aertslab / RcisTarget

RcisTarget: Transcription factor binding motif enrichment
34 stars 9 forks source link

Rcistarget #38

Open saeedfc opened 12 months ago

saeedfc commented 12 months ago


RcisTarget vignette link seems broken as o fnow and returns a 404 error

Thanks, Saeed

cgoneill commented 10 months ago

I'm having problems with installation as well - the Bioconductor installation call (BiocManager::install('RcisTarget')) seems to be broken, and the resulting warning message says that RcisTarget isn't available for Bioconductor v3.18. Installing it from GitHub with devtools seems to still work, but not having it available on Bioconductor is odd - the page on the Bioconductor site is still up, but the provided install() call does not work.

vjcitn commented 9 months ago

The "zoo" package needs to be moved from Enhances to Suggests.

C1165511708 commented 7 months ago

I'm having problems with installation as well - the Bioconductor installation call (BiocManager::install('RcisTarget')) seems to be broken, and the resulting warning message says that RcisTarget isn't available for Bioconductor v3.18. Installing it from GitHub with devtools seems to still work, but not having it available on Bioconductor is odd - the page on the Bioconductor site is still up, but the provided install() call does not work.

I'm also having problems installing this package. Have you solved the problem?

This is my warning message. Warning message: package ‘RcisTarget’ is not available for Bioconductor version '3.18' A version of this package for your version of R might be available elsewhere, see the ideas at