aesculus / EVTO-App-Feedback

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Invalid Destination Addresses and Choosing Locations #367

Closed aesculus closed 7 years ago

aesculus commented 7 years ago

Some users are frustrated because if they enter, or copy/paste, and invalid address, the app keeps prompting them for a location.

They believe they entered a correct address even though they never selected one from the list. This shows two issues:

EVGrokker commented 7 years ago

3-part solution: 1) Add help text explaining how addresses need to be verified by Google. 2) If an error is detected when user touches Calculate before a valid origin/destination pair is entered, show the error dialog, but return them to the New Trip dialog with the content intact so they have a chance to correct it. 3) Enhance behavior of the New Trip dialog to show when a field has been validated. For example, in the dialog below, the Origin field '1234 Nowhere' has not been validated by Google, so the magnifying glass icon is still present. The Destination field, '123 Main' has been validated by Google, so the magnifying glass is replaced by a checkmark. If user clicks the 'x' to reset the address field, the magnifying glass is restored until they select a new validated address.

This probably applies to Add Waypoint as well.


EVGrokker commented 7 years ago

Better icon option: Instead of the checkmark replacing the magnifying glass, use the same pin icon used in the Google results list. Then it looks like the pin and address "jumped" intact from the results list to the Origin/Destination field when validated, which in fact they did.

aesculus commented 7 years ago

I will give the icon thing a try.

aesculus commented 7 years ago

I did some research and experimentation on this. It's doable but not easy to hack the icon. And I have to worry about resetting it etc. We can keep this open until I get bored. :-)

A hint for me: .ui-input-search .ui-input-search:after parent of #new_trip_destination

EVGrokker commented 7 years ago

With respect to point 2 above, validating both Origin and Destination before leaving the dialog… I'd suggest the following:

aesculus commented 7 years ago

All the above but the icon has been addressed in V1.2 (12) for New Trip, Edit Segment Details, New and Edit Waypoint.

EVGrokker commented 7 years ago

v 1.2.0 (12) A couple of observations about New Trip dialog error handling:

When Location Services is enabled, I observe the following behavior:

Origin Destination Result / Suggested text
[empty] [empty] You must enter a destination and select from the list provided!
Enter an Origin and Destination for your trip
Not validated Not validated You must enter a destination and select from the list provided!
Select a matching address from the search results:
Validated Not validated You must enter a destination and select from the list provided!
Select a matching address from the search results:
Not validated Validated You must select an origin from the list provided!
Select a matching address from the search results:
Validated Validated [dialog closes, trip calculates]

When Location Services is disabled, I observe the following behavior: (After fixing the bug, dialog verbiage should match above.)

Origin Destination Result
[empty] [empty] You must select an origin or turn location services on!
Not validated Not validated You must select an origin or turn location services on!
Validated Not validated You must select an origin or turn location services on!
Not validated Validated You must select an origin or turn location services on!
Validated Validated You must select an origin or turn location services on!
aesculus commented 7 years ago

I am having a bit of issue with the text in the table logic. I may not be able to get to that much granularity but will try.

Are you saying that in every case with location services off you get an error and cannot proceed?

aesculus commented 7 years ago

Confirmed it

EVGrokker commented 7 years ago

If you need to make the [empty][empty] the same as the other errors, that's fine. Notice that I actually used the same error text in every other case, since the popup appears above the offending field.

Are you saying that in every case with location services off you get an error and cannot proceed?

Yes, that's the case. If Location services disabled, nobody's going anywhere.

aesculus commented 7 years ago

Question: When Location Services are enabled, there's an odd logic to the Origin field. If they type something there, it needs to be validated. However, if they type nothing, the user's current location is assumed. It would be nice to clarify what's happening. Instead of Origin, how about displaying Current Location (in gray) in the origin field. If the user wants to change it to a specific origin, they touch in the field and start typing. Upon clearing any content from that field, it would go back to Current Location.

Right now it says My Location as a gray placeholder. Do you actually want the address that has been geolocated in gray?

aesculus commented 7 years ago

I know we have an active proposal to change the icon in the Origin and Destination fields when an address has been validated. As an alternative, would it be easier to switch the field from normal to bold upon validation? (And back to normal upon editing or clearing the field.) This might be adequate.

Can't really change the UI input dialog font weight. I will do the icon later.

EVGrokker commented 7 years ago

Right now it says My Location as a gray placeholder. Do you actually want the address that has been geolocated in gray?

My mistake, I had location services turned off. All good.

aesculus commented 7 years ago

OK. All of this except the icon is fixed in V1.2 (14)

aesculus commented 7 years ago

I fixed this message in a continuation trip too if you try to go to the same location.