aepryus / Aexels

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Detailed documentation #7

Open tswett opened 1 year ago

tswett commented 1 year ago

I think Aexels seems really interesting, but unfortunately I don't own any Apple devices and the documentation that you have is pretty scant. I'd be interested in reading a more detailed description of the exact rules that your code implements.

(By the way, I'm guessing that "MMX" in the readme stands for "Michelson–Morley experiment"? It would be a good idea to spell that out.)

More videos would be really great as well. I see that you have two videos up on YouTube showing two of the demos, and it would be great if there were videos of all of them.

aepryus commented 1 year ago

I have replicated some of the text from the app at this website:

Here is a PDF containing the complete set of the app's text:

I'm hoping to make more videos, especially some with me explaining things. However, me just talking seems a bit dry. I'm really hoping to try to find someone to talk to in the videos, who can ask questions and ask for clarifications when something I say doesn't make sense.

The Kinematics and Gravity simulations are qualitative; intended to give the user a feel for the concept, but are definitely not quantitative. The Gravity simulation's current algorithm will not recreate Newton's law of Gravitation, for instance. As such, perhaps their exact implementation isn't important (yet), but none the less the code can be found here:

The Dilation and Contraction implementations can be found here:

aepryus commented 1 year ago

I created 5 quick videos for each of the existing labs. Here is a play list of all of them:

And here are each of the videos:

tswett commented 1 year ago

Very nice! I've read most of the Aexels PDF and hopefully I'll have time to read more and comment on it some more this weekend.

tswett commented 1 year ago

Unfortunately I haven't had the time to sit down and read through the rest of the PDF yet. I do have a few thoughts that I'd like to share with you, though. If you use Discord, feel free to send me a friend request there; my username is Warrigal#3599. (If your username there is something other than aepryus or Aexels, let me know what it is so that I know that it's you.)

aepryus commented 1 year ago


Also, here is Oovium's channel: