SCENIC+ is a python package to build gene regulatory networks (GRNs) using combined or separate single-cell gene expression (scRNA-seq) and single-cell chromatin accessibility (scATAC-seq) data.
Originally posted by **rogercasalsfr** December 18, 2023
Hi everyone,
I am struggling to get the last step running scenicplus which is when is GSEA running.
My scplus_obj is:
```SCENIC+ object with n_cells x n_genes = 7830 x 22787 and n_cells x n_regions = 7830 x 133660
metadata_regions:'Chromosome', 'Start', 'End', 'Width', 'cisTopic_nr_frag', 'cisTopic_log_nr_frag', 'cisTopic_nr_acc', 'cisTopic_log_nr_acc'
metadata_cell:'GEX_obs_id', 'GEX_cell_type', 'GEX_donor_id', 'GEX_louvain', 'ACC_cisTopic_nr_frag', 'ACC_cisTopic_log_nr_frag', 'ACC_cisTopic_nr_acc', 'ACC_cisTopic_log_nr_acc', 'ACC_sample_id', 'ACC_cell_type'
menr:'CTX_topics_otsu_All', 'CTX_topics_otsu_No_promoters', 'DEM_topics_otsu_All', 'DEM_topics_otsu_No_promoters', 'CTX_topics_top_3_All', 'CTX_topics_top_3_No_promoters', 'DEM_topics_top_3_All', 'DEM_topics_top_3_No_promoters', 'CTX_DARs_All', 'CTX_DARs_No_promoters', 'DEM_DARs_All', 'DEM_DARs_No_promoters'
dr_cell:'GEX_X_pca', 'GEX_X_umap'
I'm running the function in an HPC, locally.
My code is this:
scplus_obj = scplus_obj,
variable = ['GEX_celltype'],
species = 'hsapiens',
assembly = 'hg38',
tf_file = '/path/TF_names_v_1.01.txt',
save_path = os.path.join('/path_to_object/scplus_obj2.pkl'),
#biomart_host = biomart_host,
upstream = [1000, 150000],
downstream = [1000, 150000],
calculate_TF_eGRN_correlation = True,
calculate_DEGs_DARs = True,
export_to_loom_file = True,
export_to_UCSC_file = False,
path_bedToBigBed = '/path_to_Big_Bed',
n_cpu = 16,
_temp_dir = '/path_to_tmp_dir')
I already have all the outputs:
2023-12-18 11:27:59,744 R2G INFO Took 1223.3278999328613 seconds
2023-12-18 11:27:59,747 R2G INFO Calculating region to gene correlation, using SR method
2023-12-18 11:38:46,592 R2G INFO Took 646.8447403907776 seconds
2023-12-18 11:39:04,790 R2G INFO Done!
2023-12-18 11:39:05,064 SCENIC+_wrapper INFO Inferring TF to gene relationships
2023-12-18 11:39:14,411 TF2G INFO Calculating TF to gene correlation, using GBM method
2023-12-18 14:18:31,312 TF2G INFO Took 9556.900450229645 seconds
2023-12-18 14:18:31,332 TF2G INFO Adding correlation coefficients to adjacencies.
2023-12-18 14:19:35,223 TF2G INFO Warning: adding TFs as their own target to adjecencies matrix. Importance values will be max + 1e-05
2023-12-18 14:19:42,697 TF2G INFO Adding importance x rho scores to adjacencies.
2023-12-18 14:19:42,720 TF2G INFO Took 71.38793706893921 seconds
2023-12-18 14:19:43,015 SCENIC+_wrapper INFO Build eGRN
2023-12-18 14:19:43,016 GSEA INFO Thresholding region to gene relationships
2023-12-18 14:35:57,730 GSEA INFO Subsetting TF2G adjacencies for TF with motif.
2023-12-18 14:36:05,289 GSEA INFO Running GSEA...
But then I get this error:
^[[36m(_ray_run_gsea_for_e_module pid=27911)^[[0m norm_tag = 1.0/sum_correl_tag
^[[36m(_ray_run_gsea_for_e_module pid=27911)^[[0m /storage/projects/uvic24/scenicplus_env/lib/python3.8/site-packages/gseapy/ RuntimeWarning: invalid value encountered in multiply
^[[36m(_ray_run_gsea_for_e_module pid=27911)^[[0m RES = np.cumsum(tag_indicator * correl_vector * norm_tag - no_tag_indicator * norm_no_tag, axis=axis)
initializing: 1%| | 225/22065 [00:40<1:09:56, 5.20it/s]^Minitializing: 1%| | 226/22065 [00:40<1:12:12, 5.04it/s]^Minitializing: 1%| | 227/22065 [00:40<1:15:40, 4.81it/s]^Minitializing: 1%| | 228/22065 [00:40<1:14:12, 4.90it/s]^Minitializing: 1%| | 229/22065 [00:40<1:13:35, 4.94it/s]^Minitializing: 1%| | 230/22065 [00:41<1:11:12, 5.11it/s]^Minitializing: 1%| | 231/22065 [00:41<1:06:44, 5.45it/s]^Minitializing: 1%| | 232/22065 [00:41<1:05:32, 5.55it/s]^Minitializing: 1%| | 233/22065 [00:41<1:05:08, 5.59it/s]^Minitializing: 1%| | 234/22065 [00:41<1:05:42, 5.54it/s]^Minitializing: 1%| | 235/22065 [00:41<1:05:07, 5.59it/s]^Minitializing: 1%| | 236/22065 [00:42<1:05:40, 5.54it/s]^Minitializing: 1%| | 237/22065
And then I wait for hours for the GSEA step to finish and it doesn't finish.
Has anybody got the same error, or know how to solve it?
Thanks in advance.
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