aertslab / scenicplus

SCENIC+ is a python package to build gene regulatory networks (GRNs) using combined or separate single-cell gene expression (scRNA-seq) and single-cell chromatin accessibility (scATAC-seq) data.
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Using CisTopic object generated through R for SCENIC+ analysis #23

Closed debbie28 closed 2 years ago

debbie28 commented 2 years ago

Hello! Thanks for developing SCENIC+. I really want to use this package to redo some of my multiome analyses. However I have already done a fair bit of work using Seurat/Signac and CisTopic in R, prior to this package coming out. I was wondering if I can use the CisTopic object I generated through R and use that as the input for SCENIC+ . I have done the TOPIC analysis and most of the initial preprocessing in R and it would be great if I could just import that to Python . Please let me know if this is possible.

Thanks Debbie

cbravo93 commented 2 years ago

Hi @debbie28!

This is a great question! I will divide it in two parts:

Here you have two options:

  1. Start from the count matrix: If you have performed QC steps and generated you fragment count matrix with another tool, you can directly start with the creation of the cisTopic object. In this tutorial you have an example on how to do this.
  2. You want to skip the topic modelling altogether: I would not recommend this option because we have not tested it, but technically it is possible. You would need to get 1) a denoised fragment matrix and 2) region sets. The region sets will be used as input for cisTarget. The region sets could be Differentially Accessible Regions (DARs); however we do recommend to use topics as well as they can capture regions with accessibility patterns without the need of specifying contrasts. If only using DARs you will have to make sure to make the right contrats (for example, all cell types versus the rest; higher cell type groups versus rest, etc). For example, in the cortex data set the topics reveal a topic of regions shared across all neurons; this pattern would be lost if you only do contrasts per cell type and not higher groups. In conclusion, it is possible to plug it in code-wise; but we can't assure results will be as good as the workflow we propose.

I will add these responses in a FAQs tab in the readthedocs page as I find them very relevant, thanks for the heads up!


georginafp commented 1 month ago

Hi @cbravo93!

I am doing what you suggest:

1. In R:

# Export data to python
path <- here::here()
cisTopic_obj <- cisTopicObject
modelMat <- modelMatSelection(cisTopic_obj, 'cell', 'Probability')
modelMat <-
write_feather(modelMat, sink=paste0(path, '/model_to_pycisTopic/cell_topic.feather'))

modelMat <- modelMatSelection(cisTopic_obj, 'region', 'Probability', all.regions=TRUE)
modelMat <-
write_feather(modelMat, sink=paste0(path, '/model_to_pycisTopic/topic_region.feather'))

# You can also save the count.matrix
ct <- as.matrix(cisTopicObject@count.matrix)
ct <-
write_feather(ct, sink=paste0(path, '/model_to_pycisTopic/count_matrix.feather'))

cell_data <-  # Adjust this to your actual object and slot
write.csv(cell_data, file = paste0(path, '/model_to_pycisTopic/cell_data.csv'), row.names = TRUE)

2. In Python

def load_cisTopic_model(path_to_cisTopic_model_matrices):
    metrics = None
    coherence = None
    marg_topic = None
    topic_ass = None
    cell_topic = pd.read_feather(path_to_cisTopic_model_matrices + "cell_topic.feather")
    cell_topic.index = ["Topic" + str(x) for x in range(1, cell_topic.shape[0] + 1)]
    topic_region = pd.read_feather(
        path_to_cisTopic_model_matrices + "topic_region.feather"
    topic_region.index = ["Topic" + str(x) for x in range(1, topic_region.shape[0] + 1)]
    topic_region = topic_region.T
    parameters = None
    model = cisTopicLDAModel(
        metrics, coherence, marg_topic, topic_ass, cell_topic, topic_region, parameters
    return model
import pycisTopic
## 1. Initialize cisTopic object
from pycisTopic.cistopic_class import *
# Load count matrix
fragment_matrix = pd.read_feather(matrix_path)
cisTopic_obj = create_cistopic_object(fragment_matrix)

# Also add the cell annotation, cell_data should be a pandas df with cells as rows (cell names as index) and variables as columns
import pandas as pd
# Read the cell data CSV file into a pandas DataFrame
cell_data = pd.read_csv('/homes/users/gfuentes/scratch/projects/tfs/model_to_pycisTopic/cell_data.csv', index_col=0)

# 2. Add model
from pycisTopic.utils import *
path_data_R = "/homes/users/gfuentes/scratch/projects/tfs/model_to_pycisTopic/"
model = load_cisTopic_model(path_data_R)

# 3. Get imputed accessibility matrix
from pycisTopic.diff_features import *
imputed_acc_obj = impute_accessibility(cistopic_obj, selected_cells=None, selected_regions=None, scale_factor=10**6)

# 4. DARs
normalized_imputed_acc_obj = normalize_scores(imputed_acc_obj, scale_factor=10**4)
variable_regions = find_highly_variable_features(normalized_imputed_acc_obj,
                                           min_disp = 0.05,
                                           min_mean = 0.0125, 
                                           max_mean = 3,
                                           max_disp = np.inf,

markers_dict= find_diff_features(cistopic_obj, 
                      variable='cell_type', # Here put the column of cell_data that you want to have DARs for
# You can continue with pycistarget.

But I get the following:

2024-09-16 12:43:17,745 cisTopic     INFO     Converting fragment matrix to sparse matrix
2024-09-16 12:43:17,823 cisTopic     INFO     Creating CistopicObject
/homes/aplic/noarch/software/Miniconda3/4.9.2/envs/scenicplus/lib/python3.11/site-packages/pycisTopic/ RuntimeWarning: divide by zero encountered in log10
/homes/aplic/noarch/software/Miniconda3/4.9.2/envs/scenicplus/lib/python3.11/site-packages/pycisTopic/ RuntimeWarning: divide by zero encountered in log10
2024-09-16 12:43:20,925 cisTopic     INFO     Done!
NameError                                 Traceback (most recent call last)
Cell In[48], line 18
     16 from pycisTopic.utils import *
     17 path_data_R = "/homes/users/gfuentes/scratch/projects/tfs/model_to_pycisTopic/"
---> 18 model = load_cisTopic_model(path_data_R)
     19 cistopic_obj.add_LDA_model(model)
     21 # 3. Get imputed accessibility matrix

Cell In[47], line 14, in load_cisTopic_model(path_to_cisTopic_model_matrices)
     12 topic_region = topic_region.T
     13 parameters = None
---> 14 model = cisTopicLDAModel(
     15     metrics, coherence, marg_topic, topic_ass, cell_topic, topic_region, parameters
     16 )
     17 return model

NameError: name 'cisTopicLDAModel' is not defined

And I don't know how to solve it... Do you have any idea on what could be happening?

Thank you so much!


SeppeDeWinter commented 2 weeks ago

Hi @debbie28

You should import the class

from pycisTopic.lda_models import cisTopicLDAModel
