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Documentation of the Aerostack2 Project
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Better documentation for dji tello #51

Open Carlvebbesen opened 4 months ago

Carlvebbesen commented 4 months ago

Hi I am trying to launch a dji tello drone using the aerostack2 framework. Do you guys have any recommendations on how to change some of the example to make this possible? I have tried a lot to make it work. When launching the as2_platform_tello package by itself i get a rclcpp::exceptions::UninitializedStaticallyTypedParameterException, even though i have tried setting the param in the config file.

How could i change the crazyfile example to work with the as2_tello_platform? Do you have any resources about an easier how to guide

I am currently using ros2 humble on ubuntu 20.4

pariaspe commented 4 months ago

Hi @Carlvebbesen, I've fixed missing parameter issue in but node is still dying. We are taking a look at it, hope to fix it soon. As you have noticed, we don't have a guide for the tello available yet. Although, I've just changed to public a repository example for the tello, it might help. Also, we are open to new contributors and it will be great if you could help creating an example guide for the tello similar to the existing ones.

Carlvebbesen commented 4 months ago

@pariaspe would you say the aerostack framework is stable? Me and my partner is currently working on a master thesis in computer science where we will be implementing an autonomous tello drone using ROS2 humble. We are investigating what framework to use. Is it possible to implement orbSlam3 or nav2 into the aerostack framework? And is this possible by writing python or do we have to write c++?

pariaspe commented 4 months ago

I would say it is. We don't usually fly Tello though. Yes, you can use other software like nav2 with aerostack2. You can choose to use any language available in ROS 2. Indeed, we mainly use our as2_python_api to define the mission to fly.