aertslab / pySCENIC

pySCENIC is a lightning-fast python implementation of the SCENIC pipeline (Single-Cell rEgulatory Network Inference and Clustering) which enables biologists to infer transcription factors, gene regulatory networks and cell types from single-cell RNA-seq data.
GNU General Public License v3.0
433 stars 181 forks source link

'WARNING: infer_data failed for target Hsf1' Retry (10/10). Failure caused by ValueError('Cleaned TF matrix is empty, skipping inference of target Hsf1.'). #498

Open qijt123 opened 1 year ago

qijt123 commented 1 year ago


Thank you for a very useful tool.

This problem arose when I ran the first step 'Inference of co-expression modules' using pySECNIC, what is the meaning of this warning and what impact does it have on the result? How do you modify it?

SeppeDeWinter commented 1 year ago

Hi @qijt123

Could you please provide a bit more context? Copy-paste of the exact command you ran + output.

Thank you.



qijt123 commented 1 year ago

Hi @SeppeDeWinter

Thank you for your reply!

My code:

def run_scenic(adata, tf_names, DATABASES_GLOB, MOTIF_ANNOTATIONS_FNAME):
    exp_matrix = pd.DataFrame(adata.X.toarray(), columns=adata.var.index, index=adata.obs.index)
    db_fnames = glob.glob(DATABASES_GLOB)
    def name(fname):
        return os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(fname))[0]
    dbs = [RankingDatabase(fname=fname, name=name(fname)) for fname in db_fnames]
    # Run grnboost2
    print('Phase I: Inference of co-expression modules')
    adjacencies = grnboost2(exp_matrix, tf_names=tf_names, verbose=True)
    # Create modules from a dataframe containing weighted adjacencies between a TF and its target genes.
    modules = list(modules_from_adjacencies(adjacencies, exp_matrix, min_genes=10))
    print('Phase II: Prune modules for targets with cis regulatory footprints')
    # Calculate a list of enriched motifs and the corresponding target genes for all modules.
    df = prune2df(dbs, modules, MOTIF_ANNOTATIONS_FNAME,num_workers=20)
    regulons = df2regulons(df)
    print('Phase III: Cellular regulon enrichment matrix')
    auc_mtx = aucell(exp_matrix, regulons, num_workers=40)
    ## binarize
    thrs = []
    num = 1
    for regulon in auc_mtx.columns:
        thrs.append(derive_threshold(auc_mtx, regulon))
        num = num + 1
    thresholds = pd.Series(index=auc_mtx.columns, data=thrs)
    auc_bin_mtx = (auc_mtx > thresholds).astype(int)
    # save result
    scenic_res_dict = {}
    scenic_res_dict['auc_mtx'] = auc_mtx
    scenic_res_dict['auc_bin_mtx'] = auc_bin_mtx
    scenic_res_dict['auc_thresholds'] = thresholds
    adata.uns['scenic_res'] = scenic_res_dict
    adata.uns['scenic_res']['auc_thresholds'] = pd.DataFrame(adata.uns['scenic_res']['auc_thresholds'],columns=['thresholds'])

DATABASES_GLOB = '/home/user/data3/qij/project/cell_communication/pySCENIC/databases/mouse_mm10_v10/mm10_*.feather'
MOTIF_ANNOTATIONS_FNAME = '/home/user/data3/qij/project/cell_communication/pySCENIC/resources/motifs-v10nr_clust-nr.mgi-m0.001-o0.0.tbl'
tf_names = ['Hsf1']
run_scenic(adata_liver_d, tf_names, DATABASES_GLOB, MOTIF_ANNOTATIONS_FNAME)


Phase I: Inference of co-expression modules
preparing dask client
/home/user/BGM/qij/miniconda3/envs/STAGATE_pyG/lib/python3.10/site-packages/distributed/ UserWarning: Port 8787 is already in use.
Perhaps you already have a cluster running?
Hosting the HTTP server on port 41353 instead
parsing input
creating dask graph
16 partitions
computing dask graph
/home/user/BGM/qij/miniconda3/envs/STAGATE_pyG/lib/python3.10/site-packages/distributed/ UserWarning: Sending large graph of size 431.61 MiB.
This may cause some slowdown.
Consider scattering data ahead of time and using futures.
'WARNING: infer_data failed for target Hsf1' Retry (1/10). Failure caused by ValueError('Cleaned TF matrix is empty, skipping inference of target Hsf1.').
'WARNING: infer_data failed for target Hsf1' Retry (2/10). Failure caused by ValueError('Cleaned TF matrix is empty, skipping inference of target Hsf1.').
'WARNING: infer_data failed for target Hsf1' Retry (3/10). Failure caused by ValueError('Cleaned TF matrix is empty, skipping inference of target Hsf1.').
'WARNING: infer_data failed for target Hsf1' Retry (4/10). Failure caused by ValueError('Cleaned TF matrix is empty, skipping inference of target Hsf1.').
'WARNING: infer_data failed for target Hsf1' Retry (5/10). Failure caused by ValueError('Cleaned TF matrix is empty, skipping inference of target Hsf1.').
'WARNING: infer_data failed for target Hsf1' Retry (6/10). Failure caused by ValueError('Cleaned TF matrix is empty, skipping inference of target Hsf1.').
'WARNING: infer_data failed for target Hsf1' Retry (7/10). Failure caused by ValueError('Cleaned TF matrix is empty, skipping inference of target Hsf1.').
'WARNING: infer_data failed for target Hsf1' Retry (8/10). Failure caused by ValueError('Cleaned TF matrix is empty, skipping inference of target Hsf1.').
'WARNING: infer_data failed for target Hsf1' Retry (9/10). Failure caused by ValueError('Cleaned TF matrix is empty, skipping inference of target Hsf1.').
'WARNING: infer_data failed for target Hsf1' Retry (10/10). Failure caused by ValueError('Cleaned TF matrix is empty, skipping inference of target Hsf1.').
shutting down client and local cluster

2023-08-08 22:23:29,093 - pyscenic.utils - INFO - Calculating Pearson correlations.

2023-08-08 22:23:29,106 - pyscenic.utils - WARNING - Note on correlation calculation: the default behaviour for calculating the correlations has changed after pySCENIC verion 0.9.16. Previously, the default was to calculate the correlation between a TF and target gene using only cells with non-zero expression values (mask_dropouts=True). The current default is now to use all cells to match the behavior of the R verision of SCENIC. The original settings can be retained by setting 'rho_mask_dropouts=True' in the modules_from_adjacencies function, or '--mask_dropouts' from the CLI.
    Dropout masking is currently set to [False].

