aesculus / EVTO-App-Feedback

A project to track bugs and ideas for the EVTO App
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Plan menu: Help text #411

Closed EVGrokker closed 7 years ago

EVGrokker commented 7 years ago

The Plan screen is where trips are created and edited. A trip may be composed of a single segment, with a simple one-way route from an origin to a destination. Or, a trip may contain two segments that go to a destination, then return to the origin, known as a round trip.

EVTO also supports multi-segment trips, where the destination of one segment automatically becomes the origin of the next segment. EVTO visualizes each segment of a multi-day road trip, complete with pre-planned charging stops along the way.

Requires subscription IAP

Tab Overview

Plan tab

The Plan tab displays a map overview of your trip. Pinch to zoom into a specific area of your route, or touch and drag to scroll the map. Buttons along the right edge of the map are used to control the map display. Refer to the Map Buttons section below for details.

Blue lines represent the active segments route. Touching a blue line will display that routes drive time exclusive of time at waypoints. Gray lines represent inactive segments. Touching a gray line will activate that segment.

Consumption tab

This chart estimates instantaneous energy consumption along your route. The dashed horizontal line predicts average efficiency across the segment. The solid horizontal line indicates rated efficiency for your car. Touch either line to display its value.

SoC tab

This chart depicts both State of Charge (SoC) and remaining range as you progress along your route. On phones, nodes are labeled with the waypoint's initials.

The graph displays both SoC (left vertical axis) and rated range (right vertical axis) throughout the segment. Touch a node, or anywhere along the graph line, for predicted SoC.

Touch the stopwatch/ruler button on the lower right to toggle the axis to either time or distance based.

Touch the bar chart button in the lower left to toggle to a display of SoC at each stop during the entire trip. Segments are divided by vertical dashed lines. Touch the node button in the lower left to return to a display of the current segment.

Map Buttons

Zoom to Route

Touch the globe button to zoom and center the map on the current segment.

Long-press the globe button to zoom to all segments of the current trip.


Touch the crosshairs button to center the map on your current location, displayed as a pulsating blue dot. Touch the crosshairs button again to disable display of your current location. The blue dot location updates to your current location as you move, but the map does not automatically reposition to your location. To quickly find yourself on the map, toggle location off, then on, recentering the map on your current location.

EVTO's Location feature requires access to Location Services in your device's Privacy settings. If touching the location button does not display your current location:

Displaying your current location consumes additional device power.

Trip Browser

A red numeric badge on the map button indicates the number of segments in the current trip. The active segment is displayed on the map in blue, along with its waypoints. Inactive trip segments are displayed in gray, with gray origin and destination pins, and dots representing waypoint locations.

Touch the map button to to open the Trip Browser. Touch an individual segment to make it the active segment. Long-press on a segment to open the Segment Browser. Touch outside the Trip Browser dialog to close it.

A long press of the map button will display the Edit Trip Details panel.


Touch to toggle the display favorites on the map. Favorites will appear as large blue hearts. Assigned waypoints and chargers will have their pushpin augmented with a small blue heart.

Tesla Chargers

Touch to toggle the display of Tesla Supercharger and Destination Charger locations on the map.

Other Chargers

Touch to toggle the display of Level 1, Level 2 and Level 3 chargers locations along your route. Use the Filter Chargers dialog to enable which charger locations are displayed.

North America only


Trip segments are marked with an Origin pin, a Destination pin, automatic charging stops added by EVTO, and any additional waypoints you've added manually.

Origin Pins

Destination Pins

Pin Colors

Note: The default SoC is defined in Settings, or may be edited for individual waypoints as the Minimum Arrival SoC. For automatic and new waypoints it may be tailored in the Edit Segment Details for each segment separately.

Waypoint Pins

Waypoint pins may represent points of interest (POIs) or charging stops, with the pin color representing predicted SoC upon arrival at the waypoint as described in Pin Colors above.

Charging Waypoints

Charging waypoints are shown with an interior key:

Automatic Waypoints

Note: If weather changes dramatically between waypoints, removing a gray automatic waypoint could result in a different energy calculation.


Favorite locations are marked with a blue heart. These pins can be selected to bring up the Add Waypoint dialog in order to add the location as a waypoint.

When a waypoint is also a favorite, it will show with a very small blue heart at the left bottom of the pushpin.

Google POI

Google provides point of interest (POI) icons on the maps for selected locations. EVTO can easily create waypoints from these POI. Just select one from the map and the Add Waypoint dialog will appear with the location name and address filled in for you.

Requires Subscription IAP

Plan Trip menu items

New Trip

Enter an origin by name or address, your current location, or select from saved Favorites. Add a destination, and you're on your way. Origins and destinations may be entered by name (Disneyland), address (1600 Pennsylvania) or latitude and longitude (37.4874054,-121.9413378).

Specifying a Destination Charger Filter type of 'Superchargers' before entering a destination will filter the search results, making it easy to quickly select a supercharger by name. You may also select 'Destinations Charger' in order to quickly select a Tesla destination charger by name.

Enabling the 'Plan a 2 day round trip' checkbox plans the trip in two segments, with the destination of the first segment becoming the origin of the second segment, returning to your starting point.

Requires Subscription IAP

Add Segment

Add a new continuation segment to your current route.

Requires Subscription IAP

Edit Segment Details

Customize each segment of your trip, including departure date and time, initial SoC at the segment origin and energy reserved at the destination for local travel.

You may also specify a Speed Adjust factor, informing EVTO that you typically drive above or below the posted speed limits. Specify a Power Factor to inform EVTO that this trip will use more power than normal, for example when towing a trailer.

Requires Subscription IAP

Edit Trip Details

Customize your trip details, including the name, departure date and time, estimated payload, climate control, battery heating, refreshing past segments and comments.

Add Waypoint

Enter a PoI or an address, or touch the heart to display a list of previously saved Favorites. Selecting a favorite populates the name, address and charger type fields. You can also specify a minimum stop time at the waypoint, and the minimum SoC you'd like to arrive with. If the minimum SoC is achievable, EVTO will try to adjust previous charging stops to accommodate the SoC target specified.

To use a frequently-used address stored as a Favorite, touch the black heart and your waypoint details will be loaded in the dialog. Personalize the waypoint description by editing the name field at the top of the Edit Waypoint dialog, for example 'Home'. Select the charger type, if any, then Save to close the dialog.

To make a frequently-used address a Favorite choose any waypoint pushpin and toggle the heart icon in the upper left of the popup. You can then reuse these waypoints as described above.

Refresh Auto Chargers

EVTO recalculates your route at the specified departure time, factoring in any newly added waypoints, along with the latest weather forecasts to determine any required auto charging waypoints. If you have disliked any Superchargers (by touching the 'thumbs down' button in the Charger Inspector), they will be avoided, if possible, when planning your route.

Note: Any segment with a completion date past the current date will not be refreshed. You can override this in Edit Trip Details.

Trip Browser

Review your trip segments in list form. Touch an individual segment to make it the active segment. Long-press on a segment to open the Segment Browser. Touch outside the Trip Browser dialog to close it.

Segment Browser

Review your segment origin, waypoints and destination in list form. Touch a waypoint to see estimated arrival time, drive time, distance, average speed, wind and weather conditions, along with the estimated SoC upon arrival. A segment overview concludes with total stats for the entire segment.

Reverse Waypoint Order

All manually added waypoints will be retained but in a reverse order. This is useful for out and back trips with the same destination and origin. Only applies to single segment trips.

Requires Subscription IAP

Note: See the Reverse Route menu item on the Current Trips menu to make a new route in the reverse order.

Segment Details

Review a detailed analysis of each waypoint along your segment route. Slide left and right to change the currently displayed waypoint data, or touch a waypoint in the list. A map inset shows a closeup view of the selected waypoint.

Add to Calendar

EVTO will add an entry to your device calendar for the origin, each waypoint, and the destination from your current trip segment. With your device calendar synced to your car, you can select the waypoint address on the car's display and the navigation system will create a route to that waypoint. This features requires the Tesla app for your mobile device, with calendar access enabled.

Requires Subscription IAP

Filter Chargers

Filter charger types displayed when lightning bolt or electrical outlet button is toggled.


You are here!

EVGrokker commented 7 years ago

Ready for your review.

aesculus commented 7 years ago

EVTO does not automatically track your current location.

The blue dot does move, but the map will not pan.

EVTO's database is typically updated weekly.

Can we remove this? I don't want this to become an issue - like now - when it might not happen weekly for any particular reason.

An origin's SoC is established by the default SoC Reserve in the Settings dialog

Need to clarify the settings value is used when the trip/segment is created and can be changed for each segment after using the Edit Segment Details

Specify a Power Factor to inform EVTO that this trip will use more power than normal, for example when towing a trailer.

more or less power than normal

EVGrokker commented 7 years ago

HTML updated in response to your suggestions.

aesculus commented 7 years ago

Updated in V1.2 (29)

EVGrokker commented 7 years ago

Updated Consumption and SoC tab descriptions.

aesculus commented 7 years ago

Updated in V1.2 (42)

EVGrokker commented 7 years ago

v 1.2.0 (42) Multiple edits to bring things up to date.

aesculus commented 7 years ago

Applied in V 1.2 (43)

EVGrokker commented 7 years ago

v 1.2.0 (43)

Note that in the Automatic Waypoints section, the second list item is intended to be prefixed with an image of a red automatic waypoint.

aesculus commented 7 years ago

Updated in V1.2 (44).

