aerostitch / testnavit

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Text and speech enhancements for English language #112

Open aerostitch opened 13 years ago

aerostitch commented 13 years ago

Issue migrated from trac ticket # 906

component: core | priority: minor

2011-07-29 13:09:17: created the issue


I am currently running svn in Ubuntu 11.04, but will be switching to Android 2.2 as soon as my Android device returns from Italy (with my wife).

I've found a couple of anomalies in the way the street names are handled:

-*1:** Espeak interprets "Dr" as "Doctor", so "Powers Dr" is spoken as "Powers Doctor" instead of "Powers Drive".

My suggestion would be that Navit should automatically correct "Dr" to "Drive" if the language is English and "Dr" is at the end of the string (disregarding spaces and punctuation). In other words, "Dr Powers Dr." should be displayed on screen and spoken as "Doctor Powers Drive".

-*2:** Many other abbrevations are not interpreted at all. Examples follow: "hwy" = "highway" "ln" = "lane" "ct" = "court"

My suggestion would be that a set of rules for how to interpret different abbreviations should be kept in a separate file for each language with a third variable for when the rule should be applied.

The rules would look something like:





-*3:** A space needs to be inserted between the street name and the description. "Northwestern Hwy","M 10" is displayed and spoken as Northwestern hwyM 10. There needs to be a space in the displayed text and a pause in the spoken text. It should be displayed and spoken as "Northwestern Highway. M 10".

-*4:** On a related note (should this be a seperate ticket?) I am not comfortable with the instruction "turn easily right at". I don't think an English speaking person would say it like that. In Britain one would probably say "Bear right at". I would have to check with my American wife whether that would be understood by an American. "Easily" sounds like it was translated from some other language by a non native English speaker.



aerostitch commented 13 years ago

2011-07-29 13:39:48:

aerostitch commented 13 years ago

2011-07-29 15:44:39:

aerostitch commented 13 years ago

2011-07-29 16:07:34: commented

I talked to my wife. She suggests "veer right" and "sharp right".

aerostitch commented 13 years ago

2011-08-04 11:01:52: korrosa commented

Good points.

For points 1 and 2 - OSM in theory forbids the use of abbreviations within its data. See If you find these in your area, please fix them. This doesn't discount the fact that they are used, though, but it's a difficult call if Navit should be mopping up OSM mistakes.

Point 4 - I live in the UK, and "turn easily right at" is fine. "Bear right" is also fine, but does not actually mean the same as "turn easily right at" - the former is for if the road splits, and you follow one direction. The latter is for a junction. Or at least, it should be. "Veer right" and "sharp right" are different to "easily right" - you "veer" a car around the road if you're drunk (remember kids, don't drink and drive), whilst a "sharp" right is sort of the opposite of "easily" right.

Point 3 - When you say description, do you mean the street "ref" (in OSM parlance)?

aerostitch commented 13 years ago

2011-08-24 09:25:27: polarbear_n commented

So far I have only heard Navit saying 'turn easily right' for turns less than 90 degrees, and 'turn strongly right' for more than 90 degrees.

Not sure how the sentence is composed, can we change the complete phrase, or is the adverb just inserted on demand, between 'turn' and the direction?

If we need to keep the word order, my proposal is 'turn slightly right' and 'turn sharply right', being unambiguous. If we can use a complete phrase, 'keep right'.

I'm against 'easily' and 'strongly' as they relate to difficulty and not to a minor or major degree. Oxford defines 'easily' as 'without difficulty or effort'. The same defines 'bear' in the context of turning 'turn and proceed in a specified direction', that would include the regular 90 degree turn. There might be local variations in the meaning, but we would need to be precise for a wide scope of drivers.

aerostitch commented 12 years ago

2011-11-17 09:54:51: commented

could those instructions be editable? i use polish translation and it has no polish diacrics, and many instructions are just too long. it is common practice in almost all GPS units i've seen to customize speech output - all voice and style. one needs different instructions on feet , different on bike, and different on car, also people have various personal preferences.

aerostitch commented 12 years ago

2011-11-17 11:41:19: korrosa commented

Replying to [comment:6 chaoscrawler]:

could those instructions be editable? i use polish translation and it has no polish diacrics, and many instructions are just too long. it is common practice in almost all GPS units i've seen to customize speech output - all voice and style. one needs different instructions on feet , different on bike, and different on car, also people have various personal preferences.

Yes and no. You can't edit the sentences which are spoken unless you edit the code and recompile. You can adjust which sentences are said when: check out and ctrl+f "announcement".

aerostitch commented 11 years ago

2013-06-29 04:52:32: usul changed priority from major to minor

aerostitch commented 11 years ago

2013-06-29 04:52:32: usul commented

Updated summary:

  • check translation with native speakers
  • outsource speech directions - then they can be adapted by users and easily customized
aerostitch commented 11 years ago

2013-07-02 15:54:49: usul

aerostitch commented 6 years ago

2017-12-02 04:08:44: @jkoan

aerostitch commented 6 years ago

2017-12-02 04:08:44: @jkoan commented

This ticket was pushed back in order to bring 0.5.1 out soon.