2023-08-08 22:23:37,452 - pyscenic.utils - INFO - Creating modules.
/home/user/BGM/qij/miniconda3/envs/STAGATE_pyG/lib/python3.10/site-packages/pyscenic/ FutureWarning: Not prepending group keys to the result index of transform-like apply. In the future, the group keys will be included in the index, regardless of whether the applied function returns a like-indexed object.
To preserve the previous behavior, use

    >>> .groupby(..., group_keys=False)

To adopt the future behavior and silence this warning, use 

    >>> .groupby(..., group_keys=True)
  df = adjacencies.groupby(by=COLUMN_NAME_TARGET).apply(
/home/user/BGM/qij/miniconda3/envs/STAGATE_pyG/lib/python3.10/site-packages/pyscenic/ FutureWarning: Not prepending group keys to the result index of transform-like apply. In the future, the group keys will be included in the index, regardless of whether the applied function returns a like-indexed object.
To preserve the previous behavior, use

    >>> .groupby(..., group_keys=False)

To adopt the future behavior and silence this warning, use 

    >>> .groupby(..., group_keys=True)
  df = adjacencies.groupby(by=COLUMN_NAME_TARGET).apply(
/home/user/BGM/qij/miniconda3/envs/STAGATE_pyG/lib/python3.10/site-packages/pyscenic/ FutureWarning: Not prepending group keys to the result index of transform-like apply. In the future, the group keys will be included in the index, regardless of whether the applied function returns a like-indexed object.
To preserve the previous behavior, use

    >>> .groupby(..., group_keys=False)

To adopt the future behavior and silence this warning, use 

    >>> .groupby(..., group_keys=True)
  df = adjacencies.groupby(by=COLUMN_NAME_TARGET).apply(
Phase II: Prune modules for targets with cis regulatory footprints
OMP: Info #276: omp_set_nested routine deprecated, please use omp_set_max_active_levels instead.
Create regulons from a dataframe of enriched features.
Additional columns saved: []
Phase III: Cellular regulon enrichment matrix
aerodactyl5 commented 1 year ago

seeing similiar error as well

what does the errror mean?

