aeris / cryptcheck

Verify some SSL/TLS website or XMPP implementation
GNU Affero General Public License v3.0
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Support for TLS 1.3 #46

Open MaxXor opened 4 years ago

MaxXor commented 4 years ago

Hi, thanks a lot for your work. It would be nice if cryptcheck could support TLS 1.3.

aeris commented 4 years ago


It's currently not possible. I'm tied to OpenSSL 1.0.x to support old/deprecated ciphers like SSLv2 or RC4, but 1.2.x is required for TLSv1.3 which remove all deprecated world support with no way to reactivate it at build time. And there is no simple way to use 2 differents OpenSSL binding on the same ruby setup (OpenSSL support is built-in in Ruby core extension…).

I currently working on a pure ruby SSL/TLS stack to support both of the oldest and newest ciphers. But it's quite a long job to fully reimplement TLS :rofl:

HLFH commented 1 year ago

@aeris Hello! Are you still working on cryptcheck-engine? It does not have usage instructions in the README.

aeris commented 1 year ago

o/ here. Currently no more time to develop this part. It's not usable at all at the moment, not a single handshake is possible (close, but not done :D). I hope to be able to have free time to work on it soon !

stephenhodgkiss commented 1 year ago

@aeris - Have you looked any further into expanding the cypher's for TLSv1.3 ?

Reason I am asking is because after implementing SSL configs under Apache and checking with SSL Labs, I am getting an A+ grade with them. However, your site is only giving an E grade, If you need more specifics, please ask.

aeris commented 1 year ago

Have you looked any further into expanding the cypher's for TLSv1.3 ?

Currently it's not at all possible. Supporting SSL and other broken TLS cipher supposed OpenSSL 1.0 or lower and TLSv1.3 OpenSSL 1.1 or better. It needs a huge rework to achieve that and currently I have not enough time for that. 2 ways are possible :

Reason I am asking is because after implementing SSL configs under Apache and checking with SSL Labs, I am getting an A+ grade with them. However, your site is only giving an E grade, If you need more specifics, please ask.

I bet this E is not TLSv1.3 related but something else. You could check on the .json API to display many more information that the ones available on the .html page.

stephenhodgkiss commented 1 year ago

Ok thank you for your quick reply. Regarding checking the .json API I can't do that, as I have not integrated your code myself; it has been implemented by SEARXNG and is now giving unreliable TLS grades.

You can see many users have their own instances here

An example instance is where the TLS grade has only an E but SSL Labs is reporting back an A+

aeris commented 1 year ago

With .json API, i mean checking manually what check give the E scoring :blush: For example going here give you many more details than the ones available on the HTML page. In this case the grade is capped to E because presence of DHE negociation and so downgrade attack possible like this one. Currently DHE support is dropped from every decent browser and it presence server side is now just a useless weak point of attack.

stephenhodgkiss commented 1 year ago

Thanks. I checked my particular URL and it returns: -


aeris commented 1 year ago

So the same, support for DHE & SHA1 cipher suite.

stephenhodgkiss commented 1 year ago

My Apache2 SSL config now has:


This has resulted in A+ grades at your site and also SSL Labs. Thanks for your help, appreciated.

aeris commented 1 year ago

I advice you a simple cipher suite : EECDH+CHACHA20:EECDH+AES:!AESCCM8:!SHA1 You got support for CHACHA20 and CCM cipher and remove sweet32 vulnerable CCM8 (currently not correctly reported in CryptCheck). Just for information, ! negative cipher suite selector is bugged as fuck and should be avoided as far as possible, check the real effect of your selector with openssl ciphers :)

Gunni commented 1 month ago

How about dropping support for old stuff and adding it for tls 1.3, just label any support for old stuff as a fail 😁

aeris commented 1 month ago

Because dropping support for old stuff is also not being able to detect it :rofl: