aertslab / scenicplus

SCENIC+ is a python package to build gene regulatory networks (GRNs) using combined or separate single-cell gene expression (scRNA-seq) and single-cell chromatin accessibility (scATAC-seq) data.
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Problem with GRN plot #393

Open SteveTur opened 1 month ago

SteveTur commented 1 month ago


It seems that the function to plot the GRN on python doesn't work anymore since the recent updates:

from scenicplus.networks import create_nx_tables, create_nx_graph, plot_networkx, export_to_cytoscape G, pos, edge_tables, node_tables = create_nx_graph( nx_tables, use_edge_tables = ['TF2R','R2G'], color_edge_by = { 'TF2R': {'variable' : 'TF', 'category_color' : category_color}, 'R2G': {'variable' : 'R2G_rho', 'continuous_color' : 'viridis', 'v_min': -1, 'v_max': 1} }, transparency_edge_by = { 'R2G': {'variable' : 'R2G_importance', 'min_alpha': 0.1, 'v_min': 0} }, width_edge_by = { 'R2G': {'variable' : 'R2G_importance', 'max_size' : 1.5, 'min_size' : 1} }, color_node_by = { 'TF': {'variable': 'TF', 'category_color' : category_color}, 'Gene': {'variable': 'GEX_celltype_Log2FC_6', 'continuous_color' : 'bwr'}, 'Region': {'variable': 'GEX_celltype_Log2FC_6', 'continuous_color' : 'viridis'} }, transparency_node_by = { 'Region': {'variable' : 'GEX_celltype_Log2FC_6', 'min_alpha': 0.1}, 'Gene': {'variable' : 'GEX_celltype_Log2FC_6', 'min_alpha': 0.1} }, size_node_by = { 'TF': {'variable': 'fixed_size', 'fixed_size': 30}, 'Gene': {'variable': 'fixed_size', 'fixed_size': 15}, 'Region': {'variable': 'fixed_size', 'fixed_size': 10} }, shape_node_by = { 'TF': {'variable': 'fixed_shape', 'fixed_shape': 'ellipse'}, 'Gene': {'variable': 'fixed_shape', 'fixed_shape': 'ellipse'}, 'Region': {'variable': 'fixed_shape', 'fixed_shape': 'diamond'} }, label_size_by = { 'TF': {'variable': 'fixed_label_size', 'fixed_label_size': 10.0}, 'Gene': {'variable': 'fixed_label_size', 'fixed_label_size': 10.0}, 'Region': {'variable': 'fixed_label_size', 'fixed_label_size': 0.0} }, layout='kamada_kawai_layout', scale_position_by=250 )

plt.figure(figsize=(50,50)) plot_networkx(G, pos)

Only blank output are coming out for some reason. We never got any problem before the recent changes. What should we do?

Thank you for your help,



my0916 commented 1 month ago


I'm also suffering from a similar problem...

I also tried to export to Cytoscape with the export_to_cytoscape function, but the exported cys file cannot be loaded with the message 'Cannot find the cysession.xml file'

Thank you for your help.

Best, Masa

yiyelinfeng commented 1 month ago

I have same problem, please help!

SeppeDeWinter commented 1 month ago

Hi @SteveTur, @my0916 and @yiyelinfeng

I am aware of the issue. I have added it to my to do list and will try to fix it whenever I have some time.

All the best,


yiyelinfeng commented 1 month ago

Hi@ SeppeDeWinter,

my issue only just the .cys file cannot be loaded in cytoscape with the message 'Cannot find the cysession.xml file' when file -> import -> Network from file ... after import the SNENIC+ network layout. Because I want to check and change the network graph using Cytoscape. but can't load it.


Best, Lin

DmitriiSeverinov commented 1 month ago

Hi @SeppeDeWinter , @yiyelinfeng @my0916 , @SteveTur ,

I had similar issue with blank output, what I found is that if I comment the following line in the create_nx_tables function, it works: subset_eRegulons = [x + '_[^a-zA-Z0-9]' for x in subset_eRegulons]