<div class="lm-Widget lm-Panel jp-OutputArea-child" style="box-sizing: border-box; position: relative; overflow: hidden; display: table; table-layout: fixed; width: 1053px; padding-top: 6px; color: rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.87); font-family: system-ui, -apple-system, blinkmacsystemfont, &quot;Segoe UI&quot;, helvetica, arial, sans-serif, &quot;Apple Color Emoji&quot;, &quot;Segoe UI Emoji&quot;, &quot;Segoe UI Symbol&quot;; font-size: 13px; font-style: normal; font-variant-ligatures: normal; font-variant-caps: normal; font-weight: 400; letter-spacing: normal; orphans: 2; text-align: start; text-indent: 0px; text-transform: none; widows: 2; word-spacing: 0px; -webkit-text-stroke-width: 0px; white-space: normal; background-color: rgb(17, 17, 17); text-decoration-thickness: initial; text-decoration-style: initial; text-decoration-color: initial;"><div class="lm-Widget jp-RenderedText jp-mod-trusted jp-OutputArea-output" data-mime-type="application/vnd.jupyter.stdout" style="box-sizing: border-box; position: relative; overflow: auto; text-align: left; padding-left: 1ch; line-height: var(--jp-code-line-height); font-family: var(--jp-code-font-family); display: table-cell; width: 994px; height: auto; user-select: text;"><pre style="font-family: var(--jp-code-font-family); font-size: var(--jp-code-font-size); line-height: var(--jp-code-line-height); color: var(--jp-content-font-color1); border: none; margin: 0px; padding: 0px; overflow: auto; word-break: break-all; overflow-wrap: break-word; white-space: pre-wrap;">preparing dask client
parsing input
creating dask graph
4 partitions
computing dask graph
</pre></div></div><div class="lm-Widget lm-Panel jp-OutputArea-child" style="box-sizing: border-box; position: relative; overflow: hidden; display: table; table-layout: fixed; width: 1053px; padding-top: 6px; color: rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.87); font-family: system-ui, -apple-system, blinkmacsystemfont, &quot;Segoe UI&quot;, helvetica, arial, sans-serif, &quot;Apple Color Emoji&quot;, &quot;Segoe UI Emoji&quot;, &quot;Segoe UI Symbol&quot;; font-size: 13px; font-style: normal; font-variant-ligatures: normal; font-variant-caps: normal; font-weight: 400; letter-spacing: normal; orphans: 2; text-align: start; text-indent: 0px; text-transform: none; widows: 2; word-spacing: 0px; -webkit-text-stroke-width: 0px; white-space: normal; background-color: rgb(17, 17, 17); text-decoration-thickness: initial; text-decoration-style: initial; text-decoration-color: initial;"><div class="lm-Widget jp-OutputPrompt jp-OutputArea-prompt" style="box-sizing: border-box; position: relative; overflow: hidden; width: calc(
    var(--jp-cell-prompt-width) - var(--jp-private-cell-scrolling-output-offset)
  ); color: var(--jp-cell-outprompt-font-color); font-family: var(--jp-cell-prompt-font-family); padding: 0px; letter-spacing: var(--jp-cell-prompt-letter-spacing); line-height: var(--jp-code-line-height); font-size: var(--jp-code-font-size); border: 0px; opacity: var(--jp-cell-prompt-opacity); text-align: right; white-space: nowrap; text-overflow: ellipsis; user-select: none; display: table-cell; vertical-align: top;"></div><div class="lm-Widget jp-RenderedText jp-mod-trusted jp-OutputArea-output" data-mime-type="application/vnd.jupyter.stderr" style="box-sizing: border-box; position: relative; overflow: auto; text-align: left; padding-left: 1ch; line-height: var(--jp-code-line-height); font-family: var(--jp-code-font-family); display: table-cell; width: 994px; height: auto; user-select: text; background: var(--jp-rendermime-error-background); padding-top: var(--jp-code-padding);"><pre style="font-family: var(--jp-code-font-family); font-size: var(--jp-code-font-size); line-height: var(--jp-code-line-height); color: var(--jp-content-font-color1); border: none; margin: 0px; padding: 0px; overflow: auto; word-break: break-all; overflow-wrap: break-word; white-space: pre-wrap;">'WARNING: infer_data failed for target Mbd1' Retry (1/10). Failure caused by AssertionError().
'WARNING: infer_data failed for target Mbd1' Retry (2/10). Failure caused by AssertionError().
'WARNING: infer_data failed for target Mbd1' Retry (3/10). Failure caused by AssertionError().
'WARNING: infer_data failed for target Mbd1' Retry (4/10). Failure caused by AssertionError().
'WARNING: infer_data failed for target Mbd1' Retry (5/10). Failure caused by AssertionError().
'WARNING: infer_data failed for target Mbd1' Retry (6/10). Failure caused by AssertionError().
'WARNING: infer_data failed for target Mbd1' Retry (7/10). Failure caused by AssertionError().
'WARNING: infer_data failed for target Mbd1' Retry (8/10). Failure caused by AssertionError().
'WARNING: infer_data failed for target Mbd1' Retry (9/10). Failure caused by AssertionError().
'WARNING: infer_data failed for target Mbd1' Retry (10/10). Failure caused by AssertionError().
'WARNING: infer_data failed for target Rora' Retry (1/10). Failure caused by AssertionError().
'WARNING: infer_data failed for target Rora' Retry (2/10). Failure caused by AssertionError().
'WARNING: infer_data failed for target Rora' Retry (3/10). Failure caused by AssertionError().
'WARNING: infer_data failed for target Rora' Retry (4/10). Failure caused by AssertionError().
'WARNING: infer_data failed for target Rora' Retry (5/10). Failure caused by AssertionError().
'WARNING: infer_data failed for target Rora' Retry (6/10). Failure caused by AssertionError().
'WARNING: infer_data failed for target Rora' Retry (7/10). Failure caused by AssertionError().
'WARNING: infer_data failed for target Rora' Retry (8/10). Failure caused by AssertionError().
'WARNING: infer_data failed for target Rora' Retry (9/10). Failure caused by AssertionError().
'WARNING: infer_data failed for target Rora' Retry (10/10). Failure caused by AssertionError().
'WARNING: infer_data failed for target Nfe2l1' Retry (1/10). Failure caused by AssertionError().
'WARNING: infer_data failed for target Nfe2l1' Retry (2/10). Failure caused by AssertionError().
'WARNING: infer_data failed for target Nfe2l1' Retry (3/10). Failure caused by AssertionError().
'WARNING: infer_data failed for target Nfe2l1' Retry (4/10). Failure caused by AssertionError().
'WARNING: infer_data failed for target Nfe2l1' Retry (5/10). Failure caused by AssertionError().
'WARNING: infer_data failed for target Nfe2l1' Retry (6/10). Failure caused by AssertionError().
'WARNING: infer_data failed for target Nfe2l1' Retry (7/10). Failure caused by AssertionError().
'WARNING: infer_data failed for target Nfe2l1' Retry (8/10). Failure caused by AssertionError().
'WARNING: infer_data failed for target Nfe2l1' Retry (9/10). Failure caused by AssertionError().
'WARNING: infer_data failed for target Nfe2l1' Retry (10/10). Failure caused by AssertionError().
'WARNING: infer_data failed for target Ncoa3' Retry (1/10). Failure caused by AssertionError().
'WARNING: infer_data failed for target Ncoa3' Retry (2/10). Failure caused by AssertionError().
'WARNING: infer_data failed for target Ncoa3' Retry (3/10). Failure caused by AssertionError().
'WARNING: infer_data failed for target Ncoa3' Retry (4/10). Failure caused by AssertionError().
