aesculus / EVTO-App-Feedback

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Add a Car Picker to Current and Archive Trips #441

Closed aesculus closed 7 years ago

aesculus commented 7 years ago

Use a car picker to set the active car in Current Trips. All trips will be shown but trips of the non active car will be grayed out.

This bears a few questions:

EVGrokker commented 7 years ago

I propose a simpler alternative - only show Current Trips (or Archived Trips) for the currently selected car.



aesculus commented 7 years ago

I could ad a car numbe. Not as good as a name but...

The reason it could be good would be able to test various configuration. Ie traileron no trailer or hypermiling vs std using the compare feature.

aesculus commented 7 years ago

On the new Current Trips phone layout there is lots of room on the third line for the car name. Unfortunately not so on the tablet version since it uses the table layout. So for the phones I can put in Car: name of car after the Whr/mi. For the tablets just state the car number in a new Car column.

I also propose changing the Sort By Rating to be Sort By Car then. This way you can catalog trips by name, date or car. In both cases the current car names will show as a group.

EVGrokker commented 7 years ago

We're thinking along the same lines.

My sense is that trips are always grouped by car, but within those individually grouped trips, additional sorting would be done by name or date. Then we don't need to come up with an extra identifying car datum within each trip metric.

I'd also like to see each car's trips collapsible in the same way you have them now. I'll use '+/-' to represent a collapsing button. So the hierarchy would look something like below (the hyphens are there to force indentation). This creates two levels of collapsibility:

+/- [Car 1 name] ----- +/- [Year - 2016] ---------- trip ---------- trip

----- +/- [Year - 2017] ---------- trip ---------- trip

+/- [Car 2 name] ----- +/- [Year - 2017] ---------- trip ---------- trip

aesculus commented 7 years ago

If we just let the user pick a trip from the list, then that trip will auto activate the current car. I don't see a need for the car picker and it would ruin your clean look. With the new sorting by cars, the picker also has much less importance.

I am going to hold the picker enhancement until we get some time with the new approach above.

aesculus commented 7 years ago

We also might want to review the need for the Activate menu item in Current Cars menu now that both tablet and phone lists support auto activate and resume from touch.

aesculus commented 7 years ago

I tried the double collapse and it was too busy and too many clicks. So I just stuck with the three collapsable categories and then sorted by date.

Since I am auto selecting the current car when you touch a trip and activate it, I did not see a need to change the intensity of the trip name. So bold is the current trip (with that car the current car) and the other trips are shown equally along with their car position (tablet) or car name (phone).


aesculus commented 7 years ago

One thing to consider when you get this to play with:

Today I am opening the first grouping. But perhaps what I should always do is to open the group that the current trip is a part of.

EVGrokker commented 7 years ago

v 1.2.0 (37)

I am not seeing any updates in the Current Trips display. I have two active car profiles, but I'm not seeing anything like your screen grab above.

More generally, I have to admit that I'm ambivalent about this additional complexity in the Current Trips screen. I acknowledge the benefit of being able to compare trips with different cars, but I'm uncomfortable with impact that this has on the layout and UI for simply browsing among current trips for the active car.

I think there's a redesign of Current Trips for a future release. I'm wondering if it makes sense to postpose adding the ability to compare trips between cars until that redesign.

If you're in agreement, I'd drop back to my original proposal to add a car picker at the top of the current trips display as rendered in the initial image posted in this thread.

aesculus commented 7 years ago

Can you share your screenshot after you get V1.2 (38) operating if there still is an issue?

Does your list items not show the car name in the 3rd row?

There was a bug in (37) that did not auto expand the current trip correctly. I think I have fixed that now so whatever trip is highlighted, that list should auto expand.

EVGrokker commented 7 years ago

This appears to be working as you described it. I was expecting something different and missed your implementation approach.


aesculus commented 7 years ago

In V1.2 (39)

EVGrokker commented 7 years ago

This looks excellent. Nice work.