SCENIC+ is a python package to build gene regulatory networks (GRNs) using combined or separate single-cell gene expression (scRNA-seq) and single-cell chromatin accessibility (scATAC-seq) data.
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can't use scenicplus command line and trouble in run_scenicplus #399
Python 3.8.18
Additionally, I have completed all the steps required to start SCENIC+ analysis, however, I encountered the error "UnboundLocalError: local variable 'tfs_to_genes' referenced before assignment" when running run_scenicplus.
I learned from the issue( that it can be solved using snakemake, but my server cannot connect to network and I can't use the command line. Could you please help me with this problem?
Hi, I installed scenicplus according to the code below, but I cannot use the command line of scenicplus.
Version Python 3.8.18 scenicplus.version '1.0.1.dev6+ge5ba6fc.d20240321' ray.version '2.9.2'
Additionally, I have completed all the steps required to start SCENIC+ analysis, however, I encountered the error "UnboundLocalError: local variable 'tfs_to_genes' referenced before assignment" when running run_scenicplus.
I learned from the issue( that it can be solved using snakemake, but my server cannot connect to network and I can't use the command line. Could you please help me with this problem?
Thank you very much in advance,
Kind regards