'WARNING: infer_data failed for target Ncoa3' Retry (5/10). Failure caused by AssertionError().
'WARNING: infer_data failed for target Ncoa3' Retry (6/10). Failure caused by AssertionError().
'WARNING: infer_data failed for target Ncoa3' Retry (7/10). Failure caused by AssertionError().
'WARNING: infer_data failed for target Ncoa3' Retry (8/10). Failure caused by AssertionError().
'WARNING: infer_data failed for target Ncoa3' Retry (9/10). Failure caused by AssertionError().
'WARNING: infer_data failed for target Ncoa3' Retry (10/10). Failure caused by AssertionError().
'WARNING: infer_data failed for target Pdcd11' Retry (1/10). Failure caused by AssertionError().
'WARNING: infer_data failed for target Pdcd11' Retry (2/10). Failure caused by AssertionError().
'WARNING: infer_data failed for target Pdcd11' Retry (3/10). Failure caused by AssertionError().
'WARNING: infer_data failed for target Pdcd11' Retry (4/10). Failure caused by AssertionError().
'WARNING: infer_data failed for target Pdcd11' Retry (5/10). Failure caused by AssertionError().
'WARNING: infer_data failed for target Pdcd11' Retry (6/10). Failure caused by AssertionError().
'WARNING: infer_data failed for target Pdcd11' Retry (7/10). Failure caused by AssertionError().
'WARNING: infer_data failed for target Pdcd11' Retry (8/10). Failure caused by AssertionError().
'WARNING: infer_data failed for target Pdcd11' Retry (9/10). Failure caused by AssertionError().
'WARNING: infer_data failed for target Pdcd11' Retry (10/10). Failure caused by AssertionError().
'WARNING: infer_data failed for target Rora' Retry (1/10). Failure caused by AssertionError().
'WARNING: infer_data failed for target Rora' Retry (2/10). Failure caused by AssertionError().
'WARNING: infer_data failed for target Rora' Retry (3/10). Failure caused by AssertionError().
'WARNING: infer_data failed for target Rora' Retry (4/10). Failure caused by AssertionError().
'WARNING: infer_data failed for target Rora' Retry (5/10). Failure caused by AssertionError().
'WARNING: infer_data failed for target Rora' Retry (6/10). Failure caused by AssertionError().
'WARNING: infer_data failed for target Rora' Retry (7/10). Failure caused by AssertionError().
'WARNING: infer_data failed for target Rora' Retry (8/10). Failure caused by AssertionError().
'WARNING: infer_data failed for target Rora' Retry (9/10). Failure caused by AssertionError().
'WARNING: infer_data failed for target Rora' Retry (10/10). Failure caused by AssertionError().
'WARNING: infer_data failed for target Msrb3' Retry (1/10). Failure caused by AssertionError().
'WARNING: infer_data failed for target Msrb3' Retry (2/10). Failure caused by AssertionError().
'WARNING: infer_data failed for target Msrb3' Retry (3/10). Failure caused by AssertionError().
'WARNING: infer_data failed for target Msrb3' Retry (4/10). Failure caused by AssertionError().
'WARNING: infer_data failed for target Msrb3' Retry (5/10). Failure caused by AssertionError().
'WARNING: infer_data failed for target Msrb3' Retry (6/10). Failure caused by AssertionError().
'WARNING: infer_data failed for target Msrb3' Retry (7/10). Failure caused by AssertionError().
'WARNING: infer_data failed for target Msrb3' Retry (8/10). Failure caused by AssertionError().
'WARNING: infer_data failed for target Msrb3' Retry (9/10). Failure caused by AssertionError().
'WARNING: infer_data failed for target Msrb3' Retry (10/10). Failure caused by AssertionError().
'WARNING: infer_data failed for target Nfe2l1' Retry (1/10). Failure caused by AssertionError().
'WARNING: infer_data failed for target Nfe2l1' Retry (2/10). Failure caused by AssertionError().
'WARNING: infer_data failed for target Nfe2l1' Retry (3/10). Failure caused by AssertionError().
'WARNING: infer_data failed for target Nfe2l1' Retry (4/10). Failure caused by AssertionError().
'WARNING: infer_data failed for target Nfe2l1' Retry (5/10). Failure caused by AssertionError().
'WARNING: infer_data failed for target Nfe2l1' Retry (6/10). Failure caused by AssertionError().
'WARNING: infer_data failed for target Nfe2l1' Retry (7/10). Failure caused by AssertionError().
'WARNING: infer_data failed for target Nfe2l1' Retry (8/10). Failure caused by AssertionError().
'WARNING: infer_data failed for target Nfe2l1' Retry (9/10). Failure caused by AssertionError().
'WARNING: infer_data failed for target Nfe2l1' Retry (10/10). Failure caused by AssertionError().
'WARNING: infer_data failed for target Aggf1' Retry (1/10). Failure caused by AssertionError().
'WARNING: infer_data failed for target Aggf1' Retry (2/10). Failure caused by AssertionError().
'WARNING: infer_data failed for target Aggf1' Retry (3/10). Failure caused by AssertionError().
'WARNING: infer_data failed for target Aggf1' Retry (4/10). Failure caused by AssertionError().
'WARNING: infer_data failed for target Aggf1' Retry (5/10). Failure caused by AssertionError().
'WARNING: infer_data failed for target Aggf1' Retry (6/10). Failure caused by AssertionError().
'WARNING: infer_data failed for target Aggf1' Retry (7/10). Failure caused by AssertionError().
'WARNING: infer_data failed for target Aggf1' Retry (8/10). Failure caused by AssertionError().
'WARNING: infer_data failed for target Aggf1' Retry (9/10). Failure caused by AssertionError().
'WARNING: infer_data failed for target Aggf1' Retry (10/10). Failure caused by AssertionError().
'WARNING: infer_data failed for target Rora' Retry (1/10). Failure caused by AssertionError().
'WARNING: infer_data failed for target Rora' Retry (2/10). Failure caused by AssertionError().
'WARNING: infer_data failed for target Rora' Retry (3/10). Failure caused by AssertionError().
'WARNING: infer_data failed for target Rora' Retry (4/10). Failure caused by AssertionError().
'WARNING: infer_data failed for target Rora' Retry (5/10). Failure caused by AssertionError().
'WARNING: infer_data failed for target Rora' Retry (6/10). Failure caused by AssertionError().
'WARNING: infer_data failed for target Rora' Retry (7/10). Failure caused by AssertionError().
'WARNING: infer_data failed for target Rora' Retry (8/10). Failure caused by AssertionError().
'WARNING: infer_data failed for target Rora' Retry (9/10). Failure caused by AssertionError().
'WARNING: infer_data failed for target Rora' Retry (10/10). Failure caused by AssertionError().
'WARNING: infer_data failed for target Msrb3' Retry (1/10). Failure caused by AssertionError().
'WARNING: infer_data failed for target Msrb3' Retry (2/10). Failure caused by AssertionError().
'WARNING: infer_data failed for target Msrb3' Retry (3/10). Failure caused by AssertionError().
'WARNING: infer_data failed for target Msrb3' Retry (4/10). Failure caused by AssertionError().
'WARNING: infer_data failed for target Msrb3' Retry (5/10). Failure caused by AssertionError().
'WARNING: infer_data failed for target Msrb3' Retry (6/10). Failure caused by AssertionError().
'WARNING: infer_data failed for target Msrb3' Retry (7/10). Failure caused by AssertionError().
'WARNING: infer_data failed for target Msrb3' Retry (8/10). Failure caused by AssertionError().
'WARNING: infer_data failed for target Msrb3' Retry (9/10). Failure caused by AssertionError().
