aertslab / SCENIC

SCENIC is an R package to infer Gene Regulatory Networks and cell types from single-cell RNA-seq data.
GNU General Public License v3.0
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initializeScenic(org="hgnc", dbDir="cisTarget_databases", nCores=1) #461

Open YSYL-FSH opened 6 days ago

YSYL-FSH commented 6 days ago


Why did the function suddenly stop working?

<-- Please explain what the bug is, and if possible, the steps to reproduce it. scenicOptions <- initializeScenic(org="hgnc", dbDir="cisTarget_databases", nCores=1) Motif databases selected: hg19-500bp-upstream-7species.mc9nr.feather hg19-tss-centered-10kb-7species.mc9nr.feather [1] "The index column 'features' is not available in the file." [1] "The index column 'features' is not available in the file." Error in eval( : object 'motifAnnotations_hgnc' not found In addition: Warning message: In initializeScenic(org = "hgnc", dbDir = "cisTarget_databases", : It was not possible to load the following databses; check whether they are downloaded correctly: hg19-500bp-upstream-7species.mc9nr.feather hg19-tss-centered-10kb-7species.mc9nr.feather Providing a minimal example or a mini-dataset to reproduce the error will help a lot! -->