aerostitch / testnavit

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Longer street names do not render #253

Open aerostitch opened 9 years ago

aerostitch commented 9 years ago

Issue migrated from trac ticket # 1251

component: core | priority: major

2014-09-22 13:35:22: @mvglasow created the issue

Currently a lot of street names do not render on Navit, even when the street seems long enough to fit a label into. This seems to be more of an issue on high-resolution displays (e.g. Android HDPI) with a theme scaled appropriately (e.g. the theme).

It appears that the current algorithm with which Navit renders labels on ways, such as street names, works in a manner similar to this:

  • Break the way into segments from one point to the next
  • Determine if the segment is long enough to render the label
  • If yes, render the label.

This has drawbacks, which become apparent when a road is mapped with a hogh level of detail (i.e. high density of points):

  • Short names (e.g. A2) get rendered very frequently – when this road is part of the route, the text almost completely obscures the colored line marking the route. (Style-dependent, of course.)
  • Long names do not get rendered at all.

As a suggestion for improvement, I would suggest a label placing algorithm similar to the one in Mapnik:

  • Place labels along paths (possibly with a limit on the maximum angle between two adjacent letters)
  • Try to render each way label at least once
  • Repeat labels on long ways (but with a reasonable amount of space in between)

This will probably be more resource-intensive than the current solution, but at the moment, the vast majority of street names is not rendering – not an acceptable solution.