'WARNING: infer_data failed for target Msrb3' Retry (10/10). Failure caused by AssertionError().
'WARNING: infer_data failed for target Pdcd11' Retry (1/10). Failure caused by AssertionError().
'WARNING: infer_data failed for target Pdcd11' Retry (2/10). Failure caused by AssertionError().
'WARNING: infer_data failed for target Pdcd11' Retry (3/10). Failure caused by AssertionError().
'WARNING: infer_data failed for target Pdcd11' Retry (4/10). Failure caused by AssertionError().
'WARNING: infer_data failed for target Pdcd11' Retry (5/10). Failure caused by AssertionError().
'WARNING: infer_data failed for target Pdcd11' Retry (6/10). Failure caused by AssertionError().
'WARNING: infer_data failed for target Pdcd11' Retry (7/10). Failure caused by AssertionError().
'WARNING: infer_data failed for target Pdcd11' Retry (8/10). Failure caused by AssertionError().
'WARNING: infer_data failed for target Pdcd11' Retry (9/10). Failure caused by AssertionError().
'WARNING: infer_data failed for target Pdcd11' Retry (10/10). Failure caused by AssertionError().
'WARNING: infer_data failed for target Ncoa3' Retry (1/10). Failure caused by AssertionError().
'WARNING: infer_data failed for target Ncoa3' Retry (2/10). Failure caused by AssertionError().
'WARNING: infer_data failed for target Ncoa3' Retry (3/10). Failure caused by AssertionError().
'WARNING: infer_data failed for target Ncoa3' Retry (4/10). Failure caused by AssertionError().
'WARNING: infer_data failed for target Ncoa3' Retry (5/10). Failure caused by AssertionError().
'WARNING: infer_data failed for target Ncoa3' Retry (6/10). Failure caused by AssertionError().
'WARNING: infer_data failed for target Ncoa3' Retry (7/10). Failure caused by AssertionError().
'WARNING: infer_data failed for target Ncoa3' Retry (8/10). Failure caused by AssertionError().
'WARNING: infer_data failed for target Ncoa3' Retry (9/10). Failure caused by AssertionError().
'WARNING: infer_data failed for target Ncoa3' Retry (10/10). Failure caused by AssertionError().
'WARNING: infer_data failed for target Sfpq' Retry (1/10). Failure caused by AssertionError().
'WARNING: infer_data failed for target Sfpq' Retry (2/10). Failure caused by AssertionError().
'WARNING: infer_data failed for target Sfpq' Retry (3/10). Failure caused by AssertionError().
'WARNING: infer_data failed for target Sfpq' Retry (4/10). Failure caused by AssertionError().
'WARNING: infer_data failed for target Sfpq' Retry (5/10). Failure caused by AssertionError().
'WARNING: infer_data failed for target Sfpq' Retry (6/10). Failure caused by AssertionError().
'WARNING: infer_data failed for target Sfpq' Retry (7/10). Failure caused by AssertionError().
'WARNING: infer_data failed for target Sfpq' Retry (8/10). Failure caused by AssertionError().
'WARNING: infer_data failed for target Sfpq' Retry (9/10). Failure caused by AssertionError().
'WARNING: infer_data failed for target Sfpq' Retry (10/10). Failure caused by AssertionError().
'WARNING: infer_data failed for target Tcf7l2' Retry (1/10). Failure caused by AssertionError().
'WARNING: infer_data failed for target Tcf7l2' Retry (2/10). Failure caused by AssertionError().
'WARNING: infer_data failed for target Tcf7l2' Retry (3/10). Failure caused by AssertionError().
'WARNING: infer_data failed for target Tcf7l2' Retry (4/10). Failure caused by AssertionError().
'WARNING: infer_data failed for target Tcf7l2' Retry (5/10). Failure caused by AssertionError().
'WARNING: infer_data failed for target Tcf7l2' Retry (6/10). Failure caused by AssertionError().
'WARNING: infer_data failed for target Tcf7l2' Retry (7/10). Failure caused by AssertionError().
'WARNING: infer_data failed for target Tcf7l2' Retry (8/10). Failure caused by AssertionError().
'WARNING: infer_data failed for target Tcf7l2' Retry (9/10). Failure caused by AssertionError().
'WARNING: infer_data failed for target Tcf7l2' Retry (10/10). Failure caused by AssertionError().
'WARNING: infer_data failed for target Tcf7l1' Retry (1/10). Failure caused by AssertionError().
'WARNING: infer_data failed for target Tcf7l1' Retry (2/10). Failure caused by AssertionError().
'WARNING: infer_data failed for target Tcf7l1' Retry (3/10). Failure caused by AssertionError().
'WARNING: infer_data failed for target Tcf7l1' Retry (4/10). Failure caused by AssertionError().
'WARNING: infer_data failed for target Tcf7l1' Retry (5/10). Failure caused by AssertionError().
'WARNING: infer_data failed for target Tcf7l1' Retry (6/10). Failure caused by AssertionError().
'WARNING: infer_data failed for target Tcf7l1' Retry (7/10). Failure caused by AssertionError().
'WARNING: infer_data failed for target Tcf7l1' Retry (8/10). Failure caused by AssertionError().
'WARNING: infer_data failed for target Tcf7l1' Retry (9/10). Failure caused by AssertionError().
'WARNING: infer_data failed for target Tcf7l1' Retry (10/10). Failure caused by AssertionError().
'WARNING: infer_data failed for target Tcf12' Retry (1/10). Failure caused by AssertionError().
'WARNING: infer_data failed for target Tcf12' Retry (2/10). Failure caused by AssertionError().
'WARNING: infer_data failed for target Tcf12' Retry (3/10). Failure caused by AssertionError().
'WARNING: infer_data failed for target Tcf12' Retry (4/10). Failure caused by AssertionError().
'WARNING: infer_data failed for target Tcf12' Retry (5/10). Failure caused by AssertionError().
'WARNING: infer_data failed for target Tcf12' Retry (6/10). Failure caused by AssertionError().
'WARNING: infer_data failed for target Tcf12' Retry (7/10). Failure caused by AssertionError().
'WARNING: infer_data failed for target Tcf12' Retry (8/10). Failure caused by AssertionError().
'WARNING: infer_data failed for target Tcf12' Retry (9/10). Failure caused by AssertionError().
'WARNING: infer_data failed for target Tcf12' Retry (10/10). Failure caused by AssertionError().
'WARNING: infer_data failed for target Tcf7l1' Retry (1/10). Failure caused by AssertionError().
'WARNING: infer_data failed for target Tcf7l1' Retry (2/10). Failure caused by AssertionError().
'WARNING: infer_data failed for target Tcf7l1' Retry (3/10). Failure caused by AssertionError().
'WARNING: infer_data failed for target Tcf7l1' Retry (4/10). Failure caused by AssertionError().
'WARNING: infer_data failed for target Tcf7l1' Retry (5/10). Failure caused by AssertionError().
'WARNING: infer_data failed for target Tcf7l1' Retry (6/10). Failure caused by AssertionError().
'WARNING: infer_data failed for target Tcf7l1' Retry (7/10). Failure caused by AssertionError().
'WARNING: infer_data failed for target Tcf7l1' Retry (8/10). Failure caused by AssertionError().
'WARNING: infer_data failed for target Tcf7l1' Retry (9/10). Failure caused by AssertionError().
'WARNING: infer_data failed for target Tcf7l1' Retry (10/10). Failure caused by AssertionError().
'WARNING: infer_data failed for target Ncoa3' Retry (1/10). Failure caused by AssertionError().
'WARNING: infer_data failed for target Ncoa3' Retry (2/10). Failure caused by AssertionError().
'WARNING: infer_data failed for target Ncoa3' Retry (3/10). Failure caused by AssertionError().
'WARNING: infer_data failed for target Ncoa3' Retry (4/10). Failure caused by AssertionError().
