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Error using hexrotor_base with a gimbal #68

Closed OdedHorowits closed 1 week ago

OdedHorowits commented 1 week ago


I use the following world.json file, all I change is the drone model_type, and the presence of a gimbal:

    "world_name": "my_world",
    "drones": [
            "model_type": "hexrotor_base",
            "model_name": "drone0",
            "xyz": [0.0, 0.0, 0.3],
            "rpy": [0, 0, 0],
            "flight_time": 60,
            "payload": [
                    "model_type": "gimbal_position",
                    "model_name": "gb",
                        "model_type": "rgbd_camera",
                        "model_name": "rgbd_camera"

For hexrotor_base with a gimbal, I get the following error: Screenshot from 2024-07-08 14-04-49

Why would there be any problem if it works with a quadrotor_base? And how do I start to debug it?

Thank you

pariaspe commented 1 week ago

Hi, what you mention is a known issue with aerostack2 v1.0.9. It is already solved at the main branch and new releases would include the fix.

OdedHorowits commented 1 week ago

Thank you. So if I want to use the current main, my only option it to pull and build from source?

pariaspe commented 1 week ago

Yes, it is the only option. We are planning to release aerostack2 v1.1 in the next days