Did you want to describe the rare gray auto waypoint here too? What about yellow?

EVGrokker commented 7 years ago

Can you provide a rough draft of them, and I'll review and edit?

aesculus commented 7 years ago

[img of yellow automatic waypoint]A yellow automatic waypoint indicates that EVTO predicts the charging stop is reachable, but just under your limits. A slight adjustment to your driving speed or a change in weather may affect you arriving within your stated goals.

[img of gray automatic waypoint]A gray automatic waypoint indicates that EVTO chose this as a potential charging stop but after additional consideration felt it was optional. You may delete these after optimization if you are comfortable with the routing.

EVGrokker commented 7 years ago

Ready for your review.

aesculus commented 7 years ago

Updated in V1.2 (45).

You did not want to offer to suggest they remove the grey ones if they feel comfortable?

EVGrokker commented 7 years ago

I was trying to describe it in such a way that doesn't make it sound like a bug. "We considered it, realized that it was on the edge, so we're leaving it there as an FYI in case you need it."

It seemed more like we should be suggesting they can ignore it if they don't need it. It's provisional, and we kept it just in case they needed to know about it.

Text updated. See what you think of the revision.

aesculus commented 7 years ago

I like that better because we don't want them to keep a stop if they don't plan on going there. If they are on the margin then they can leave it and stop if they want to. If not, they can delete it.

EVGrokker commented 7 years ago

v 1.2.0 (63)

Updated to describe addition of the bar chart and node buttons in the SoC chart.

aesculus commented 7 years ago

Applied in V1.2 (64)

aesculus commented 7 years ago

We need to reconsider the Optimize Routing help and maybe the menu title. At least one beta user thought that you needed to optimize the trip at any change, even when they were doing a manual waypoint based trip with no chance for adding superchargers.

EVGrokker commented 7 years ago

Comment: The behind-the-scenes intelligence of how and when to recalculate has improved dramatically since 1.x. Users who were used to having to invoked optimization probably learned the reflex.

I have some proposed modifications to both the menu title and the help text below. Comments welcome.

A couple of options for the Plan menu function description:

With respect to the Help text within the Plan menu help:

Displays an Optimizing Route popup EVTO recalculates your route at the specified departure time with the latest weather forecasts. If you have Disliked any Superchargers by touching the 'thumbs down' icon in the map waypoint popup, they will be avoided if at all possible when planning your route.

How about: Review Routing for Additional Optimizations EVTO reevaluates your route at the specified departure time with the latest weather forecasts. If you have applied significant modifications since the route was initially created, the route may need to be recalculated. By default, EVTO recalculates routes automatically when necessary. Use this menu item to invoke an immediate recalculation.

aesculus commented 7 years ago

The behind-the-scenes intelligence of how and when to recalculate has improved dramatically since 1.x. Users who were used to having to invoked optimization probably learned the reflex.

There are two things that go on in the server:

I was thinking that the menu title maybe should be something like:

Using the Optimize term implies that you MUST do this to have an optimal route, when it's only necessary if you want the auto chargers (which would cause a re routing if changed) refreshed.

Having said this, most would probably do a optimize if they were expecting to use any superchargers. This came up when a user had a completely manual route that could not use superchargers. It broke the server optimizer (still working on why) but it could never actually benefit from optimizing because there were no possible superchargers in the path of the route.

EVGrokker commented 7 years ago

Using the Optimize term implies that you MUST do this to have an optimal route, when it's only necessary if you want the auto chargers (which would cause a re routing if changed) refreshed.

'Refreshed' seems to be the key word.

How about:

aesculus commented 7 years ago

I am leaning towards:

aesculus commented 7 years ago

I changed the menu and help to "Refresh Auto Chargers" in V 1.2 (82)

I also updated the icon to be this image

aesculus commented 7 years ago

The help text for Refresh Auto Chargers should be updated.

aesculus commented 7 years ago

I updated the charger adapter labels in the help text with the new values

EVGrokker commented 7 years ago

Updated 'Refresh Auto Chargers' section in initial post.

aesculus commented 7 years ago

I made some small edits and implemented it in V1.2 (82)

EVGrokker commented 7 years ago

v 1.2.0 (82)

The header section for Refresh Auto Chargers appears twice in Help (see screenshot below).

Also, I did another edit on the accompanying text to refer to 'thumbs down' as a button, not an icon, and some other minor edits.


aesculus commented 7 years ago

Updated in V1.2 (83)

aesculus commented 6 years ago

Updated with new subscription info

aesculus commented 6 years ago

Cleaned up this help to reflect all of the changes to date.