'WARNING: infer_data failed for target Ncoa3' Retry (5/10). Failure caused by AssertionError().
'WARNING: infer_data failed for target Ncoa3' Retry (6/10). Failure caused by AssertionError().
'WARNING: infer_data failed for target Ncoa3' Retry (7/10). Failure caused by AssertionError().
'WARNING: infer_data failed for target Ncoa3' Retry (8/10). Failure caused by AssertionError().
'WARNING: infer_data failed for target Ncoa3' Retry (9/10). Failure caused by AssertionError().
'WARNING: infer_data failed for target Ncoa3' Retry (10/10). Failure caused by AssertionError().
'WARNING: infer_data failed for target Tcf7l2' Retry (1/10). Failure caused by AssertionError().
'WARNING: infer_data failed for target Tcf7l2' Retry (2/10). Failure caused by AssertionError().
'WARNING: infer_data failed for target Tcf7l2' Retry (3/10). Failure caused by AssertionError().
'WARNING: infer_data failed for target Tcf7l2' Retry (4/10). Failure caused by AssertionError().
'WARNING: infer_data failed for target Tcf7l2' Retry (5/10). Failure caused by AssertionError().
'WARNING: infer_data failed for target Tcf7l2' Retry (6/10). Failure caused by AssertionError().
'WARNING: infer_data failed for target Tcf7l2' Retry (7/10). Failure caused by AssertionError().
'WARNING: infer_data failed for target Tcf7l2' Retry (8/10). Failure caused by AssertionError().
'WARNING: infer_data failed for target Tcf7l2' Retry (9/10). Failure caused by AssertionError().
'WARNING: infer_data failed for target Tcf7l2' Retry (10/10). Failure caused by AssertionError().
'WARNING: infer_data failed for target Ilf2' Retry (1/10). Failure caused by AssertionError().
'WARNING: infer_data failed for target Ilf2' Retry (2/10). Failure caused by AssertionError().
'WARNING: infer_data failed for target Ilf2' Retry (3/10). Failure caused by AssertionError().
'WARNING: infer_data failed for target Ilf2' Retry (4/10). Failure caused by AssertionError().
'WARNING: infer_data failed for target Ilf2' Retry (5/10). Failure caused by AssertionError().
'WARNING: infer_data failed for target Ilf2' Retry (6/10). Failure caused by AssertionError().
'WARNING: infer_data failed for target Ilf2' Retry (7/10). Failure caused by AssertionError().
'WARNING: infer_data failed for target Ilf2' Retry (8/10). Failure caused by AssertionError().
'WARNING: infer_data failed for target Ilf2' Retry (9/10). Failure caused by AssertionError().
'WARNING: infer_data failed for target Ilf2' Retry (10/10). Failure caused by AssertionError().
'WARNING: infer_data failed for target Hspa5' Retry (1/10). Failure caused by AssertionError().
'WARNING: infer_data failed for target Hspa5' Retry (2/10). Failure caused by AssertionError().
'WARNING: infer_data failed for target Hspa5' Retry (3/10). Failure caused by AssertionError().
'WARNING: infer_data failed for target Hspa5' Retry (4/10). Failure caused by AssertionError().
'WARNING: infer_data failed for target Hspa5' Retry (5/10). Failure caused by AssertionError().
'WARNING: infer_data failed for target Hspa5' Retry (6/10). Failure caused by AssertionError().
'WARNING: infer_data failed for target Hspa5' Retry (7/10). Failure caused by AssertionError().
'WARNING: infer_data failed for target Hspa5' Retry (8/10). Failure caused by AssertionError().
'WARNING: infer_data failed for target Hspa5' Retry (9/10). Failure caused by AssertionError().
'WARNING: infer_data failed for target Hspa5' Retry (10/10). Failure caused by AssertionError().
'WARNING: infer_data failed for target Eno1b' Retry (1/10). Failure caused by AssertionError().
'WARNING: infer_data failed for target Eno1b' Retry (2/10). Failure caused by AssertionError().
'WARNING: infer_data failed for target Eno1b' Retry (3/10). Failure caused by AssertionError().
'WARNING: infer_data failed for target Eno1b' Retry (4/10). Failure caused by AssertionError().
'WARNING: infer_data failed for target Eno1b' Retry (5/10). Failure caused by AssertionError().
'WARNING: infer_data failed for target Eno1b' Retry (6/10). Failure caused by AssertionError().
'WARNING: infer_data failed for target Eno1b' Retry (7/10). Failure caused by AssertionError().
'WARNING: infer_data failed for target Eno1b' Retry (8/10). Failure caused by AssertionError().
'WARNING: infer_data failed for target Eno1b' Retry (9/10). Failure caused by AssertionError().
'WARNING: infer_data failed for target Eno1b' Retry (10/10). Failure caused by AssertionError().
'WARNING: infer_data failed for target Mecp2' Retry (1/10). Failure caused by AssertionError().
'WARNING: infer_data failed for target Mecp2' Retry (2/10). Failure caused by AssertionError().
'WARNING: infer_data failed for target Mecp2' Retry (3/10). Failure caused by AssertionError().
'WARNING: infer_data failed for target Mecp2' Retry (4/10). Failure caused by AssertionError().
'WARNING: infer_data failed for target Mecp2' Retry (5/10). Failure caused by AssertionError().
'WARNING: infer_data failed for target Mecp2' Retry (6/10). Failure caused by AssertionError().
'WARNING: infer_data failed for target Mecp2' Retry (7/10). Failure caused by AssertionError().
'WARNING: infer_data failed for target Mecp2' Retry (8/10). Failure caused by AssertionError().
'WARNING: infer_data failed for target Mecp2' Retry (9/10). Failure caused by AssertionError().
'WARNING: infer_data failed for target Mecp2' Retry (10/10). Failure caused by AssertionError().
'WARNING: infer_data failed for target Eno1b' Retry (1/10). Failure caused by AssertionError().
'WARNING: infer_data failed for target Eno1b' Retry (2/10). Failure caused by AssertionError().
'WARNING: infer_data failed for target Eno1b' Retry (3/10). Failure caused by AssertionError().
'WARNING: infer_data failed for target Eno1b' Retry (4/10). Failure caused by AssertionError().
'WARNING: infer_data failed for target Eno1b' Retry (5/10). Failure caused by AssertionError().
'WARNING: infer_data failed for target Eno1b' Retry (6/10). Failure caused by AssertionError().
'WARNING: infer_data failed for target Eno1b' Retry (7/10). Failure caused by AssertionError().
'WARNING: infer_data failed for target Eno1b' Retry (8/10). Failure caused by AssertionError().
'WARNING: infer_data failed for target Eno1b' Retry (9/10). Failure caused by AssertionError().
'WARNING: infer_data failed for target Eno1b' Retry (10/10). Failure caused by AssertionError().
'WARNING: infer_data failed for target Mecp2' Retry (1/10). Failure caused by AssertionError().
'WARNING: infer_data failed for target Mecp2' Retry (2/10). Failure caused by AssertionError().
'WARNING: infer_data failed for target Mecp2' Retry (3/10). Failure caused by AssertionError().
'WARNING: infer_data failed for target Mecp2' Retry (4/10). Failure caused by AssertionError().
'WARNING: infer_data failed for target Mecp2' Retry (5/10). Failure caused by AssertionError().
'WARNING: infer_data failed for target Mecp2' Retry (6/10). Failure caused by AssertionError().
'WARNING: infer_data failed for target Mecp2' Retry (7/10). Failure caused by AssertionError().
'WARNING: infer_data failed for target Mecp2' Retry (8/10). Failure caused by AssertionError().
'WARNING: infer_data failed for target Mecp2' Retry (9/10). Failure caused by AssertionError().