So, here is my code how I did it:

from pycisTopic.diff_features import find_highly_variable_features

scplus_obj.uns['direct_e_regulon_metadata_filtered'] = scplus_mdata.uns['direct_e_regulon_metadata_filtered']

hvr = find_highly_variable_features(scplus_obj.to_df('ACC').loc[list(set(scplus_obj.uns['direct_e_regulon_metadata_filtered']['Region']))], n_top_features=3000, plot = False)
hvg = find_highly_variable_features(scplus_obj.to_df('EXP')[list(set(scplus_obj.uns['direct_e_regulon_metadata_filtered']['Gene']))].T, n_top_features=3000, plot = False)

from scenicplus.networks import create_nx_tables, create_nx_graph, plot_networkx, export_to_cytoscape

nx_tables = list()

def _format_df_nx(df, key, var):
    A helper function to format differential test results
    df.index = df['names']
    df = pd.DataFrame(df['logfoldchanges'])
    df.columns = [var+'_Log2FC_'+key] = None
    return df

def _get_log2fc_nx(scplus_obj: 'SCENICPLUS',
                  contrast: Optional[str] = 'gene'
    A helper function to derive log2fc changes
    if contrast == 'gene':
        adata = anndata.AnnData(X=scplus_obj.X_EXP, obs=pd.DataFrame(
            index=scplus_obj.cell_names), var=pd.DataFrame(index=scplus_obj.gene_names))
    if contrast == 'region':
        adata = anndata.AnnData(X=scplus_obj.X_ACC.T, obs=pd.DataFrame(
            index=scplus_obj.cell_names), var=pd.DataFrame(index=scplus_obj.region_names))
    adata.obs = pd.DataFrame(scplus_obj.metadata_cell[variable])
    sc.pp.normalize_total(adata, target_sum=1e4)
    adata = adata[:, features]
        adata, variable, method='wilcoxon', corr_method='bonferroni')
    groups = adata.uns['rank_genes_groups']['names'].dtype.names
    diff_list = [_format_df_nx(sc.get.rank_genes_groups_df(
        adata, group=group), group, variable) for group in groups]
    return pd.concat(diff_list, axis=1)

def create_nx_tables(scplus_obj: 'SCENICPLUS',
                     eRegulon_metadata_key: str ='eRegulon_metadata',
                     subset_eRegulons: List = None,
                     subset_regions: List = None,
                     subset_genes: List = None,
                     add_differential_gene_expression: bool = False,
                     add_differential_region_accessibility: bool = False,
                     differential_variable: List =[]):
    A function to format eRegulon data into tables for plotting eGRNs.

    scplus_obj: SCENICPLUS
        A SCENICPLUS object with eRegulons
    eRegulon_metadata_key: str, optional
        Key where the eRegulon metadata dataframe is stored
    subset_eRegulons: list, optional
        List of eRegulons to subset
    subset_regions: list, optional
        List of regions to subset
    subset_genes: list, optional
        List of genes to subset
    add_differential_gene_expression: bool, optional
        Whether to calculate differential gene expression logFC for a given variable
    add_differential_region_accessibility: bool, optional
        Whether to calculate differential region accessibility logFC for a given variable
    differential_variable: list, optional
        Variable to calculate differential gene expression or region accessibility.

    A dictionary with edge feature tables ('TF2G', 'TF2R', 'R2G') and node feature tables ('TF', 'Gene', 'Region')
    er_metadata = scplus_obj.uns[eRegulon_metadata_key].copy()
    if subset_eRegulons is not None:
        # subset_eRegulons = [x + '_[^a-zA-Z0-9]' for x in subset_eRegulons]
        er_metadata = er_metadata[er_metadata['Region_signature_name'].str.contains(
    if subset_regions is not None:
        er_metadata = er_metadata[er_metadata['Region'].isin(subset_regions)]
    if subset_genes is not None:
        er_metadata = er_metadata[er_metadata['Gene'].isin(subset_genes)]
    nx_tables = {}
    nx_tables['Edge'] = {}
    nx_tables['Node'] = {}
    # Generate edge tables
    r2g_columns = [x for x in er_metadata.columns if 'R2G' in x]
    tf2g_columns = [x for x in er_metadata.columns if 'TF2G' in x]
    nx_tables['Edge']['TF2R'] = er_metadata[er_metadata.columns.difference(
        r2g_columns + tf2g_columns)].drop('Gene', axis=1).drop_duplicates()
    nx_tables['Edge']['TF2R'] = nx_tables['Edge']['TF2R'][['TF', 'Region'] +
                                                          nx_tables['Edge']['TF2R'].columns.difference(['TF', 'Region']).tolist()]
    nx_tables['Edge']['R2G'] = er_metadata[er_metadata.columns.difference(
        tf2g_columns)].drop('TF', axis=1).drop_duplicates()
    nx_tables['Edge']['R2G'] = nx_tables['Edge']['R2G'][['Region', 'Gene'] +
                                                        nx_tables['Edge']['R2G'].columns.difference(['Region', 'Gene']).tolist()]
    nx_tables['Edge']['TF2G'] = er_metadata[er_metadata.columns.difference(
        r2g_columns)].drop('Region', axis=1).drop_duplicates()
    nx_tables['Edge']['TF2G'] = nx_tables['Edge']['TF2G'][['TF', 'Gene'] +
                                                          nx_tables['Edge']['TF2G'].columns.difference(['TF', 'Gene']).tolist()]
    # Generate node tables
    tfs = list(set(er_metadata['TF']))
    nx_tables['Node']['TF'] = pd.DataFrame(
        'TF', index=tfs, columns=['Node_type'])
    nx_tables['Node']['TF']['TF'] = tfs
    genes = list(set(er_metadata['Gene']))
    genes = [x for x in genes if x not in tfs]
    nx_tables['Node']['Gene'] = pd.DataFrame(
        'Gene', index=genes, columns=['Node_type'])
    nx_tables['Node']['Gene']['Gene'] = genes
    regions = list(set(er_metadata['Region']))
    nx_tables['Node']['Region'] = pd.DataFrame(
        'Region', index=regions, columns=['Node_type'])
    nx_tables['Node']['Region']['Region'] = regions
    # Add gene logFC
    if add_differential_gene_expression is True:
        for var in differential_variable:
            nx_tables['Node']['TF'] = pd.concat([nx_tables['Node']['TF'], _get_log2fc_nx(
                scplus_obj, var, nx_tables['Node']['TF'].index.tolist(), contrast='gene')], axis=1)
            nx_tables['Node']['Gene'] = pd.concat([nx_tables['Node']['Gene'], _get_log2fc_nx(
                scplus_obj, var, nx_tables['Node']['Gene'].index.tolist(), contrast='gene')], axis=1)
    if add_differential_region_accessibility is True:
        for var in differential_variable:
            nx_tables['Node']['Region'] = pd.concat([nx_tables['Node']['Region'], _get_log2fc_nx(
                scplus_obj, var, nx_tables['Node']['Region'].index.tolist(), contrast='region')], axis=1)
    return nx_tables

