aertslab / SCENIC

SCENIC is an R package to infer Gene Regulatory Networks and cell types from single-cell RNA-seq data.
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RSS top eRegulon jaccard heatmap #436

Open alirosen opened 6 months ago

alirosen commented 6 months ago


I'm trying to visualize my top eRegulons with the jaccard_heatmap function (following 10X multiome pbmc tutorial).

My code is here:

from scenicplus.plotting.correlation_plot import *
region_intersetc_data, Z = jaccard_heatmap(scplus_obj,
                                           method = 'intersect',
                                           gene_or_region_based = 'Region_based',
                                           use_plotly = False,
                                           selected_regulons = selected_markers,
                                           signature_key = 'eRegulon_signatures_filtered',
                                           figsize = (10, 10), return_data = True, vmax = 0.5, cmap = 'plasma')  

When I save with plt.savefig the image just shows the last plot generated. Can someone help me generate this heatmap? Thank you!