtx-utils                               pcl
dnscrypt-proxy                           pcre2
dnsdist                                  pdal
docfx                                    pdfgrep
docker                                   pdfpc
docker-completion                        pdftoedn
docker-compose                           pdftoipe
docker-compose-completion                pdns
docker2aci                               pdnsrec
dockviz                                  pdsh
doctl                                    pegtl
doitlive                                 percona-server
draco                                    percona-server-mongodb
dscanner                                 percona-toolkit
dspdfviewer                              perkeep
dub                                      perl
duck                                     perl@5.18
dungeon                                  pgcli
duti                                     pgloader
dvm                                      pgpdump
dxpy                                     pgplot
dynare                                   pgpool-ii
e2fsprogs                                pgroonga
ejabberd                                 php
elasticsearch                            php@5.6
elasticsearch@2.4                        php@7.0
elasticsearch@5.6                        php@7.1
elektra                                  phpunit
elixir                                   pianobar
embulk                                   pianod
emscripten                               picard-tools
encfs                                    pick
erlang                                   pidgin
erlang@18                                pilosa
erlang@19                                pioneers
etcd                                     pipenv
etsh                                     planck
evince                                   plantuml
exim                                     plowshare
exomizer                                 plplot
exploitdb                                pmd
eye-d3                                   poco
faas-cli                                 pod2man
fabio                                    poppler
fabric                                   postgis
fail2ban                                 postgresql
fastd                                    postgresql@9.4
fastme                                   postgresql@9.5
fdroidserver                             postgresql@9.6
feh                                      postgrest
ffmbc                                    pound
ffmpeg                                   povray
ffmpeg2theora                            ppsspp
ffmpegthumbnailer                        pqiv
ffms2                                    pre-commit
fibjs                                    presto
field3d                                  primesieve
fig2dev                                  proguard
file-formula                             proxytunnel
filebeat                                 pspg
fio                                      psqlodbc
firebase-cli                             pstoedit
fits                                     ptex
flann                                    pugixml
flashrom                                 pulseaudio
flatbuffers                              pumba
flawfinder                               purescript
flow                                     puzzles
fluent-bit                               pxz
fluid-synth                              py2cairo
fmt                                      py3cairo
fn                                       pybind11
fobis                                    pycodestyle
folly                                    pyenv
fontconfig                               pyenv-virtualenv
fonttools                                pyexiv2
fossil                                   pyinvoke
fq                                       pypy3
freeciv                                  python@2
freediameter                             qbs
freeipmi                                 qcachegrind
freeling                                 qcli
freeradius-server                        qd
freetds                                  qemu
freetype                                 qjackctl
frege                                    qmmp
fribidi                                  qpm
frugal                                   qrupdate
fstrm                                    qscintilla2
fswatch                                  qtfaststart
fuego                                    quantlib
fuse-emulator                            quex
futhark                                  quicktype
fwup                                     r
gandi.cli                                rabbitmq
gauge                                    rabbitmq-c
gcab                                     radare2
gdal                                     raine
gdcm                                     rakudo-star
gdk-pixbuf                               rancher-cli
geckodriver                              ratfor
gedit                                    rawtoaces
gegl                                     raylib
geoserver                                rclone
get-flash-videos                         rebar@3
get_iplayer                              recoverjpeg
getdns                                   redshift
ghc                                      remarshal
ghostscript                              remctl
gifski                                   reminiscence
gist                                     reposurgeon
git-annex                                restic
git-cola                                 restview
git-fixup                                rgbds
git-ftp                                  rhash
git-lfs                                  rhino
git-sizer                                riemann
git-town                                 riemann-client
gitbucket                                rmlint
gitfs                                    robot-framework
gitg                                     rocksdb
gitlab-runner                            rom-tools
gitless                                  root
gjs                                      rsyslog
glade                                    rtf2latex2e
glib                                     ruby-build
glib-networking                          rust
globus-toolkit                           s-nail
glslang                                  sagittarius-scheme
gmsh                                     saltstack
gmt                                      sammy007/cryptonight/monero
gmt@4                                    samtools
gnome-builder                            sbcl
gnumeric                                 sbt
gnupg                                    scala
gnuplot                                  scala@2.11
gnuradio                                 scalapack
go                                       scale2x
go-jira                                  scamper
go@1.9                                   schismtracker
gobject-introspection                    scipy
gocr                                     scm-manager
godep                                    scrcpy
goenv                                    scw
goffice                                  sdb
gollum                                   sdcc
gomplate                                 sdl2_gfx
google-benchmark                         sfcgal
googler                                  sfk
goose                                    shadowsocks-libev
gperftools                               shfmt
gpgme                                    shml
gphoto2                                  shogun
gradle                                   shyaml
grafana                                  silk
grails                                   singular
graphene                                 sip
graphicsmagick                           siril
grc                                      skaffold
grib-api                                 skafos
gromacs                                  skipfish
gron                                     sleuthkit
groonga                                  snakemake
groovy                                   snapcraft
grpc                                     snownews
gsoap                                    softhsm
gst-editing-services                     solr
gst-libav                                sonar-scanner
gst-plugins-bad                          sonarqube
gst-plugins-base                         sops
gst-plugins-good                         source-highlight
gst-plugins-ugly                         source-to-image
gst-python                               sourcekitten
gst-rtsp-server                          sourcery
gst-validate                             sox
gstreamer                                spades
gtk+3                                    sparse
gtksourceview3                           spdlog
gtksourceview@4                          speedtest-cli
gws                                      sphinx-doc
gx                                       spigot
gx-go                                    spotbugs
hadolint                                 spring-roo
handbrake                                sqldiff
haproxy                                  sqlite
harfbuzz                                 sqlite-analyzer
haskell-stack                            sqliteodbc
hdf5                                     sqlmap
hdf5@1.8                                 sratoolkit
heartbeat                                src
heroku                                   srt
hesiod                                   srtp
hh                                       stella
highlight                                streamlink
hledger                                  stubby
hlint                                    stunnel
hopenpgp-tools                           subversion
html-xml-utils                           sundials
htmldoc                                  svgcleaner
htop                                     swift
htslib                                   swiftformat
hugo                                     swiftlint
hypre                                    swimat
i2p                                      syncthing
icarus-verilog                           synfig
ice                                      talloc
ilmbase                                  tee-clc
imagemagick                              telegraf
imagemagick@6                            teleport
imake                                    tenyr
imapsync                                 tepl
imlib2                                   terraform
inetutils                                terragrunt
infer                                    testssl
influxdb                                 texmath
inspircd                                 tgui
instead                                  thefuck
internetarchive                          tika
iozone                                   tile38
ipfs                                     timelimit
ipython                                  tinyxml2
ipython@5                                tippecanoe
ircd-hybrid                              tj
iso-codes                                tmux
ispc                                     tmuxinator-completion
ivykis                                   todo-txt
jabba                                    todoman
jags                                     tokei
jansson                                  tomcat
jbake                                    tor
jboss-forge                              tracebox
jdupes                                   traefik
jemalloc                                 trafficserver
jena                                     transmission
jenkins                                  travis
jenkins-job-builder                      ttyd
jenkins-lts                              tundra
jetty                                    tup
jfrog-cli-go                             twarc
jhiccup                                  txr
jhipster                                 typescript
joplin                                   u-boot-tools
jpegoptim                                uftp
jruby                                    uhd
json-c                                   unbound
json-fortran                             uncrustify
json-glib                                unpaper
jsonpp                                   unrar
juju                                     upscaledb
jump                                     urh
just                                     utf8proc
jvgrep                                   vagrant-completion
kafka                                    vala
kallisto                                 valabind
kapacitor                                varnish@4
kedge                                    vault
keepassc                                 veclibfort
keychain                                 vegeta
kibana                                   vim
kibana@5.6                               vim@7.4
kitchen-sync                             visp
knot                                     vte3
knot-resolver                            vtk
kompose                                  wabt
konoha                                   watch
kops                                     watson
kotlin                                   webp
krb5                                     webpack
kube-aws                                 wesnoth
kubectx                                  whois
kubeless                                 widelands
kubernetes-cli                           wildfly-as
kubernetes-helm                          wine
lammps                                   winetricks
landscaper                               wireguard-tools
lapack                                   wireshark
lastpass-cli                             wla-dx
launch                                   wp-cli
launch4j                                 wpcli-completion
lcdf-typetools                           wtf
ldc                                      x265
lean                                     xmrig
lean-cli                                 xonsh
ledger                                   xqilla
leptonica                                xrootd
lgogdownloader                           xsv
libbi                                    xtensor
libbitcoin                               xxhash
libbitcoin-explorer                      xz
libbitcoin-server                        yaf
libbpg                                   yarn
libcouchbase                             yash
libcue                                   yaws
libdill                                  yaz
libebml                                  ykman
libetonyek                               ykpers
libfabric                                yle-dl
libfaketime                              you-get
libfixbuf                                youtube-dl
libgit2                                  yq
libgit2-glib                             z3
libgpg-error                             zabbix
libgphoto2                               zanata-client
libgsf                                   zbar
libgsm                                   zenity
libhttpseverywhere                       zmap
libical                                  znapzend
libidn                                   znc
liblwgeom                                zookeeper
libmagic                                 zopfli
libmatio                                 zsh
libmatroska                              zsh-autosuggestions
==> Renamed Formulae
geth -> ethereum                         latexila -> gnome-latex
==> Deleted Formulae
arm             bokken          i3              i3status        monotone

