aertslab / SCENIC

SCENIC is an R package to infer Gene Regulatory Networks and cell types from single-cell RNA-seq data.
GNU General Public License v3.0
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run_SCENIC_2_createRegulons(): Warning #438

Open btsanketh opened 5 months ago

btsanketh commented 5 months ago

Hi all. I have a quick question regarding a warning that I keep getting while running scenic in R. The warning is when I use the : run_SCENIC_2_createRegulons() function.

Warning: There is no annotation version attribute in the input table (it has probably been loaded with an older version of the package).'v9' will be used as it was the old default,but we recommend to re-load the annotations and/or re-run the enrichment to make sure everything is consistent. Preview of motif enrichment saved as: output/Step2_MotifEnrichment_preview.html

I used the "motifAnnotations_mgi_v9" from the RcisTarget package : "1.19.2" and for the rankings the cistarget from :

Is there something I have to change ? Thanks a lot for your help. Best regards, Sanketh