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Documentation of the Aerostack2 Project
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AS2 Documentation v1.0 Structure #16

Closed RPS98 closed 1 year ago

RPS98 commented 1 year ago

Change structure to the following:


  1. Getting started
  2. Aerostack2 Concepts
  3. Examples
  4. Aerial Platform
  5. Robot Behaviors
  6. AS2 Plugins
  7. User Interfaces
  8. Python API
  9. ROS 2 Common interfaces
  10. Development
  11. Roadmaps
  12. License Agreement: 3-Clause BSD License
  13. Citations
  14. About and Contact

Extended Table of Contents:

  1. Getting started

    • License agreement
    • Previous dependencies
    • Ubuntu (Debian)
      • Binary Install
      • Source Install
        • Source Installation
        • Standard Build
        • Build with AS2 CLI
  2. Aerostack2 Concepts

    • Architecture
      • Inter-process Communication
      • Platform and Sensors
      • Robotics Functions
      • Behaviors
      • Mission Control
      • Applications
    • Aerostack2 Inter-process Communication
    • Aerial Platform
    • Motion Controller
    • State Estimator
  3. Examples

    • Prerequisites
    • Basics Examples
      • Keyboard Teleoperation Example
      • Swarm Keyboard Teleoperation Example
      • Python Example
      • Swarm Python Example
  4. Aerial Platform

    • Ignition Gazebo

      • Introduction
      • Installation
        • Prerequisites
        • Install platform package
        • Install simulation assets
      • Aerostack2 Common Interface
        • Control Modes
        • Sensors
      • Config Simulation
      • Platform Launch
    • Pixhawk 4

      • Introduction
      • Installation
        • Prerequisites
          • Fast-DDS-Gen
          • pyros-genmsg
        • Install platform package
      • Aerostack2 Common Interface
        • Control Modes
        • Sensors
      • Platform Launch
    • Bitcraze Crazyflie

      • Introduction
      • Installation
        • Prerequisites
        • Install platform package
      • Aerostack2 Common Interface
        • Control Modes
        • Sensors
      • Platform Launch
    • Ryze Tello

    • DJI Matrice Series

  5. Robot Behaviors

    • Motion Behaviors
    • Perception Behaviors
    • Trajectory Generation Behaviors
  6. AS2 Plugins

    • Motion Controller Plugins
      • State Estimator Plugins
      • Behaviors Plugins
      • Motion Behaviors Plugins
  7. User Interfaces

    • Behavior Tree
    • Keyboard Teleoperation
    • Alphanumeric Viewer
    • Web Gui
  8. Python API

  9. ROS 2 Common interfaces

    • Aerial Platform
      • Topics
      • Services
    • Motion Controller
      • Topics
      • Services
    • State Estimator
      • Topics
    • Behaviors
      • Actions
    • AS2 Msgs
    • Using AS2 Interfaces
  10. Development

    • Command Line Interface (CLI)
    • Tutorials
      • Writing a New Aerial Platform
        • Overview
        • Requirements
        • Tutorial Steps
          • Abstract class, Aerial Platform
          • Overriden methods
            • Class constuctor
            • Sensor configuration
            • Control mode
            • Send command
            • Arming
            • Offboard
            • Emergency kill switch
            • Emergency stop
            • Takeoff
            • Land
          • Control modes configuration
      • Writing a New Motion Controller Plugin
        • Overview
        • Requirements
        • Tutorial Steps
          • Controller Plugin Base
          • Overriden methods
            • Initialization
            • Update State
            • Update Reference
            • Compute Output
            • Set Mode
            • Parameters Update
            • Reset
          • Exporting the plugin
          • Controller manager and configuration files
          • Launching
      • Writing a New State Estimator Plugin
        • Overview
        • Requirements
        • Tutorial Steps
          • Estimator Plugin Base
          • Overriden methods
            • Setup
          • Exporting the plugin
          • Launching
      • Writing a New Behavior
        • Overview
        • Requirements
        • Behavior Server
        • Behavior Client
    • Develop Guide
      • Developing a New Package
        • Architecture of a New Package
        • Code Style
          • C++
          • Python
        • Test
          • Code Style Test
          • Code Functional Test
          • Code Coverage Test
    • API Documentation
      • AS2 Core
      • AS2 Msgs
      • AS2 Motion Controller
      • AS2 State Estimator
      • AS2 Behavior
  11. Roadmaps

  12. License Agreement: 3-Clause BSD License

  13. Citations

  14. About and Contact