nx_table = create_nx_tables(
    scplus_obj = scplus_obj,
    eRegulon_metadata_key ='direct_e_regulon_metadata_filtered',
    subset_eRegulons = ['atf3', 'bach2b'],
    subset_regions = hvr,
    subset_genes = hvg,
    add_differential_gene_expression = True,
    add_differential_region_accessibility = True,
    differential_variable = ['ident']

G, pos, edge_tables, node_tables = create_nx_graph(nx_table, 
                   use_edge_tables = ['TF2R','R2G'],
                   color_edge_by = {'TF2R': {'variable' : 'TF', 'category_color' : {'atf3': 'Red', 'bach2b': 'Blue'}},
                                    'R2G': {'variable' : 'importance_x_rho', 'continuous_color' : 'viridis', 'v_min': -1, 'v_max': 1}},
                   transparency_edge_by =  {'R2G': {'variable' : 'importance_R2G', 'min_alpha': 0.1, 'v_min': 0}},
                   width_edge_by = {'R2G': {'variable' : 'importance_R2G', 'max_size' :  1.5, 'min_size' : 1}},
                   color_node_by = {'TF': {'variable': 'TF', 'category_color' : {'atf3': 'Red', 'bach2b': 'Blue'}},
                                    'Gene': {'variable': 'ident_Log2FC_RSNs', 'continuous_color' : 'bwr'},
                                    'Region': {'variable': 'ident_Log2FC_RSNs', 'continuous_color' : 'viridis'}},
                   transparency_node_by =  {'Region': {'variable' : 'ident_Log2FC_RSNs', 'min_alpha': 0.1},
                                    'Gene': {'variable' : 'ident_Log2FC_RSNs', 'min_alpha': 0.1}},
                   size_node_by = {'TF': {'variable': 'fixed_size', 'fixed_size': 30},
                                    'Gene': {'variable': 'fixed_size', 'fixed_size': 15},
                                    'Region': {'variable': 'fixed_size', 'fixed_size': 10}},
                   shape_node_by = {'TF': {'variable': 'fixed_shape', 'fixed_shape': 'ellipse'},
                                    'Gene': {'variable': 'fixed_shape', 'fixed_shape': 'ellipse'},
                                    'Region': {'variable': 'fixed_shape', 'fixed_shape': 'diamond'}},
                   label_size_by = {'TF': {'variable': 'fixed_label_size', 'fixed_label_size': 20.0},
                                    'Gene': {'variable': 'fixed_label_size', 'fixed_label_size': 10.0},
                                    'Region': {'variable': 'fixed_label_size', 'fixed_label_size': 0.0}},

plot_networkx(G, pos)
export_to_cytoscape(G, pos, out_file = os.path.join('figures/network.cys'))

I hope it will work for you as well!

However, I didn't manage to solve the problem with import to cytoscape :(

Best, Dmitrii

yiyelinfeng commented 1 month ago

just change "export_to_cytoscape(G, pos, out_file = os.path.join('figures/network.cyjs'))", it works.