aerokube / images

Browser images for Selenoid and Moon 1.x
Apache License 2.0
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Video recording problem #600

Closed GigiMamaladze closed 1 year ago

GigiMamaladze commented 1 year ago

I have video’s problem, when test’s work via selenoid i can see everything, but after tests are finished, in video some part’s of test process are missing, for example: opening Passwornd and email page and inputting values. after which in video its already signed in, without this process recorded.

Here is my browsers.json

  "chrome": {
    "default": "100.0",
    "versions": {
      "100.0": {
        "image": "sskorol/selenoid_chromium_vnc:100.0",
        "port": "4444",
        "path": "/",
        "tmpfs": {
          "/tmp": "size=512m"


` selenoid: network_mode: bridge image: aerokube/selenoid:latest-release container_name: "selenoid-compose" volumes:

vania-pooh commented 1 year ago

@GigiMamaladze video recorder container is started right after browser container, so probably the beginning of the test execution can be missing in recorded video. At least you can insert a short sleep before executing the test case to fix this.

GigiMamaladze commented 1 year ago

is any other variant to fix it without pause ?

vania-pooh commented 1 year ago

@GigiMamaladze usually delay is about 1 second maximum. Make sure your VM or server is not slow.

GigiMamaladze commented 1 year ago

Okay, thanks