aesophor / wmderland

🌳 X11 tiling window manager using space partitioning trees
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Workspaces in Polybar display as 0-8 not 1-9 #60

Open ghost opened 2 years ago

ghost commented 2 years ago

I've gone through every config and do not see where this can be coming from. At a loss atm.

I became interested (again) in Wmderland since arcolinuxz/Erik had his issue (he's on azerty, if that makes a difference), so I've installed on my HP-8000 beta testing rig. I haven't seen other issues, and I've scanned the open and closed one's to get a feel for things. Running Jonaburg's fork and it's behaving better but slower than on my Ryzen rig daily driver i3.

I note that it still doesn't like SDDM (locks up) but LightDM works. I have dual NVMe on the Ryzen, one SDDM and one LightDM, so when the spirit moves I'll install there and move the configs over. If you need any more detail, I'll be happy to provide.

I really like what you've done. :)

aesophor commented 2 years ago

Hey there,


In your polybar config file, under [module/xworkspaces], you'll need to make sure these keys are set to %index%. I think yours are probably set to %name%.

label-active              = %index%
label-occupied            = %index%
label-urgent              = %index%
label-empty               = %index%

Here's my example:

Thanks for taking interest in wmderland. It started as a hobby project, so I'm really glad to read this!

  1. Regarding azerty, I guess maybe azerty keyboards have different keycodes for win/cmd and alt keys? We probably need to use the xev program to find out its keycodes.
  2. I'm curious if I can take a look at Jonaburg's fork? Is it a public repo?
  3. I would really love to have SDDM work with wmderland, but currently I have pretty limited free time, as I'm now in my last year studying for my master degree, and I have to pour all my efforts into my thesis and LeetCode 😢. However, I'm still using wmderland everyday, so I haven't abandon it! Perhaps I'll fix this in the future.
ghost commented 2 years ago

Thanks for the help. I was using ewmh. Hadn't even thought of xworkspaces. My bad. I edited the config and that's resolved.

The only other issue I've seen so far is $Mod+q kill doesn't work, but default $Mod+Shift+q does, so I'm leaving well enough alone, and it's not a priority for me, so it's neither one for you. Just mentioning in passing.

Might as well close this then.

Your degree is more important. :) Hope you do well. Cheers.