'WARNING: infer_data failed for target Mecp2' Retry (10/10). Failure caused by AssertionError().
'WARNING: infer_data failed for target Glis2' Retry (1/10). Failure caused by AssertionError().
'WARNING: infer_data failed for target Glis2' Retry (2/10). Failure caused by AssertionError().
'WARNING: infer_data failed for target Glis2' Retry (3/10). Failure caused by AssertionError().
'WARNING: infer_data failed for target Glis2' Retry (4/10). Failure caused by AssertionError().
'WARNING: infer_data failed for target Glis2' Retry (5/10). Failure caused by AssertionError().
'WARNING: infer_data failed for target Glis2' Retry (6/10). Failure caused by AssertionError().
'WARNING: infer_data failed for target Glis2' Retry (7/10). Failure caused by AssertionError().
'WARNING: infer_data failed for target Glis2' Retry (8/10). Failure caused by AssertionError().
'WARNING: infer_data failed for target Glis2' Retry (9/10). Failure caused by AssertionError().
'WARNING: infer_data failed for target Glis2' Retry (10/10). Failure caused by AssertionError().
'WARNING: infer_data failed for target Tcf12' Retry (1/10). Failure caused by AssertionError().
'WARNING: infer_data failed for target Tcf12' Retry (2/10). Failure caused by AssertionError().
'WARNING: infer_data failed for target Tcf12' Retry (3/10). Failure caused by AssertionError().
'WARNING: infer_data failed for target Tcf12' Retry (4/10). Failure caused by AssertionError().
'WARNING: infer_data failed for target Tcf12' Retry (5/10). Failure caused by AssertionError().
'WARNING: infer_data failed for target Tcf12' Retry (6/10). Failure caused by AssertionError().
'WARNING: infer_data failed for target Tcf12' Retry (7/10). Failure caused by AssertionError().
'WARNING: infer_data failed for target Tcf12' Retry (8/10). Failure caused by AssertionError().
'WARNING: infer_data failed for target Tcf12' Retry (9/10). Failure caused by AssertionError().
'WARNING: infer_data failed for target Tcf12' Retry (10/10). Failure caused by AssertionError().
'WARNING: infer_data failed for target Sfpq' Retry (1/10). Failure caused by AssertionError().
'WARNING: infer_data failed for target Sfpq' Retry (2/10). Failure caused by AssertionError().
'WARNING: infer_data failed for target Sfpq' Retry (3/10). Failure caused by AssertionError().
'WARNING: infer_data failed for target Sfpq' Retry (4/10). Failure caused by AssertionError().
'WARNING: infer_data failed for target Sfpq' Retry (5/10). Failure caused by AssertionError().
'WARNING: infer_data failed for target Sfpq' Retry (6/10). Failure caused by AssertionError().
'WARNING: infer_data failed for target Sfpq' Retry (7/10). Failure caused by AssertionError().
'WARNING: infer_data failed for target Sfpq' Retry (8/10). Failure caused by AssertionError().
'WARNING: infer_data failed for target Sfpq' Retry (9/10). Failure caused by AssertionError().
'WARNING: infer_data failed for target Sfpq' Retry (10/10). Failure caused by AssertionError().
'WARNING: infer_data failed for target Hspa5' Retry (1/10). Failure caused by AssertionError().
'WARNING: infer_data failed for target Hspa5' Retry (2/10). Failure caused by AssertionError().
'WARNING: infer_data failed for target Hspa5' Retry (3/10). Failure caused by AssertionError().
'WARNING: infer_data failed for target Hspa5' Retry (4/10). Failure caused by AssertionError().
'WARNING: infer_data failed for target Hspa5' Retry (5/10). Failure caused by AssertionError().
'WARNING: infer_data failed for target Hspa5' Retry (6/10). Failure caused by AssertionError().
'WARNING: infer_data failed for target Hspa5' Retry (7/10). Failure caused by AssertionError().
'WARNING: infer_data failed for target Hspa5' Retry (8/10). Failure caused by AssertionError().
'WARNING: infer_data failed for target Hspa5' Retry (9/10). Failure caused by AssertionError().
'WARNING: infer_data failed for target Hspa5' Retry (10/10). Failure caused by AssertionError().
'WARNING: infer_data failed for target Glis2' Retry (1/10). Failure caused by AssertionError().
'WARNING: infer_data failed for target Glis2' Retry (2/10). Failure caused by AssertionError().
'WARNING: infer_data failed for target Glis2' Retry (3/10). Failure caused by AssertionError().
'WARNING: infer_data failed for target Glis2' Retry (4/10). Failure caused by AssertionError().
'WARNING: infer_data failed for target Glis2' Retry (5/10). Failure caused by AssertionError().
'WARNING: infer_data failed for target Glis2' Retry (6/10). Failure caused by AssertionError().
'WARNING: infer_data failed for target Glis2' Retry (7/10). Failure caused by AssertionError().
'WARNING: infer_data failed for target Glis2' Retry (8/10). Failure caused by AssertionError().
'WARNING: infer_data failed for target Glis2' Retry (9/10). Failure caused by AssertionError().
'WARNING: infer_data failed for target Glis2' Retry (10/10). Failure caused by AssertionError().
'WARNING: infer_data failed for target Ilf2' Retry (1/10). Failure caused by AssertionError().
'WARNING: infer_data failed for target Ilf2' Retry (2/10). Failure caused by AssertionError().
'WARNING: infer_data failed for target Ilf2' Retry (3/10). Failure caused by AssertionError().
'WARNING: infer_data failed for target Ilf2' Retry (4/10). Failure caused by AssertionError().
'WARNING: infer_data failed for target Ilf2' Retry (5/10). Failure caused by AssertionError().
'WARNING: infer_data failed for target Ilf2' Retry (6/10). Failure caused by AssertionError().
'WARNING: infer_data failed for target Ilf2' Retry (7/10). Failure caused by AssertionError().
'WARNING: infer_data failed for target Ilf2' Retry (8/10). Failure caused by AssertionError().
'WARNING: infer_data failed for target Ilf2' Retry (9/10). Failure caused by AssertionError().
'WARNING: infer_data failed for target Ilf2' Retry (10/10). Failure caused by AssertionError().
'WARNING: infer_data failed for target Mbd1' Retry (1/10). Failure caused by AssertionError().
'WARNING: infer_data failed for target Mbd1' Retry (2/10). Failure caused by AssertionError().
'WARNING: infer_data failed for target Mbd1' Retry (3/10). Failure caused by AssertionError().
'WARNING: infer_data failed for target Mbd1' Retry (4/10). Failure caused by AssertionError().
'WARNING: infer_data failed for target Mbd1' Retry (5/10). Failure caused by AssertionError().
'WARNING: infer_data failed for target Mbd1' Retry (6/10). Failure caused by AssertionError().
'WARNING: infer_data failed for target Mbd1' Retry (7/10). Failure caused by AssertionError().
'WARNING: infer_data failed for target Mbd1' Retry (8/10). Failure caused by AssertionError().
'WARNING: infer_data failed for target Mbd1' Retry (9/10). Failure caused by AssertionError().
'WARNING: infer_data failed for target Mbd1' Retry (10/10). Failure caused by AssertionError().
'WARNING: infer_data failed for target Atf5' Retry (1/10). Failure caused by AssertionError().
'WARNING: infer_data failed for target Atf5' Retry (2/10). Failure caused by AssertionError().
'WARNING: infer_data failed for target Atf5' Retry (3/10). Failure caused by AssertionError().
'WARNING: infer_data failed for target Atf5' Retry (4/10). Failure caused by AssertionError().
