aertslab / create_cisTarget_databases

Create cisTarget databases
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create_cistarget_motif_databases issues #7

Open huoqiang138 opened 3 years ago

huoqiang138 commented 3 years ago

Thanks for your detailed explanation! It is very helpful. Could you also pls guid me if I want to create a track-based database? I have the region fasta file and 100+ chip-seq data in bigwig format. However, I've no idea how to organize and where should I input these data under Many thanks

ghuls commented 3 years ago

A script will be added soon to this repo. It will use bigWigAverageOverBed to get the coverage in each of your regions and rank them.

mcsimenc commented 2 years ago

Hi, I'm also interested in creating a new cisTarget track database. I could do test runs of the script if it could be helpful. Thanks for all your work on this pipeline!