==> Installing dependencies for monero: cmake, boost, miniupnpc, libevent, unbound
==> Installing monero dependency: cmake
==> Downloading
######################################################################## 100.0%
==> Pouring cmake-3.11.2.high_sierra.bottle.tar.gz
==> Caveats
Emacs Lisp files have been installed to:
==> Summary
🍺  /usr/local/Cellar/cmake/3.11.2: 2,363 files, 32.7MB
==> Installing monero dependency: boost
==> Downloading
######################################################################## 100.0%
==> Pouring boost-1.67.0_1.high_sierra.bottle.tar.gz
🍺  /usr/local/Cellar/boost/1.67.0_1: 13,506 files, 450.9MB
==> Installing monero dependency: miniupnpc
==> Downloading
######################################################################## 100.0%
==> Pouring miniupnpc-2.1.high_sierra.bottle.tar.gz
🍺  /usr/local/Cellar/miniupnpc/2.1: 22 files, 183.0KB
==> Installing monero dependency: libevent
==> Downloading
######################################################################## 100.0%
==> Pouring libevent-2.1.8.high_sierra.bottle.tar.gz
🍺  /usr/local/Cellar/libevent/2.1.8: 847 files, 2.2MB
==> Installing monero dependency: unbound
==> Downloading
######################################################################## 100.0%
==> Pouring unbound-1.7.1.high_sierra.bottle.tar.gz
Error: The `brew link` step did not complete successfully
The formula built, but is not symlinked into /usr/local
Could not symlink sbin/unbound
/usr/local/sbin is not writable.

