aertslab / GENIE3

GENIE3 (GEne Network Inference with Ensemble of trees) R-package
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From GENIE3 to tree diagrams #16

Open Su870 opened 1 year ago

Su870 commented 1 year ago


I have recently ran GRNBoost2 during my pySCENIC pipeline and was wondering how I could get the visualization tree diagrams?

This is the code that I used to get the grnboost2 results: pyscenic grn geneexp_scenic.loom allTFs_hg38.txt --method grnboost2 --output adj.tsv --num_workers 20

The output file adj.tsv has the 3 columns named: TF, Target, and Importance. image

I am wondering how I can create the tree diagrams and heat maps from the adj.tsv file? image