'WARNING: infer_data failed for target Atf5' Retry (5/10). Failure caused by AssertionError().
'WARNING: infer_data failed for target Atf5' Retry (6/10). Failure caused by AssertionError().
'WARNING: infer_data failed for target Atf5' Retry (7/10). Failure caused by AssertionError().
'WARNING: infer_data failed for target Atf5' Retry (8/10). Failure caused by AssertionError().
'WARNING: infer_data failed for target Atf5' Retry (9/10). Failure caused by AssertionError().
'WARNING: infer_data failed for target Atf5' Retry (10/10). Failure caused by AssertionError().
'WARNING: infer_data failed for target Atf5' Retry (1/10). Failure caused by AssertionError().
'WARNING: infer_data failed for target Atf5' Retry (2/10). Failure caused by AssertionError().
'WARNING: infer_data failed for target Atf5' Retry (3/10). Failure caused by AssertionError().
'WARNING: infer_data failed for target Atf5' Retry (4/10). Failure caused by AssertionError().
'WARNING: infer_data failed for target Atf5' Retry (5/10). Failure caused by AssertionError().
'WARNING: infer_data failed for target Atf5' Retry (6/10). Failure caused by AssertionError().
'WARNING: infer_data failed for target Atf5' Retry (7/10). Failure caused by AssertionError().
'WARNING: infer_data failed for target Atf5' Retry (8/10). Failure caused by AssertionError().
'WARNING: infer_data failed for target Atf5' Retry (9/10). Failure caused by AssertionError().
'WARNING: infer_data failed for target Atf5' Retry (10/10). Failure caused by AssertionError().
'WARNING: infer_data failed for target Aggf1' Retry (1/10). Failure caused by AssertionError().
'WARNING: infer_data failed for target Aggf1' Retry (2/10). Failure caused by AssertionError().
'WARNING: infer_data failed for target Aggf1' Retry (3/10). Failure caused by AssertionError().
'WARNING: infer_data failed for target Aggf1' Retry (4/10). Failure caused by AssertionError().
'WARNING: infer_data failed for target Aggf1' Retry (5/10). Failure caused by AssertionError().
'WARNING: infer_data failed for target Aggf1' Retry (6/10). Failure caused by AssertionError().
'WARNING: infer_data failed for target Aggf1' Retry (7/10). Failure caused by AssertionError().
'WARNING: infer_data failed for target Aggf1' Retry (8/10). Failure caused by AssertionError().
'WARNING: infer_data failed for target Aggf1' Retry (9/10). Failure caused by AssertionError().
'WARNING: infer_data failed for target Aggf1' Retry (10/10). Failure caused by AssertionError().
</pre></div></div><div class="lm-Widget lm-Panel jp-OutputArea-child" style="box-sizing: border-box; position: relative; overflow: hidden; display: table; table-layout: fixed; width: 1053px; padding-top: 6px; color: rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.87); font-family: system-ui, -apple-system, blinkmacsystemfont, &quot;Segoe UI&quot;, helvetica, arial, sans-serif, &quot;Apple Color Emoji&quot;, &quot;Segoe UI Emoji&quot;, &quot;Segoe UI Symbol&quot;; font-size: 13px; font-style: normal; font-variant-ligatures: normal; font-variant-caps: normal; font-weight: 400; letter-spacing: normal; orphans: 2; text-align: start; text-indent: 0px; text-transform: none; widows: 2; word-spacing: 0px; -webkit-text-stroke-width: 0px; white-space: normal; background-color: rgb(17, 17, 17); text-decoration-thickness: initial; text-decoration-style: initial; text-decoration-color: initial;"><div class="lm-Widget jp-OutputPrompt jp-OutputArea-prompt" style="box-sizing: border-box; position: relative; overflow: hidden; width: calc(
    var(--jp-cell-prompt-width) - var(--jp-private-cell-scrolling-output-offset)
  ); color: var(--jp-cell-outprompt-font-color); font-family: var(--jp-cell-prompt-font-family); padding: 0px; letter-spacing: var(--jp-cell-prompt-letter-spacing); line-height: var(--jp-code-line-height); font-size: var(--jp-code-font-size); border: 0px; opacity: var(--jp-cell-prompt-opacity); text-align: right; white-space: nowrap; text-overflow: ellipsis; user-select: none; display: table-cell; vertical-align: top;"></div><div class="lm-Widget jp-RenderedText jp-mod-trusted jp-OutputArea-output" data-mime-type="application/vnd.jupyter.stdout" style="box-sizing: border-box; position: relative; overflow: auto; text-align: left; padding-left: 1ch; line-height: var(--jp-code-line-height); font-family: var(--jp-code-font-family); display: table-cell; width: 994px; height: auto; user-select: text;"><pre style="font-family: var(--jp-code-font-family); font-size: var(--jp-code-font-size); line-height: var(--jp-code-line-height); color: var(--jp-content-font-color1); border: none; margin: 0px; padding: 0px; overflow: auto; word-break: break-all; overflow-wrap: break-word; white-space: pre-wrap;">shutting down client and local cluster
</pre></div></div><div class="lm-Widget lm-Panel jp-OutputArea-child" style="box-sizing: border-box; position: relative; overflow: hidden; display: table; table-layout: fixed; width: 1053px; padding-top: 6px; color: rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.87); font-family: system-ui, -apple-system, blinkmacsystemfont, &quot;Segoe UI&quot;, helvetica, arial, sans-serif, &quot;Apple Color Emoji&quot;, &quot;Segoe UI Emoji&quot;, &quot;Segoe UI Symbol&quot;; font-size: 13px; font-style: normal; font-variant-ligatures: normal; font-variant-caps: normal; font-weight: 400; letter-spacing: normal; orphans: 2; text-align: start; text-indent: 0px; text-transform: none; widows: 2; word-spacing: 0px; -webkit-text-stroke-width: 0px; white-space: normal; background-color: rgb(17, 17, 17); text-decoration-thickness: initial; text-decoration-style: initial; text-decoration-color: initial;"><div class="lm-Widget jp-OutputPrompt jp-OutputArea-prompt" style="box-sizing: border-box; position: relative; overflow: hidden; width: calc(
    var(--jp-cell-prompt-width) - var(--jp-private-cell-scrolling-output-offset)
  ); color: var(--jp-cell-outprompt-font-color); font-family: var(--jp-cell-prompt-font-family); padding: 0px; letter-spacing: var(--jp-cell-prompt-letter-spacing); line-height: var(--jp-code-line-height); font-size: var(--jp-code-font-size); border: 0px; opacity: var(--jp-cell-prompt-opacity); text-align: right; white-space: nowrap; text-overflow: ellipsis; user-select: none; display: table-cell; vertical-align: top;"></div><div class="lm-Widget jp-RenderedHTMLCommon jp-RenderedHTML jp-mod-trusted jp-OutputArea-output" data-mime-type="text/html" style="box-sizing: border-box; position: relative; overflow: auto; color: var(--jp-content-font-color1); font-family: var(--jp-content-font-family); font-size: var(--jp-content-font-size1); line-height: var(--jp-content-line-height); padding-right: 20px; display: table-cell; width: 994px; height: auto; user-select: text;"><div style="margin-bottom: 0.5em;">

  | TF | target | importance
-- | -- | -- | --
Klf5 | Pkm | 1.255378e+01
Ybx1 | Gm11560 | 8.731304e+00
Sfpq | Uggt1 | 8.357776e+00
Ckmt1 | Gsta4 | 7.967643e+00
Nr5a1 | Fcna | 7.855130e+00
... | ... | ...
Psma6 | Cd68 | 6.624727e-11
Nfatc4 | Igfbp2 | 5.216055e-11
Ncbp2 | Serping1 | 4.929979e-11
Pole4 | Serping1 | 3.023672e-11
Xbp1 | Aqp3 | 2.545476e-11

<p style="text-align: left; margin: 0px 0px 1em;">795599 rows × 3 columns</p></div></div></div>