You can try again using:
  brew link unbound
==> Caveats
To have launchd start unbound now and restart at startup:
  sudo brew services start unbound
==> Summary
🍺  /usr/local/Cellar/unbound/1.7.1: 55 files, 4.6MB
==> Installing monero
==> Downloading
==> Downloading from
######################################################################## 100.0%
==> Downloading
######################################################################## 100.0%
==> Patching
==> Applying 53a1962da18f952f6eb4683a846e52fe122520e2.patch
patching file contrib/epee/include/net/abstract_tcp_server2.inl
patching file contrib/epee/include/syncobj.h
==> Downloading
==> Downloading from
######################################################################## 100.0%
==> cmake . -DZMQ_INCLUDE_PATH=/private/tmp/monero-20180524-4567-2xx70q/monero-0
Last 15 lines from /Users/admin/Library/Logs/Homebrew/monero/01.cmake:
-- AES support enabled
-- Found Boost Version: 106700
-- Looking for rl_copy_text
-- Looking for rl_copy_text - found
-- Looking for rl_filename_completion_function
-- Looking for rl_filename_completion_function - found
-- Found readline library at: /usr/local/opt/readline
-- Found Git: /usr/local/bin/git
Doxygen: graphviz not found - graphs disabled
-- Could NOT find Doxygen (missing: DOXYGEN_EXECUTABLE) 
-- Performing Test HAVE_C11
-- Performing Test HAVE_C11 - Success
-- Configuring incomplete, errors occurred!
See also "/tmp/monero-20180524-4567-2xx70q/monero-".
See also "/tmp/monero-20180524-4567-2xx70q/monero-".


