aertslab / create_cisTarget_databases

Create cisTarget databases
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Use tracks #17

Open mtxellrb opened 2 years ago

mtxellrb commented 2 years ago


Maybe I'm getting this totally wrong, but from the README file it seems that to annotate regulatory regions for each gene or region, you can either use a motif annotation generated by cluster-buster or you can use Chip-Seq tracks instead. However, the description seems to be focused entirely on motif annotation. Could you be so kind to provide me with an pipeline example for bigWig files of TF ChIP-seq data and gene fasta files? Thanks!



ghuls commented 2 years ago

Yes for now the README is focused on motifs. For tracks the script still needs to be written but conceptually it is quite similar to, but instead of using scoring motifs with Cluster-buster for a FASTA file with regions/genes/ of interest, you need to have a BED file with your regions/genes and use bigWigAverageOverBed to get the max score per region and rank those. I might look at this code soon as I have to generate some databases myself.

wariobrega commented 2 years ago

@ghuls I am also trying to understand whether I can use peak files generated from my ChiPSeq data!

ghuls commented 2 years ago

yes you can, but you need to make sure you have a lot of ChIPseq tracks in your database as else they will always be enriched in each analysis. For a cisTarget database you just need some input data that you can rank also make sure in case of ties that you randomize those rank assignment so you don't get artificial high rankings for your first regions.

ghuls commented 1 year ago

@mtxellrb A script for creating a track database from bigWig TF ChIP-seq data is now added