aerospike / aerospike-client-ruby

Ruby client for the Aerospike database
Apache License 2.0
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Aggregations support #12

Open mindreframer opened 9 years ago

mindreframer commented 9 years ago

any particular reason, why aggregations are not supported??

Would love to see it soon in the gem!

khaf commented 9 years ago

It is in the works and will be added to the client soon.

mindreframer commented 9 years ago

Really looking forward to it!

nihtalak commented 9 years ago


VILATTI commented 9 years ago


voleoo commented 9 years ago


Elochai commented 9 years ago

+ 1

mic-2000 commented 9 years ago


Kesidi commented 9 years ago


mari-bond commented 9 years ago


chubchenko commented 9 years ago


Eversilence commented 9 years ago


khaf commented 9 years ago

Wow, look at the demand!

Moved to the top of the priority list.

Is anyone blocked on this?

babakhanov commented 9 years ago


Eversilence commented 9 years ago

Thanks! Looking forward for this feature

RomanMukhin commented 9 years ago


bbulkow commented 9 years ago

Hi Folks --- I'm the product guy here at Aerospike, and we're trying to figure out where the demand for our Ruby client is. Downloads / clones / whatever are far lower than other languages.

Can you tell us what you're using Ruby and Aerospike for?

--- just answer here --- send me a private note on github --- send me an email

Helping us understand who uses ruby helps us prioritize ruby work (higher) !


ktaras commented 9 years ago

Hi Brian! I'm also waiting for this feature because my team and I would like to use it in our high-load Rails app. We've carried out some experiments with it and we were absolutely satisfied, but without this feature we can't use it for our purposes.

mindreframer commented 9 years ago

Hello Brian,

we have some analytical requirements and having aggregations support is absolute must here.

bbulkow commented 9 years ago

Cool, thanks for the info, and I'm having some private discussions too. It sounds like you're mostly using aerospike for key-value and need a few aggregations.

Here's the technical problem: we map-reduce on the servers in a parallel fashion, partially reduce on the servers, then do a final reduce stage on the client. Cool, but our map-reduce language is Lua.

We need Lua running inside Ruby.

Since we did a "native ruby" client (which is great and easier to use for all of you), we need a way to call out to Lua for that final step.

Any suggestions of the best way to implement that?

mindreframer commented 9 years ago

The most up-to-date and maintained LUA bridge is this gem:


I have little experience working with C bindings /FFI Interface, but if you explain the problem in detail, I could spike a proof of concept (maybe with 2 competing approaches, C vs. FFI), what do you think?

mindreframer commented 9 years ago

it seems that this issue is stalled.... any new info on this?

lijeeshsd commented 5 years ago

Still not implemented? It has been 3 years :( I really need this :(