These open issues may also help:

I installed Oxygen brew install doxygen and ran install again and it came up missing the component "dot" from Doxygen.

Alternatively, using the same cmd line used for installing the beta versions I received these errors, that also point to brew, in which I had already created an issue on before:

aeon- admin$ brew install --head aeon
Error: Specify `--HEAD` in uppercase to build from trunk.
Jasons-Macbook-Air:aeon- admin$ brew install --HEAD aeon
==> Installing aeon from sammy007/cryptonight
==> Cloning
Cloning into '/Users/admin/Library/Caches/Homebrew/aeon--git'...
remote: Counting objects: 1058, done.
remote: Compressing objects: 100% (953/953), done.
remote: Total 1058 (delta 311), reused 317 (delta 71), pack-reused 0
Receiving objects: 100% (1058/1058), 8.33 MiB | 10.20 MiB/s, done.
Resolving deltas: 100% (311/311), done.
==> Checking out branch master
==> make
Last 15 lines from /Users/admin/Library/Logs/Homebrew/aeon/01.make:
-- Using LMDB as default DB type
-- Stack trace on exception disabled
-- Using OpenSSL found at 
CMake Error at /usr/local/Cellar/cmake/3.11.2/share/cmake/Modules/FindPackageHandleStandardArgs.cmake:137 (message):
  Could NOT find OpenSSL, try to set the path to OpenSSL root folder in the
  system variable OPENSSL_ROOT_DIR (missing: OPENSSL_INCLUDE_DIR)
Call Stack (most recent call first):
  /usr/local/Cellar/cmake/3.11.2/share/cmake/Modules/FindPackageHandleStandardArgs.cmake:378 (_FPHSA_FAILURE_MESSAGE)
  /usr/local/Cellar/cmake/3.11.2/share/cmake/Modules/FindOpenSSL.cmake:390 (find_package_handle_standard_args)
  CMakeLists.txt:406 (find_package)

-- Configuring incomplete, errors occurred!
See also "/tmp/aeon-20180524-9835-ldedjj/build/release/CMakeFiles/CMakeOutput.log".
make: *** [release-all] Error 1

If reporting this issue please do so at (not Homebrew/brew or Homebrew/core):

These open issues may also help:
Request: Update Brew for Aeon Rebase POW change and LMDB addition

I believe the issues found on 12.0 Monero OSX build was that brew needed to be downgraded to properly compile. I didn't try this as of yet.

stoffu commented 6 years ago

Building with Homebrew is currently not officially supported by the project, see

As such, this issue is of relatively low importance. Please reword the title to clarify that the issue is specific to Homebrew, not a general build problem.

stoffu commented 6 years ago

Doxygen is optional and should not cause an error during build. I don't know why Homebrew errors out after failing to find Doxygen.

BigslimVdub commented 6 years ago

If you cd to the folder and run Make it also does not build. I was able to compile 1.3 beta this way after adding the dependencies.

stoffu commented 6 years ago

Then please open a new issue and post the build log.

ilovezfs commented 6 years ago

Use the canonical formula and all is fine.

brew install monero


stoffu commented 6 years ago

@ilovezfs Could you please also support Aeon? The build instructions are exactly the same as Monero’s.

BigslimVdub commented 6 years ago

was aeon support added or will this build monero still?

ilovezfs commented 6 years ago

Given the aeon repo is forked off of the monero repo, it will fail this check

So it would need to be de-forked to be considered for inclusion in Homebrew/homebrew-core.

stoffu commented 6 years ago

@ilovezfs OK, I don't think the Aeon repository will be de-forked just for getting officially included by Homebrew. @sammy007 already created a usable option in #21, so I think this is a non-issue.

ilovezfs commented 6 years ago

What is the relationship between aeon and monero?

stoffu commented 6 years ago

It's similar to the relationship between Litecoin and Bitcoin.

BigslimVdub commented 6 years ago

Sorry I need to update this when I get a chance. I will try to compile the latest next release (12.6?) when ready. I think I had successfully compiled the latest last Monero release CLI a few weeks ago no issues but I think it was not brew.

BigslimVdub commented 6 years ago

Brew Install Aeon

now compiles v0.12.0 cli properly to /usr/local/Cellar/aeon/

I commented on @sammy007 to additionally include latest release build in his bug #21